6 foods that fight cancer, you must start eating them right away

6 foods that fight cancer, you must start eating them right away

6 foods that fight cancer, you must start eating them right away

Touching people of all ages and affecting different organs of the body, cancer is a devastating disease. The recommendations of health experts to prevent this disease all come together on one point: to have a balanced diet and lifestyle. Moreover, some foods even have the ability to slow the development of cancer cells and prevent angiogenesis.

Angiogenesis is the process of developing new blood vessels from other existing ones. It is a normal physiological mechanism, but becomes pathological when it is involved in the development of metastases and malignancies.

How it works ?

Normally, cancer cells need nutrients and oxygen to survive and grow.To do this, the tumor triggers the growth of the new blood vessels that will irrigate it, which will allow it to continue its development.

Given this information, it is understandable why many cancer treatments include anti-angiogenesis therapy. The goal is obviously to prevent the growth of new blood vessels, without which the cancer cells will be deprived of nutrients and can not develop.

However, it is also possible to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells and to prevent the process of angiogenesis by opting for natural methods, specifically by consuming specific foods..

Here are 6 foods to focus on:

Red wine

According to different studies, red wine has anti-cancer properties. The powers it owes essentially to the antioxidants it contains, more particularly to resveratrol.

This polyphenol, found in the skin of grapes, preserved during the processing of this fruit into wine, would prevent cancer, but also bring benefits to cardiovascular health.

To consume with moderation (a small glass a day, at most).


The therapeutic virtues of turmeric are no longer to prove. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, this spice is used to treat several health problems, but did you know that it could also be effective against cancer?

Indeed, thanks to the curcumin it contains, turmeric helps prevent cancer, but also helps slow down its development.The consumption of this spice during radiotherapy treatments and certain chemotherapies may reduce the risk of metastasis.

A study conducted by a team of German researchers has also proved the effects of curcumin on the formation of metastases in mice.

Blueberries & raspberries

Thanks to their high antioxidant content, blueberries and raspberries are foods that help prevent cardiovascular disease as well as different types of cancer.

By virtue of their antioxidant effect, these fruits also have the capacity to inhibit the growth of cancer cells of the prostate, breast, colon and stomach, among others.According to one study, bilberry extract would be the most effective at inhibiting the proliferation of colon cancer and leukemia cells.


Rich in vitamins and minerals, this food has many health benefits and is a powerful anti-cancer. Indeed, tomatoes include many antioxidants that help prevent cancer. Lycopene in particular, an antioxidant of the carotenoid family and which gives the tomato its red color, is the main anti-cancer agent of this food.

According to a study published on the website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, dietary intake of lycopene is associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer and, at lower levels, tumor angiogenesis.

Dark chocolate

Cute sin and little taste pleasure, the dark chocolate is a food with multiple benefits. Rich in vitamins (A, B, B2, PP and E), minerals and trace elements (magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc), this ingredient is very good for health and can give a good dose of energy.

Thanks to its wealth of antioxidants (flavonoids), dark chocolate is also a food of choice to prevent and fight against cancer.Indeed, according to Lunis Pauling Institute, the flavonoids contained in dark chocolate fight against free radicals and can slow the growth of cancer cells. 20 grams of dark chocolate a day is enough to protect the body from the risk of cancer.

Coffee & green tea

Early wake up for some and relaxation for others, enjoying a cup of coffee or tea provides more benefits than we think. Natural exciters, these drinks also have powerful anti-cancer powers.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, especially catechins, which can inhibit the development of cancer cells by preventing the process of angiogenesis.

Coffee, for its part, has proven effective in preventing cancer. According to a US-Israeli study, moderate coffee consumption can help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 26% on average.

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