
Showing posts from November, 2017

Here's why men are obsessed with breasts according to scientists

Here's why men are obsessed with breasts according to scientists Ever since, pop culture has openly sexualized women's breasts to appeal to men's sexual desires. But why are men attracted to women's breasts in the first place? What makes them stimulating and visually appealing? You are about to discover what science says! 1. It's a natural need It is natural for men to love the breasts. Most doctors tell women to breastfeed their baby and there is a reason for that. The fascination for the breasts starts there and evolves towards something that we would not normally correlate with breastfeeding. 2. It all starts with breastfeeding The fascination for breasts begins with breastfeeding, why? According to specialists, breastfeeding is an evolutionary "movement" that occurs during this phase of bond powerful. But these specialists promise that it is "far from bizarre" and that it then evolves naturally. 3. Oxytocin and dopami

Never eat these 4 leftover meals! Especially the 4th!

Never eat these 4 leftover meals! Especially the 4th! For lack of time or to avoid food waste, we tend to keep the remains of a dish to warm them up. Although this habit is a good way to act against the food waste that is raging today, there are certain foods that are harmful or even dangerous to our health when they are warmed. Indeed, for the sake of economy, speed and to fight against food waste, we heat our dishes in the microwave. But this practical and positive aspect hides digestive disorders such as food poisoning, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea but also cardiovascular problems. To preserve your health, discover the 4 food leftovers that you must avoid. Also favor another way of cooking than the oven  microwave  because it neutralizes essential nutrients in food and increases, according to several studies, cholesterol, insomnia, migraines, depressions and many other diseases. The 4 leftover food to avoid The vegetables A variety of beneficial vegetables lose thei

World's # 1 superfood to fight high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart attacks and strokes

World's # 1 superfood to fight high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart attacks and strokes Known for their sweetness and sweetness, dates come from the date palm. This fruity tree has its origins in the arid zones of the Near and Middle East. For several centuries, dates have been the basic diet of Bedouins, nomads Arabs. And it's not for nothing because this super-food contains many treasures! Indeed, dates contain potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus,  vitamins  as well as calcium is nutrients beneficial to the proper functioning of the body. This food is particularly appreciated by athletes because dates are rich in carbohydrates but low in lipids. It is also a source of antioxidants, especially carotenoids, to fight against free radicals and many other diseases. Then discover the 8 benefits of dates! The 8 benefits of dates Rich in iron Excellent source of iron, dates allow a daily intake of iron, especially in people with anemia. Iron is essential for the formation o

This popular drink destroys your thyroid. Do you consume it?

This popular drink destroys your thyroid. Do you consume it? To replace milk, people with lactose intolerance, or vegan, opt for different vegetable drinks. In addition to almond, oat, rice or coconut milk, soy milk is also a popular drink that can be bought under different flavors or prepared at home. But although it is a great alternative to cow's milk, is soymilk good for your health? Zoom on this product. Soybeans, native to Asia, belong to the family of legumes. This ingredient can be consumed in different forms, including tempeh, tofu or milk. In particular, soy beverage is very popular because it is one of the best alternatives to cow's milk. Soymilk is obtained by boiling, crushing and filtering  seeds  of soy. It can easily be prepared at home or bought in supermarkets, where it is often enriched with vitamins and minerals and comes in different flavors (vanilla, chocolate ...), to improve its taste. This product is very rich in high quality protein, low

The incredible power of beetroot: it treats these 8 diseases!

The incredible power of beetroot: it treats these 8 diseases! Beet is a root vegetable that is distinguished by its red color. This food provides a variety of nutrients to the body, including vitamins A, C, B9 and iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc and calcium, among others. Its energy intake comes mainly from its carbohydrates, but the beet also contains a lot of fiber and has many health benefits. Let's take stock of the virtues of this superfood. The many benefits of beetroot: Improves blood circulation: Beet is very rich in natural chemicals, known as nitrates. Following various chemical reactions in the body, the nitrates once ingested turn into nitrites. These have the ability to improve blood circulation by promoting the dilation of blood vessels. Cleans the liver: Beet is one of the best friends of the liver. Indeed, this vegetable helps cleanse and strengthen the liver, while stimulating its functions. These actions, beet owes them to betacyanin, the pigment that gives it its

Recipe from a Chinese herbalist: find an iron health in 12 weeks!

Recipe from a Chinese herbalist: find an iron health in 12 weeks! For proper functioning of the body and regain iron health, there are natural solutions before resorting to drug treatments. Many everyday foods are rich in essential nutrients and have a long list of medicinal properties for a better tone. Among these ingredients, we find in particular the  beet  , apple and carrot are all good for your health, especially when combined in juice. Beyond being very healthy, this drink is simple to prepare and inexpensive. The recipe for this juice has its origin in China where traditional medicine analyzes each food according to its medicinal properties. When consumed as part of a three-month course, it is a real panacea for the human body: it cleanses the liver, purifies the blood, eliminates toxins from the body and strengthens the defense system. Supplemented by a balanced diet and regular physical activity, it is the ideal ally for a healthy life. The benefits of juice A juice to feed

A tablespoon of this can clear your intestines in just two minutes!

A tablespoon of this can clear your intestines in just two minutes! Stomach pain, bloating and difficulty digesting are some of the symptoms that indicate a problem in the digestive system. These deteriorate our quality of life and it becomes necessary to relieve them. Instead of resorting to natural remedies, some people throw themselves on laxatives and chemical drugs that are sometimes ineffective. That's why we offer you a natural laxative recipe that will clean your intestines quickly, discover it! At present, in Western countries, it is estimated that between 3% and 5% of people suffer from chronic constipation in the adult population. As one of the most common everyday ailments, this pathology particularly affects women as women are two to three times more affected than men. But what is constipation and how to relieve it? The constipation Constipation is a condition that is characterized by the slowing of the intestinal transit resulting in a decrease in the frequency of emi

Eat a slice of watermelon for 7 days and find out what's happening to your body!

Eat a slice of watermelon for 7 days and find out what's happening to your body! Watermelon is this fresh fruit with a sweet taste that offers many benefits and virtues for our overall health. This fruit is low in calories. It is very rich in water, vitamin C, carotenoids and minerals. Discover the benefits of consuming a slice of watermelon for 7 days. To have good health and avoid many diseases, it is very important to eat fruits and vegetables daily. According to the World Health Organization, 1.7 million people could be saved each year by eating enough of these foods. Indeed, low fruit consumption and  vegetables  is one of the top ten risk factors and causes of global mortality. Watermelon is one of those fruits that are good mines. What are the virtues of consuming a slice of watermelon for 7 days? Watermelon is a fruit that is characterized by its high water content (92%) and low calorie content. It also contains vitamin C, a non-negligible amount of B vitamins and vitamin A

If you like bananas, read these ten surprising facts. Attention to number 6

If you like bananas, read these ten surprising facts. Attention to number 6 The banana, this fruit that comes from the tropics, is suitable for all desserts to the delight of our taste buds but did you know that this fruit is also an ally to the amazing healing properties? Banana is carbohydrates, potassium but many other virtues that we support you below! Banana, this powerful intestinal disinfectant That should cut short a well-received idea. Which of us does not wrongly deprive ourselves of consuming bananas in the evening, for fear of sleeping bloated or not being able to digest it. WRONG! Banana has the particularity of acting as an intestinal disinfectant to improve the  digestion  In addition to protecting the intestinal flora through probiotics, these dietary fibers that nourish the good bacteria in our colon and produce good enzymes for intestinal transit. It is no coincidence that our grandmothers were feeding us banana puree to overcome constipation and relieve heartburn, ul

This natural drink removes all the toxins from your body! The result is impressive!

This natural drink removes all the toxins from your body! The result is impressive! Present all around us, toxins come from food, household and cosmetic products and the air we breathe. They accumulate in our body and can cause various diseases because they damage our tissues and cells. Among the organs that accumulate the most these toxins, we find the colon. Indeed, as it hosts and processes thousands of liters of liquids and a pharaonic amount of food, it faces an accumulation of toxins in its walls. These then cause a slowdown in its functions and the appearance of a  constipation  and bloating. Therefore, it is important to detoxify your body to avoid such inconvenience. To go in this way, it is necessary to modify one's way of life by favoring organic food if possible, of season as well as by practicing a regular physical activity. Diet plays a vital role in our health and some foods detoxify better than others, so check out the recipe for a natural ginger, apple and lemon dr

Drinking cider vinegar before you go to bed will change your life for good

Drinking cider vinegar before you go to bed will change your life for good Apple cider vinegar is more than a staple food forgotten in the depths of our closets, it is a real magic potion to cure everything: diabetes, heart problems, stomach ulcers, halitosis, as well as cramps, problems overweight and beauty of skin and hair! Discover all the benefits of cider vinegar listed below It relieves sore throats and other winter sores You woke up with the feeling of having hair in your throat. No need to rush on drugs, cider vinegar is a good old remedy that fulfills the same functions or more effectively. Powerful antibacterial, disinfectant and natural antiseptic, apple cider vinegar helps boost immune defenses and relieves winter ailments. If you've had nasty laryngitis, try the gargles by diluting a teaspoon of cider vinegar in a glass of warm water. Do two to three times a day until the pain subsides. It helps to refine And if you were told that a small slimming solution

Experts recommend NEVER eat this dangerous popular fish!

Experts recommend NEVER eat this dangerous popular fish! Marine products can be an excellent source of protein and vitamins. But there is one fish that health experts warn consumers not to approach: tilapia. It is the most popular farmed fish in the United States, thanks largely to its affordable price. But not only is it a food that does not contain all the nutrients you expect from marine products, but it is also very bad for you. At what point ? You will know it very quickly by reading this article. Here's a recap of what makes tilapia so horrible. Reason # 1 - Tilapia contains few nutrients Researchers at the Wake Forest University of Medicine published a report on the omega-3 fatty acid content of the most eaten fish. Tilapia was much lower than most other fish on the list. Omega-3 fatty acids provide fish with most of their benefits, including reducing the risk of Alzheimer's. This fish contains a lot of omega-6 fatty acids, which are very bad for you. The amo

10 horrifying ingredients that prove that McDonald's is not good for consumption

10 horrifying ingredients that prove that McDonald's is not good for consumption Although we are all aware that fast food and industrialized products are harmful to our health, we continue to consume them. Thanks to marketing based on transparency, manufacturers put forward labels displaying various names of ingredients that we do not necessarily know. But what do these labels really mean and what do the fast food products that we consume regularly contain, especially at the McDonald's fast food giant? Discover 10 horrifying and toxic ingredients that are present in their products. The horrifying ingredients in McDonald's products Silicone oil If you are one of those who prefer chicken nuggets, you regularly consume dimethylpolysiloxane or silicone oil. This is a type of synthetic material that is used for the production of contact lenses and lubricants among others. It has even been used in breast implants but its use has been reduced. Ammonium sulphate It is

Here's what happens to your body when you dip 4 almonds in the water during the night

Here's what happens to your body when you dip 4 almonds in the water during the night The body needs good nutrition, not only for your physique but also for your mind and even more for your appearance. That's why we will discover together an excellent food for your health: almonds. The almond is the fruit of the almond tree, it is sold shelled or carapace, a blanched almond is a shelled almond that has been dipped in water to soften the integument and then reveal the white seed. It is a fruit rich in fiber, vitamins, proteins,  magnesium  and in potassium. According to experts and scientists, we should eat 10 a day! Why soak almonds? Almonds contain enzyme inhibitors that prevent their proper digestion. By soaking them this problem disappears! Almonds therefore have many benefits on our health, discover them: Reduce cholesterol: According to the results of 25 scientific studies at Loma Linda University in California, regularly eating almonds reduces the bad cholest

After reading this, you will eat cucumber every day, these powers are surprising!

After reading this, you will eat cucumber every day, these powers are surprising! As we all know, regular consumption of vegetables and fruits protects our body from several diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and certain chronic diseases. They contain antioxidants and nutrients that have health benefits. Among these very beneficial foods is cucumber. Discover through this article the many virtues of this food. Cucumber is one of the foods we find most often in our salads and juices. It is very rich in water and has a  taste  fresh and pleasant. Its important nutritional value provides and provides our body with a significant amount of nutrients and antioxidants essential to its proper functioning. Here are the effects of cucumber consumption on our body. Here are the reasons and benefits of eating cucumber: Cucumbers are very rich in vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and silicon, which are necessary for the proper functioning of ou