The dangerous reflexes we adopt in the heat wave

The dangerous reflexes we adopt in the heat wave

The dangerous reflexes we adopt in the heat wave

Due to the heat wave that is currently affecting France, departments have been placed on orange alert.

However, most people tend to apply false good ideas when confronted with the latter.

 Jean-Paul Hamon, President of the French Federation of Physicians, recalled on Europe 1 that in the event of a heat wave, it was necessary to avoid drinking too much coffee (iced or hot) Or even drinking large quantities of water:

"If elderly people should be allowed to drink, they should not drink too much. Drinking 2, 3 or 4 liters of water per day can have significant health consequences, especially if the people involved are lacking sodium.

The same is true for coffee, even iced since it has diuretic functions that accelerate dehydration. But the mistake not to commit, was putting the air conditioning much too cold.

People sweat because of the heat and then place themselves in front of a ventilator or an air conditioning too cool, which leads to angina ".

These are the dangerous reflexes we adopt in the heat wave !!

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