Why drinking water when you wake up has many health benefits

Why drinking water when you wake up has many health benefits
Why drinking water when you wake up has many health benefits

Why drinking water when you wake up has many health benefits

Fasting water consumption offers you incredible health benefits.
This practice purifies the body's internal system, cleans the colon and helps the body absorb nutrients from food.

 We give you several facts about the benefits of drinking at least a first glass of 25cl in the morning:

-After 7-8 hours of sleep, the body is dehydrated, so by drinking water, you will stimulate the flow of oxygen and help you create new blood and muscle cells that will energize your body

-It speeds up your metabolism by 24% for 90 minutes.

- Being hydrated is a must in the cold and flu season, which will prevent the disease, reduce cortisol levels and manage stress. This will also increase immunity and maintain the health of your lymphatic system - which directly prevents infections.

- Since the brain tissue is 75% water, proper hydration will prevent fatigue, mood jumps and support brain function.

- It detoxifies the body, cleans toxins and impurities and supports enzymatic function.

- This practice will help you eat less during the day.

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