How to make excellent drink to clean the entire body!

An excellent drink to clean the entire body!
An excellent drink to clean the entire body!

How to make an excellent drink to clean the entire body!

Unfortunately, most people are not aware of the importance of cleansing the body and adapting a healthier lifestyle (good diet, exercises ...)

To have good health, to avoid the accumulation of toxins in the body and to ensure the proper functioning of the organs.

Here is the most effective cleansing drink that will help you eliminate toxins from the body and also to lose weight.

How to prepare this drink?

Ingredients :

- 1 fresh cucumber

- 10 mint leaves

- 2 liters of water

- 1 lemon

The preparation :

- First, wash the cucumber and lemon and cut into slices.

- Then put them in a bowl and add the mint leaves.

- Then, pour 2 liters of warm water over the ingredients.

- Finally, you can put this mixture in the refrigerator.

The method of application:

- This treatment should be followed for 15 days and repeated every two months.

- this drink should be drunk twice a day.

- Fats, sugars, dairy products and flours should be removed from your diet during this period of cleaning for better results.

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