Drinking coffee could help prevent liver cancer

Drinking coffee could help prevent liver cancer
Drinking coffee could help prevent liver cancer

Drinking coffee could help prevent liver cancer

A new study suggests that excessive consumption of coffee can help prevent liver cancer.

The researchers found that people who drink more coffee are less likely to develop hepatocellular cancer (HCC), the most common form of primary liver cancer.

However, they found that the protective effect of decaffeinated coffee was "smaller and less certain than that of coffee containing caffeine".

The authors wrote: "It can be important to use coffee as a lifestyle intervention for chronic liver disease, as decaffeinated coffee may be more acceptable for those who do not drink coffee or limit their consumption Of coffee because of caffeine-related symptoms ".

Lead author Dr Oliver Kennedy of the University of Southampton said: "Coffee is widely regarded as possessing a range of health benefits, and these latter results suggest that it could have a significant effect On the risk of liver cancer.

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