What are the symptoms produced by thyroid disorders?

What are the symptoms produced by thyroid disorders?
What are the symptoms produced by thyroid disorders?

What are the symptoms produced by thyroid disorders?

Since it is a dysfunction of a gland and an unbalanced production of hormones, the symptoms are multiple. Here are a few :

- Frequent diarrhea

- Constipation

- Hair loss / Fragile hair

- Dry skin

- Extreme sensitivity to cold hands and feet

- Signs of depression and lack of self-esteem

- Thickening of the skin

- Tiredness or chronic fatigue

- A feeling of weakness

- Lack of concentration or memory loss

- High cholesterol levels

- Immune system disorders

- A lack of sleep and insomnia

- Weight gain or weight loss

- A swelling of the neck (a goiter)

Experts say that simply taking one tablet per day is enough to regulate the activity of the thyroid gland to produce enough thyroid hormones. So the most important is to detect it in time to avoid surgery or other invasive treatments.

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