Banana solves these 8 health problems better than drugs

Banana solves these 8 health problems better than drugs

Banana solves these 8 health problems better than drugs

Banana is one of the most consumed foods in the world, and for good reason, it is tasty, easy to carry and rich in vitamins and minerals. Zoom on its many virtues for health.

The banana has suffered for some time from a bad reputation: it would be very caloric and promote weight gain. Only, it is not so. This fruit is even recommended by nutritionists because of its fairly high satiating power. While 100 grams of banana provide 90 calories, after eating, it gives an excellent feeling of fullness that avoids snacking and processed foods such as chips while providing plenty of energy to hold for a long time. working day.

Banana is rich in vitamins (C, B1, B2, A), minerals, trace elements, potassium especially with 300mg / 100g, and fiber (2g / 100g).

The benefits of bananas:

If you're still not convinced of the need to incorporate bananas into your diet, here are some of its benefits:

  • Banana contains 3 natural sugars which are sucrose, fructose and glucose
  • It contains minerals such as magnesium, potassium and iron
  • It contains provitamin A.
  • It is rich in vitamin A, vitamins of group B, vitamins E and C.
  • It contains carbohydrates and fiber.

This fruit is excellent for health and would easily replace certain medications to treat eight symptoms.

Banana regulates blood pressure

If you consume excessive amounts of sodium and low levels of potassium, you will probably suffer from an increase in blood pressure. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium that provides the right dose, so over time, potassium deficiency will be resolved and the body will be able to naturally regulate hypertension. Consuming a banana at breakfast, every day, can solve this problem.

It improves mood and helps cope with depression

A number of depressed patients showed improvements in their mood after eating bananas, so scientists began doing research. The results suggest that bananas contain tryptophan, a very important amino acid that, when it enters our body, becomes serotonin, a hormone known as "the hormone of happiness".
If you want to improve your mood, eat a banana and you will quickly feel relaxed and happy.

She whitens her teeth

In this case, you will need the skin of the banana. Take the inner white part of the skin and rub it on the teeth. Your teeth will regain their natural whiteness after a few weeks of application.

It relieves stress

The metabolic alterations that occur in our body when we experience high levels of stress, significantly affect the level of potassium. In this case, eating one banana a day has two advantages: on the one hand, tryptophan helps fight fatigue and improves mood; on the other hand, banana provides significant amounts of potassium.

It helps fight against constipation

Banana contains dietary fiber highly recommended for normal digestion. This fiber is known as pectin and, in addition to improving digestion, it promotes the elimination of toxins of the digestive tract.
A banana a day is ideal for treating constipation and, as it has probiotic properties, it also improves the health of the digestive system as a whole, reduces flatulence and reduces bloating.

It relieves the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

Group B vitamins help relieve premenstrual symptoms. They can reduce abdominal pain and prevent fluid retention. Bananas will also improve your mood and fight against anxiety, and symptoms during these days as a result of hormonal changes.

It strengthens the visual health

The vitamin A contained in bananas is excellent for strengthening the vision. Your body needs a daily dose of vitamin A to prevent vision problems such as night blindness (the excessive difficulty in seeing when the brightness decreases).

It helps to lose weight

The banana offers a feeling of satiety. In addition, it contains lipase, an enzyme that facilitates and accelerates the burning of fat.

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Banana, solves, these, 8, health, problems, better, than, drugs, Banana solves, solves these, these 8, 8 health, health problems, problems better, better than, than drugs, Banana solves these, solves these 8, these 8 health, 8 health problems, health problems better, problems better than, better than drugs

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