Mix lemon and olive oil and consume. You will use this mixture all your life

Mix lemon and olive oil and consume. You will use this mixture all your life

Mix lemon and olive oil and consume. You will use this mixture all your life

We will never stop to talk about the great properties and virtues of lemon. This fruit has countless benefits, especially if it is mixed with olive oil. Find out what the mix of these two ingredients brings to your body.

Scientific studies continue to praise the virtues of lemon, to be one of the most beneficial fruits for the human body. Olive oil is also well known to prevent many diseases . What if you were told that mixing these two ingredients could bring more benefits to your body than any other drug or dietary supplement? You do not believe in it ? Read this article!

The lemon

In its bright yellow color and fresh smell, the lemon is a vitamin bomb.On its own, it contains vitamin A, B, C, E, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc and phosphorus. It has incredible healing, antiseptic, antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Lemon prevents cardiovascular disease, fight against cholesterol, Alzheimer's disease and cold-related diseases.A fruit that has all good.

Warnings :it is not recommended to take lemon in case of kidney or biliary disorders, burns or ulcers in the stomach, and in case of citrus allergies.

Olive oil

 Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, including omega-9, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and 6). This oil is excellent for health, it is rich in antioxidants, copper and iron, it also contains 8 types of vitamin E. It prevents cardiovascular disease, fight against cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart attack.Moreover, scientific studies have shown that the inhabitants of the countries that consume the most, especially the Mediterranean countries, are least likely to have a heart attack.

The mixture of these two ingredients

The combination of lemon and olive oil has been used for a very long time in traditional medicine, especially in the Mediterranean countries. This mixture helps to fight several diseases. It improves your heart health, thanks to the fatty acids contained in the oil, but also the blood circulation, lowers the cholesterol level in the blood, reduces the risks of infarction and stroke. Moreover, it offers a summary of vitamins and minerals .

The lemon / olive oil blend also treats intestinal and digestive disorders by fighting constipation, stimulates kidney function, eliminates toxins and free radicals from the body thanks to antioxidants, and stimulates liver functions by facilitating the breakdown of fats and boosting the production of bile.It also helps relieve rheumatic pain and joint pain with its anti-inflammatory properties.


Squeeze a lemon into a bowl and add a tablespoon of virgin olive oil. Drink the mixture preferably in the morning, on an empty stomach. You will notice a clear improvement of your state of health, it is guaranteed!

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Mix, lemon, and, olive, oil, and, consume, You, will, use, this, mixture, all, your, life, Mix lemon, lemon and, and olive, olive oil, oil and, and consume, consume You, You will, will use, use this, this mixture, mixture all, all your, your life, Mix lemon and, lemon and olive, and olive oil, olive oil and, oil and consume, and consume You, consume You will, You will use, will use this, use this mixture, this mixture all, mixture all your, all your life

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