This natural drink removes all the toxins from your body! The result is impressive!

This natural drink removes all the toxins from your body! The result is impressive!

This natural drink removes all the toxins from your body! The result is impressive!

Present all around us, toxins come from food, household and cosmetic products and the air we breathe. They accumulate in our body and can cause various diseases because they damage our tissues and cells.

Among the organs that accumulate the most these toxins, we find the colon. Indeed, as it hosts and processes thousands of liters of liquids and a pharaonic amount of food, it faces an accumulation of toxins in its walls. These then cause a slowdown in its functions and the appearance of a constipation and bloating. Therefore, it is important to detoxify your body to avoid such inconvenience.

To go in this way, it is necessary to modify one's way of life by favoring organic food if possible, of season as well as by practicing a regular physical activity. Diet plays a vital role in our health and some foods detoxify better than others, so check out the recipe for a natural ginger, apple and lemon drink to clean your colon!

Ginger, apple and lemon detox drink recipe


2 tablespoons of ginger juice
2 tablespoons lemon juice
½ cup fresh apple juice
½ cup warm water
½ teaspoon of salt marine


Start by washing, peeling and cutting a ginger root in order to use it to make juice. Switch to the blender by adding a large glass of water, mix and filter. Then pour warm water and salt into a tall glass and add the ginger, lemon and apple juices. Once everything is well mixed, consume this detox drink.

Drink it twice a day, before lunch and dinner, for 7 days. During this course, it is advisable to eat healthy and slightly in order to optimize the results as well as to hydrate properly.

The benefits of ingredients


Known for its aphrodisiac, anti-emetic and anti-inflammatory properties, ginger facilitates digestion. Indeed, the latter stimulates the production of bile and the activity of certain digestive enzymes which helps to clean the colon. In addition, it reduces nausea and vomiting and relieves flu and joint pain. However, ginger is contraindicated for people with diabetes, weak and for pregnant and lactating women.


When the apple is consumed as fresh juice, all its nutrients are concentrated to clean and purify the digestive tract in a natural way. In fact, fresh apple juice stimulates the decomposition of toxins, thus facilitating their elimination. In addition, the apple is a source of pectin, a dietary fiber that helps fortify the intestinal mucosa. This avoids the storage of toxins in the colon.

The lemon

Used for home maintenance as well as for beauty and health, lemon is an everyday ally. It contains antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Indeed, the lemon is rich in flavonoids that slow down the appearance of free radicals. In addition, it stimulates liver enzymes, improves transit and detoxifies the body through its diuretic action. As a result, lemon improves digestion while eliminating toxins. However, this citrus fruit is not recommended for people suffering from ulcers and kidney and biliary disorders.

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This, natural, drink, removes, all, the, toxins, from, your, body, The, result, is, impressive, This natural, natural drink, drink removes, removes all, all the, the toxins, toxins from, from your, your body, body The, The result, result is, is impressive, This natural drink, natural drink removes, drink removes all, removes all the, all the toxins, the toxins from, toxins from your, from your body, your body The, body The result, The result is, result is impressive

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