I always drip my pasta in a colander, but after seeing this, never again

I always drip my pasta in a colander, but after seeing this, never again

I always drip my pasta in a colander, but after seeing this, never again

Nothing is more convenient than a plate of pasta for a quick meal. Nutritious, satisfying and above all delicious, this dish that comes straight from Italy, is appreciated by young and old. With the advent of fusion cuisine and traditional cuisine revisited, pasta is now available in different flavors and colors! But for them to be perfect, it is important to prepare them in the right way. Here's how!

With carbonara, pesto sauce, bolognese sauce or even in the oven, you never say no to a pasta dish! Whether for dinner or for lunch, pasta is always a very good idea.

And if before, pasta recipes were counted on the fingers of one hand, today, there is a panoply! From traditional pasta dishes revisited to those invented by modern chefs, the choice is wide to the delight of aficionados of pasta!

On the internet especially, receipts many pasta and methods to prepare them too! For the lazy people and people always in a hurry, there is now the trend of pasta One Pot that allows you to cook everything at the same time: pasta and sauce. But for those who prefer pasta traditional way, we must follow the right method, but which one?Indeed, it can be difficult to end up with the large number of recipes that want to be true!

To help you prepare a perfect pasta plate, follow the advice of American chef Andrew Carmellini!

Errors to avoid:

Most people who prepare pasta tend to drain it, once cooked, using a colander. Error ! It is important to keep the pasta cooking water as it can be used in the sauce and will give the dish a better taste.

drain the pasta  

The second common mistake is rinsing the pasta. This habit that we believe is beneficial is not! Rinse the pasta will make them lose starch!

drain the pasta  

Finally, the third and last mistake is to put the pasta in a dish, then pour the sauce on it, after. This can make the pasta stickier, colder and lose their flavor.

drain the pasta  

So how do you prepare the pasta the right way? Chef Andrew Carmellini offers you the real Italian recipe for delicious pasta! Here are the steps to follow:

1 - Once the pasta is ready (cooked Al dente preferably), do not pour in a colander, but dip it in the container where you cooked the pasta to drain.

drain the pasta  

2 - Pour the pasta over the sauce and let it simmer for a minute or until the pasta absorb the sauce well.

drain the pasta  

3 - And it is precisely at this moment when the pasta cooking water proves useful. Pour enough of this water on your pasta and sauce for a better taste.

drain the pasta  

4 - To enhance your dish, you can add fresh herbs and cheese. It is advisable to chop the herbs and add them to your preparation before serving the dish.

drain the pasta  

drain the pasta  

Healthy pasta:

For a healthier version of pasta, it is advisable to use whole wheat pasta because they are more satisfying and have a lower glycemic index. As a result, you will avoid peak blood sugar levels that increase the risk of diabetes and eat a smaller amount that will help you maintain a healthy weight.
Also be sure to include more vegetables in your receipts dishes and vegetable or animal proteins for a healthy and balanced meal!

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I, always, drip, my, pasta, in, a, colander, but, after, seeing, this, never, again, I always, always drip, drip my, my pasta, pasta in, in a, a colander, colander but, but after, after seeing, seeing this, this never, never again, I always drip, always drip my, drip my pasta, my pasta in, pasta in a, in a colander, a colander but, colander but after, but after seeing, after seeing this, seeing this never, this never again

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