4 Steps to treat intestinal permeability syndrome and autoimmune diseases

4 Steps to treat intestinal permeability syndrome and autoimmune diseases

4 Steps to treat intestinal permeability syndrome and autoimmune diseases

Permeable bowel syndrome progresses rapidly and reaches millions of people



Food allergies

Thyroid Problems


Joint pain


Skin Problems: Acne and Rosacea

Digestive problems

Weight gain

Syndrome X

Partially digested proteins and fats can pass through your intestinal mucosa and into your bloodstream, causing an allergic reaction.

This allergic reaction does not mean that you are going to have a rash all over your body but it can lead to any of the symptoms that I have described above. If nothing is done, this can lead to more serious health problems such as inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, depression, Anxiety, migraines, muscle aches and chronic fatigue.

Permeable bowel syndrome as a major cause of autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes.

Another problem of the permeable intestine is that it can cause malabsorption syndrome of essential minerals and nutrients including zinc iron and vitamin B12.

Poor nutrition

Chronic stress

Toxin overload

Bacterial imbalance

The biggest damage is caused by the proteins present in the non-sprouted grains, sugar, GMOs and conventional dairy products.

Conventional cow's milkContains a noxious protein called A1 casein. In addition, the process of pasteurizing milk destroys many vital enzymes and makes sugars such as lactose very difficult to digest.

Sugar will nourish the growth of bad bacteria, which will hurt your bowel more.

Chronic stress:




1. REMOVEFoods and factors that damage the intestine

2. REPLACEWith healing foods

3. REPAIR with specific supplements

4. Rebalance with probiotics

The regime of the permeable intestine:

Bone broth- Bone broth contains collagen and amino acids, proline and glycine, which can help heal your damaged cell walls.

Fermented foods:Yoghurt, amasai, butter and cheese is the best.

Germinated seeds- Chia seeds, flax seeds and hemp seeds that have been grown are large sources of fiber and can help in the growth of beneficial bacteria.

In addition, the consumption of foods containing omega-3 fats is very beneficial (beef for fodder, lamb and wild fish such as salmon).

Treatments :


The digestive enzymes

L-Glut amine

Licorice root (DGL)



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4, Steps, to, treat, intestinal, permeability, syndrome, and, autoimmune, diseases, Permeable, bowel, syndrome, progresses, rapidly, and, millions, of, people, have, it, Symptoms, Bloating, Food, Allergy, Thyroid, problems, Fatigue, Joint, pain, Headache, Skin, problems, acne, and, rosacea, Digestive, problems, Weight, gain, Syndrome, X, Protein, And, partially, digested, fats, can, pass, through, your, intestinal, mucosa, and, into, your, bloodstream, causing, an, allergic, reaction, This, allergic, reaction, does, not, mean, that, you, are, going, to, have, a, rash, all, over, your, body, but, it, can, lead, to, any, of, the, symptoms, that, I, have, described, above, If, nothing, is, done, this, can, lead, to, more, serious, health, problems, such, as, inflammatory, bowel, disease, irritable, bowel, syndrome, IBS, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, depression, Anxiety, migraines, muscle, aches, and, chronic, fatigue, Permeable, bowel, syndrome, as, a, major, cause, of, autoimmune, diseases, including, type, 1, diabetes, Another, problem, with, the, permeable, bowel, is, that, it, can, cause, malabsorption, syndrome, of, essential, minerals, and, nutrients, Including, zinc, iron, and, vitamin, B12, Unhealthy, diet, Chronic, stress, Toxic, overload, Bacterial, imbalance, The, biggest, damage, is, caused, by, the, proteins, found, in, nonsprouted, grains, sugar, GMOs, and, conventional, dairy, products, Conventional, cows, milk, contains, a, noxious, protein, called, casein, A1, In, addition, the, process, of, pasteurizing, milk, destroys, many, vital, enzymes, and, makes, sugars, such, as, lactose, very, difficult, to, digest, Sugar, will, nourish, the, growth, of, bad, bacteria, which, will, hurt, your, bowel, more, Chronic, stress, Toxins, Disbiose, THE, 4STEP, PLAN, TO, CARRY, OUT, THE, INTESTINES, WHICH, LEAVE, 1, REMOVE, food, and, factors, that, damage, the, intestine, 2, REPLACE, with, healing, foods, 3, REPAIR, with, specific, supplements, 4, Rebalance, with, Probiotics, THE, PERMEALABLE, GYTH, SYSTEM, Bone, Broth, , The, bone, broth, contains, collagen, and, amino, acids, proline, and, glycine, which, can, help, heal, your, damaged, cell, walls, Fermented, foods, Yogurt, amasai, butter, and, cheese, is, the, best, Sprouted, seeds, , Chia, seeds, flax, seeds, and, hemp, seeds, that, have, been, grown, are, great, sources, of, fiber, and, can, help, in, the, growth, of, beneficial, bacteria, In, addition, the, consumption, of, foods, containing, omega3, fats, is, very, beneficial, beef, for, fodder, lamb, and, wild, fish, such, as, salmon, Treatments, Probiotics, Digestive, Enzymes, LGlut, Amine, Licorice, Root, DGL, Source, Quercetin, 4 Steps, Steps to, to treat, treat intestinal, intestinal permeability, permeability syndrome, syndrome and, and autoimmune, autoimmune diseases, diseases Permeable, Permeable bowel, bowel syndrome, syndrome progresses, progresses rapidly, rapidly and, and millions, millions of, of people, people have, have it, it Symptoms, Symptoms Bloating, Bloating Food, Food Allergy, Allergy Thyroid, Thyroid problems, problems Fatigue, Fatigue Joint, Joint pain, pain Headache, Headache Skin, Skin problems, problems acne, acne and, and rosacea, rosacea Digestive, Digestive problems, problems Weight, Weight gain, gain Syndrome, Syndrome X, X Protein, Protein And, And partially, partially digested, digested fats, fats can, can pass, pass through, through your, your intestinal, intestinal mucosa, mucosa and, and into, into your, your bloodstream, bloodstream causing, causing an, an allergic, allergic reaction, reaction This, This allergic, allergic reaction, reaction does, does not, not mean, mean that, that you, you are, are going, going to, to have, have a, a rash, rash all, all over, over your, your body, body but, but it, it can, can lead, lead to, to any, any of, of the, the symptoms, symptoms that, that I, I have, have described, described above, above If, If nothing, nothing is, is done, done this, this can, can lead, lead to, to more, more serious, serious health, health problems, problems such, such as, as inflammatory, inflammatory bowel, bowel disease, disease irritable, irritable bowel, bowel syndrome, syndrome IBS, IBS arthritis, arthritis eczema, eczema psoriasis, psoriasis depression, depression Anxiety, Anxiety migraines, migraines muscle, muscle aches, aches and, and chronic, chronic fatigue, fatigue Permeable, Permeable bowel, bowel syndrome, syndrome as, as a, a major, major cause, cause of, of autoimmune, autoimmune diseases, diseases including, including type, type 1, 1 diabetes, diabetes Another, Another problem, problem with, with the, the permeable, permeable bowel, bowel is, is that, that it, it can, can cause, cause malabsorption, malabsorption syndrome, syndrome of, of essential, essential minerals, minerals and, and nutrients, nutrients Including, Including zinc, zinc iron, iron and, and vitamin, vitamin B12, B12 Unhealthy, Unhealthy diet, diet Chronic, Chronic stress, stress Toxic, Toxic overload, overload Bacterial, Bacterial imbalance, imbalance The, The biggest, biggest damage, damage is, is caused, caused by, by the, the proteins, proteins found, found in, in nonsprouted, nonsprouted grains, grains sugar, sugar GMOs, GMOs and, and conventional, conventional dairy, dairy products, products Conventional, Conventional cows, cows milk, milk contains, contains a, a noxious, noxious protein, protein called, called casein, casein A1, A1 In, In addition, addition the, the process, process of, of pasteurizing, pasteurizing milk, milk destroys, destroys many, many vital, vital enzymes, enzymes and, and makes, makes sugars, sugars such, such as, as lactose, lactose very, very difficult, difficult to, to digest, digest Sugar, Sugar will, will nourish, nourish the, the growth, growth of, of bad, bad bacteria, bacteria which, which will, will hurt, hurt your, your bowel, bowel more, more Chronic, Chronic stress, stress Toxins, Toxins Disbiose, Disbiose THE, THE 4STEP, 4STEP PLAN, PLAN TO, TO CARRY, CARRY OUT, OUT THE, THE INTESTINES, INTESTINES WHICH, WHICH LEAVE, LEAVE 1, 1 REMOVE, REMOVE food, food and, and factors, factors that, that damage, damage the, the intestine, intestine 2, 2 REPLACE, REPLACE with, with healing, healing foods, foods 3, 3 REPAIR, REPAIR with, with specific, specific supplements, supplements 4, 4 Rebalance, Rebalance with, with Probiotics, Probiotics THE, THE PERMEALABLE, PERMEALABLE GYTH, GYTH SYSTEM, SYSTEM Bone, Bone Broth, 4 Steps to, Steps to treat, to treat intestinal, treat intestinal permeability, intestinal permeability syndrome, permeability syndrome and, syndrome and autoimmune, and autoimmune diseases, autoimmune diseases Permeable, diseases Permeable bowel, Permeable bowel syndrome, bowel syndrome progresses, syndrome progresses rapidly, progresses rapidly and, rapidly and millions, and millions of, millions of people, of people have, people have it, have it Symptoms, it Symptoms Bloating, Symptoms Bloating Food, Bloating Food Allergy, Food Allergy Thyroid, Allergy Thyroid problems, Thyroid problems Fatigue, problems Fatigue Joint, Fatigue Joint pain, Joint pain Headache, pain Headache Skin, Headache Skin problems, Skin problems acne, problems acne and, acne and rosacea, and rosacea Digestive, rosacea Digestive problems, Digestive problems Weight, problems Weight gain, Weight gain Syndrome, gain Syndrome X, Syndrome X Protein, X Protein And, Protein And partially, And partially digested, partially digested fats, digested fats can, fats can pass, can pass through, pass through your, through your intestinal, your intestinal mucosa, intestinal mucosa and, mucosa and into, and into your, into your bloodstream, your bloodstream causing, bloodstream causing an, causing an allergic, an allergic reaction, allergic reaction This, reaction This allergic, This allergic reaction, allergic reaction does, reaction does not, does not mean, not mean that, mean that you, that you are, you are going, are going to, going to have, to have a, have a rash, a rash all, rash all over, all over your, over your body, your body but, body but it, but it can, it can lead, can lead to, lead to any, to any of, any of the, of the symptoms, the symptoms that, symptoms that I, that I have, I have described, have described above, described above If, above If nothing, If nothing is, nothing is done, is done this, done this can, this can lead, can lead to, lead to more, to more serious, more serious health, serious health problems, health problems such, problems such as, such as inflammatory, as inflammatory bowel, inflammatory bowel disease, bowel disease irritable, disease irritable bowel, irritable bowel syndrome, bowel syndrome IBS, syndrome IBS arthritis, IBS arthritis eczema, arthritis eczema psoriasis, eczema psoriasis depression, psoriasis depression Anxiety, depression Anxiety migraines, Anxiety migraines muscle, migraines muscle aches, muscle aches and, aches and chronic, and chronic fatigue, chronic fatigue Permeable, fatigue Permeable bowel, Permeable bowel syndrome, bowel syndrome as, syndrome as a, as a major, a major cause, major cause of, cause of autoimmune, of autoimmune diseases, autoimmune diseases including, diseases including type, including type 1, type 1 diabetes, 1 diabetes Another, diabetes Another problem, Another problem with, problem with the, with the permeable, the permeable bowel, permeable bowel is, bowel is that, is that it, that it can, it can cause, can cause malabsorption, cause malabsorption syndrome, malabsorption syndrome of, syndrome of essential, of essential minerals, essential minerals and, minerals and nutrients, and nutrients Including, nutrients Including zinc, Including zinc iron, zinc iron and, iron and vitamin, and vitamin B12, vitamin B12 Unhealthy, B12 Unhealthy diet, Unhealthy diet Chronic, diet Chronic stress, Chronic stress Toxic, stress Toxic overload, Toxic overload Bacterial, overload Bacterial imbalance, Bacterial imbalance The, imbalance The biggest, The biggest damage, biggest damage is, damage is caused, is caused by, caused by the, by the proteins, the proteins found, proteins found in, found in nonsprouted, in nonsprouted grains, nonsprouted grains sugar, grains sugar GMOs, sugar GMOs and, GMOs and conventional, and conventional dairy, conventional dairy products, dairy products Conventional, products Conventional cows, Conventional cows milk, cows milk contains, milk contains a, contains a noxious, a noxious protein, noxious protein called, protein called casein, called casein A1, casein A1 In, A1 In addition, In addition the, addition the process, the process of, process of pasteurizing, of pasteurizing milk, pasteurizing milk destroys, milk destroys many, destroys many vital, many vital enzymes, vital enzymes and, enzymes and makes, and makes sugars, makes sugars such, sugars such as, such as lactose, as lactose very, lactose very difficult, very difficult to, difficult to digest, to digest Sugar, digest Sugar will, Sugar will nourish, will nourish the, nourish the growth, the growth of, growth of bad, of bad bacteria, bad bacteria which, bacteria which will, which will hurt, will hurt your, hurt your bowel, your bowel more, bowel more Chronic, more Chronic stress, Chronic stress Toxins, stress Toxins Disbiose, Toxins Disbiose THE, Disbiose THE 4STEP, THE 4STEP PLAN, 4STEP PLAN TO, PLAN TO CARRY, TO CARRY OUT, CARRY OUT THE, OUT THE INTESTINES, THE INTESTINES WHICH, INTESTINES WHICH LEAVE, WHICH LEAVE 1, LEAVE 1 REMOVE, 1 REMOVE food, REMOVE food and, food and factors, and factors that, factors that damage, that damage the, damage the intestine, the intestine 2, intestine 2 REPLACE, 2 REPLACE with, REPLACE with healing, with healing foods, healing foods 3, foods 3 REPAIR, 3 REPAIR with, REPAIR with specific, with specific supplements, specific supplements 4, supplements 4 Rebalance, 4 Rebalance with, Rebalance with Probiotics, with Probiotics THE, Probiotics THE PERMEALABLE, THE PERMEALABLE GYTH, PERMEALABLE GYTH SYSTEM, GYTH SYSTEM Bone, SYSTEM Bone Broth

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