A dentist reveals 5 things to do if you suffer from gastroesophageal acid reflux (GERD)!

A dentist reveals 5 things to do if you suffer from gastroesophageal acid reflux (GERD)!

A dentist reveals 5 things to do if you suffer from gastroesophageal acid reflux (GERD)!

The acid balance in the mouth is controlled by the oral microbial flora that is in direct communication with our intestinal microbiome.

When this balance is disrupted the body is weakened and is more prone to infection with pathogens such as Helicobacter pylori.

Your dental enamel is managed by the oral microbiome and the mineral blood balance. When there is H. pylori infection in the digestive system, the long-term imbalance may also colonize the oral microbiome. It is therefore necessary to think of eradicating the bacteria of the stomach and the mouth.

5 Steps to Heal Your Mouth and Reflux Gut

Dental erosion is a sign of long-term acid reflux caused by digestive imbalances.

Here is an approach you should take to cure your intestine and your oral microbiome.

1. Search for and detect bacteria in the mouth and stomach

2. complete digestive control, including a food intolerance test

3. Take an antimicrobial: Bitter herbs are an excellent natural remedy to eliminate infection in your digestive system: Caraway, Dandelion, Fennel, Gentian Root, Ginger and Artichoke /

4. Include dietary probiotics in your meals: the best form of probiotic will be a fermented vegetable or water kefir. They have less carbohydrates compared to fermented dairy products and can help balance the intestinal microbiome.

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A, dentist, reveals, 5, things, to, do, if, you, suffer, from, gastroesophageal, acid, reflux, GERD, The, acid, balance, in, the, mouth, is, controlled, by, the, oral, microbial, flora, that, is, in, direct, communication, with, our, intestinal, microbiome, When, this, balance, is, disrupted, the, body, is, weakened, and, is, more, prone, to, infection, with, pathogens, such, as, Helicobacter, pylori, Your, dental, enamel, is, managed, by, the, oral, microbiome, and, the, mineral, blood, balance, When, there, is, H, pylori, infection, in, the, digestive, system, the, longterm, imbalance, may, also, colonize, the, oral, microbiome, It, is, therefore, necessary, to, think, of, eradicating, the, bacteria, of, the, stomach, and, the, mouth, 5, Steps, To, Heal, Your, Mouth, And, Reflux, Gut, Dental, erosion, is, a, sign, of, longterm, acid, reflux, caused, by, digestive, imbalances, Here, is, an, approach, you, should, take, to, cure, your, intestine, and, your, oral, microbiome, 1, Look, for, and, detect, the, bacteria, in, the, mouth, and, stomach, 2, complete, digestive, control, including, a, food, intolerance, test, 3, Take, an, antimicrobial, bitter, herbs, are, an, excellent, natural, remedy, to, eliminate, the, infection, In, your, digestive, system, Caraway, Dandelion, Fennel, Gentian, Root, Ginger, and, Artichoke, , 4, Include, dietary, probiotics, in, your, meals, the, best, form, of, probiotic, will, be, a, fermented, vegetable, or, water, kefir, They, have, less, carbohydrates, compared, to, fermented, dairy, products, and, can, help, balance, the, intestinal, microbiome, source, A dentist, dentist reveals, reveals 5, 5 things, things to, to do, do if, if you, you suffer, suffer from, from gastroesophageal, gastroesophageal acid, acid reflux, reflux GERD, GERD The, The acid, acid balance, balance in, in the, the mouth, mouth is, is controlled, controlled by, by the, the oral, oral microbial, microbial flora, flora that, that is, is in, in direct, direct communication, communication with, with our, our intestinal, intestinal microbiome, microbiome When, When this, this balance, balance is, is disrupted, disrupted the, the body, body is, is weakened, weakened and, and is, is more, more prone, prone to, to infection, infection with, with pathogens, pathogens such, such as, as Helicobacter, Helicobacter pylori, pylori Your, Your dental, dental enamel, enamel is, is managed, managed by, by the, the oral, oral microbiome, microbiome and, and the, the mineral, mineral blood, blood balance, balance When, When there, there is, is H, H pylori, pylori infection, infection in, in the, the digestive, digestive system, system the, the longterm, longterm imbalance, imbalance may, may also, also colonize, colonize the, the oral, oral microbiome, microbiome It, It is, is therefore, therefore necessary, necessary to, to think, think of, of eradicating, eradicating the, the bacteria, bacteria of, of the, the stomach, stomach and, and the, the mouth, mouth 5, 5 Steps, Steps To, To Heal, Heal Your, Your Mouth, Mouth And, And Reflux, Reflux Gut, Gut Dental, Dental erosion, erosion is, is a, a sign, sign of, of longterm, longterm acid, acid reflux, reflux caused, caused by, by digestive, digestive imbalances, imbalances Here, Here is, is an, an approach, approach you, you should, should take, take to, to cure, cure your, your intestine, intestine and, and your, your oral, oral microbiome, microbiome 1, 1 Look, Look for, for and, and detect, detect the, the bacteria, bacteria in, in the, the mouth, mouth and, and stomach, stomach 2, 2 complete, complete digestive, digestive control, control including, including a, a food, food intolerance, intolerance test, test 3, 3 Take, Take an, an antimicrobial, antimicrobial bitter, bitter herbs, herbs are, are an, an excellent, excellent natural, natural remedy, remedy to, to eliminate, eliminate the, the infection, infection In, In your, your digestive, digestive system, system Caraway, Caraway Dandelion, Dandelion Fennel, Fennel Gentian, Gentian Root, Root Ginger, Ginger and, and Artichoke, A dentist reveals, dentist reveals 5, reveals 5 things, 5 things to, things to do, to do if, do if you, if you suffer, you suffer from, suffer from gastroesophageal, from gastroesophageal acid, gastroesophageal acid reflux, acid reflux GERD, reflux GERD The, GERD The acid, The acid balance, acid balance in, balance in the, in the mouth, the mouth is, mouth is controlled, is controlled by, controlled by the, by the oral, the oral microbial, oral microbial flora, microbial flora that, flora that is, that is in, is in direct, in direct communication, direct communication with, communication with our, with our intestinal, our intestinal microbiome, intestinal microbiome When, microbiome When this, When this balance, this balance is, balance is disrupted, is disrupted the, disrupted the body, the body is, body is weakened, is weakened and, weakened and is, and is more, is more prone, more prone to, prone to infection, to infection with, infection with pathogens, with pathogens such, pathogens such as, such as Helicobacter, as Helicobacter pylori, Helicobacter pylori Your, pylori Your dental, Your dental enamel, dental enamel is, enamel is managed, is managed by, managed by the, by the oral, the oral microbiome, oral microbiome and, microbiome and the, and the mineral, the mineral blood, mineral blood balance, blood balance When, balance When there, When there is, there is H, is H pylori, H pylori infection, pylori infection in, infection in the, in the digestive, the digestive system, digestive system the, system the longterm, the longterm imbalance, longterm imbalance may, imbalance may also, may also colonize, also colonize the, colonize the oral, the oral microbiome, oral microbiome It, microbiome It is, It is therefore, is therefore necessary, therefore necessary to, necessary to think, to think of, think of eradicating, of eradicating the, eradicating the bacteria, the bacteria of, bacteria of the, of the stomach, the stomach and, stomach and the, and the mouth, the mouth 5, mouth 5 Steps, 5 Steps To, Steps To Heal, To Heal Your, Heal Your Mouth, Your Mouth And, Mouth And Reflux, And Reflux Gut, Reflux Gut Dental, Gut Dental erosion, Dental erosion is, erosion is a, is a sign, a sign of, sign of longterm, of longterm acid, longterm acid reflux, acid reflux caused, reflux caused by, caused by digestive, by digestive imbalances, digestive imbalances Here, imbalances Here is, Here is an, is an approach, an approach you, approach you should, you should take, should take to, take to cure, to cure your, cure your intestine, your intestine and, intestine and your, and your oral, your oral microbiome, oral microbiome 1, microbiome 1 Look, 1 Look for, Look for and, for and detect, and detect the, detect the bacteria, the bacteria in, bacteria in the, in the mouth, the mouth and, mouth and stomach, and stomach 2, stomach 2 complete, 2 complete digestive, complete digestive control, digestive control including, control including a, including a food, a food intolerance, food intolerance test, intolerance test 3, test 3 Take, 3 Take an, Take an antimicrobial, an antimicrobial bitter, antimicrobial bitter herbs, bitter herbs are, herbs are an, are an excellent, an excellent natural, excellent natural remedy, natural remedy to, remedy to eliminate, to eliminate the, eliminate the infection, the infection In, infection In your, In your digestive, your digestive system, digestive system Caraway, system Caraway Dandelion, Caraway Dandelion Fennel, Dandelion Fennel Gentian, Fennel Gentian Root, Gentian Root Ginger, Root Ginger and, Ginger and Artichoke

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