Discover these natural remedies against arthritis

Discover these natural remedies against arthritis

Discover these natural remedies against arthritis

One of the main reasons for this disease is excessive joint use, infection or trauma.

People with arthritis tend to turn to natural alternatives. Here are a few :

Blackcurrant oil

The latter has effective anti-inflammatory properties against pain caused by articulatory diseases. You should take 500 mg a day.

The cider vinegar

Its anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to combat the pains of arthritis. Add two spoonfuls of cider vinegar in a glass of hot water and a spoonful of honey.

Compresses of bay leaves

Make an infusion of bay leaves, then soak a clean cloth in and apply on the painful areas for about fifteen minutes.


It is a plant that promotes sweating and therefore, eliminates the toxins that are found in your joints. Make an infusion of half a spoon of dried linden. Consume a few cups a day for one to two weeks.

Evening primrose oil

This oil reduces the pain associated with joints. It is generally eaten as a dietary supplement. Take about 350 mg of evening primrose oil, divided into two or three times during meals.

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Discover, these, natural, remedies, against, arthritis, One, of, the, main, reasons, for, this, disease, is, excessive, joint, use, infection, or, trauma, People, with, arthritis, tend, to, turn, to, natural, alternatives, Here, are, some, of, them, Blackcurrant, Oil, The, latter, has, antiinflammatory, properties, effective, against, pain, caused, by, articulatory, diseases, You, should, take, 500, mg, a, day, The, cider, vinegar, Its, antiinflammatory, properties, make, it, possible, to, fight, the, pains, of, the, arthritis, Add, two, spoonfuls, of, cider, vinegar, in, a, glass, of, hot, water, and, a, spoonful, of, honey, Laurel, leaf, compresses, Make, an, infusion, of, bay, leaves, then, soak, a, clean, cloth, in, and, apply, to, the, painful, areas, for, about, fifteen, minutes, Linden, It, is, a, plant, that, promotes, sweating, and, thus, eliminates, the, toxins, that, are, in, your, joints, Make, an, infusion, of, half, a, spoon, of, dried, linden, Consume, a, few, cups, a, day, for, one, to, two, weeks, Evening, Primrose, Oil, This, oil, reduces, pain, associated, with, joints, It, is, generally, eaten, as, a, dietary, supplement, Take, about, 350, mg, of, evening, primrose, oil, divided, into, two, or, three, times, during, meals, source, Discover these, these natural, natural remedies, remedies against, against arthritis, arthritis One, One of, of the, the main, main reasons, reasons for, for this, this disease, disease is, is excessive, excessive joint, joint use, use infection, infection or, or trauma, trauma People, People with, with arthritis, arthritis tend, tend to, to turn, turn to, to natural, natural alternatives, alternatives Here, Here are, are some, some of, of them, them Blackcurrant, Blackcurrant Oil, Oil The, The latter, latter has, has antiinflammatory, antiinflammatory properties, properties effective, effective against, against pain, pain caused, caused by, by articulatory, articulatory diseases, diseases You, You should, should take, take 500, 500 mg, mg a, a day, day The, The cider, cider vinegar, vinegar Its, Its antiinflammatory, antiinflammatory properties, properties make, make it, it possible, possible to, to fight, fight the, the pains, pains of, of the, the arthritis, arthritis Add, Add two, two spoonfuls, spoonfuls of, of cider, cider vinegar, vinegar in, in a, a glass, glass of, of hot, hot water, water and, and a, a spoonful, spoonful of, of honey, honey Laurel, Laurel leaf, leaf compresses, compresses Make, Make an, an infusion, infusion of, of bay, bay leaves, leaves then, then soak, soak a, a clean, clean cloth, cloth in, in and, and apply, apply to, to the, the painful, painful areas, areas for, for about, about fifteen, fifteen minutes, minutes Linden, Linden It, It is, is a, a plant, plant that, that promotes, promotes sweating, sweating and, and thus, thus eliminates, eliminates the, the toxins, toxins that, that are, are in, in your, your joints, joints Make, Make an, an infusion, infusion of, of half, half a, a spoon, spoon of, of dried, dried linden, linden Consume, Consume a, a few, few cups, cups a, a day, day for, for one, one to, to two, two weeks, weeks Evening, Evening Primrose, Primrose Oil, Oil This, This oil, oil reduces, reduces pain, pain associated, associated with, with joints, joints It, It is, is generally, generally eaten, eaten as, as a, a dietary, dietary supplement, supplement Take, Take about, about 350, 350 mg, mg of, of evening, evening primrose, primrose oil, oil divided, divided into, into two, two or, or three, three times, times during, during meals, meals source, Discover these natural, these natural remedies, natural remedies against, remedies against arthritis, against arthritis One, arthritis One of, One of the, of the main, the main reasons, main reasons for, reasons for this, for this disease, this disease is, disease is excessive, is excessive joint, excessive joint use, joint use infection, use infection or, infection or trauma, or trauma People, trauma People with, People with arthritis, with arthritis tend, arthritis tend to, tend to turn, to turn to, turn to natural, to natural alternatives, natural alternatives Here, alternatives Here are, Here are some, are some of, some of them, of them Blackcurrant, them Blackcurrant Oil, Blackcurrant Oil The, Oil The latter, The latter has, latter has antiinflammatory, has antiinflammatory properties, antiinflammatory properties effective, properties effective against, effective against pain, against pain caused, pain caused by, caused by articulatory, by articulatory diseases, articulatory diseases You, diseases You should, You should take, should take 500, take 500 mg, 500 mg a, mg a day, a day The, day The cider, The cider vinegar, cider vinegar Its, vinegar Its antiinflammatory, Its antiinflammatory properties, antiinflammatory properties make, properties make it, make it possible, it possible to, possible to fight, to fight the, fight the pains, the pains of, pains of the, of the arthritis, the arthritis Add, arthritis Add two, Add two spoonfuls, two spoonfuls of, spoonfuls of cider, of cider vinegar, cider vinegar in, vinegar in a, in a glass, a glass of, glass of hot, of hot water, hot water and, water and a, and a spoonful, a spoonful of, spoonful of honey, of honey Laurel, honey Laurel leaf, Laurel leaf compresses, leaf compresses Make, compresses Make an, Make an infusion, an infusion of, infusion of bay, of bay leaves, bay leaves then, leaves then soak, then soak a, soak a clean, a clean cloth, clean cloth in, cloth in and, in and apply, and apply to, apply to the, to the painful, the painful areas, painful areas for, areas for about, for about fifteen, about fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes Linden, minutes Linden It, Linden It is, It is a, is a plant, a plant that, plant that promotes, that promotes sweating, promotes sweating and, sweating and thus, and thus eliminates, thus eliminates the, eliminates the toxins, the toxins that, toxins that are, that are in, are in your, in your joints, your joints Make, joints Make an, Make an infusion, an infusion of, infusion of half, of half a, half a spoon, a spoon of, spoon of dried, of dried linden, dried linden Consume, linden Consume a, Consume a few, a few cups, few cups a, cups a day, a day for, day for one, for one to, one to two, to two weeks, two weeks Evening, weeks Evening Primrose, Evening Primrose Oil, Primrose Oil This, Oil This oil, This oil reduces, oil reduces pain, reduces pain associated, pain associated with, associated with joints, with joints It, joints It is, It is generally, is generally eaten, generally eaten as, eaten as a, as a dietary, a dietary supplement, dietary supplement Take, supplement Take about, Take about 350, about 350 mg, 350 mg of, mg of evening, of evening primrose, evening primrose oil, primrose oil divided, oil divided into, divided into two, into two or, two or three, or three times, three times during, times during meals, during meals source

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