Recommendation of a neurologist to women act before it is too late!
Recommendation of a neurologist to women act before it is too late!
Dr. Dzhim Horn, a renowned neurologist from the UK, studied the differences between the brains of women and men.
He came to the conclusion that the female brain requires more rest than that of men and that this difference greatly influences the health of the latter.
According to Dr. Horn: "Women's lack of sleep causes high levels of psychological stress, as well as a sense of insecurity, depression and anger. This connection does not exist in men. "
This doctor recommends that women sleep more than 8 hours per night. According to him, the feminine brain has a more complex structure than that of men and that is why the latter need more sleep!
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Recommendation, of, a, neurologist, to, women, act, before, it, is, too, late, Dr, Dzhim, Horn, a, renowned, neurologist, from, the, UK, studied, the, differences, between, the, brains, of, women, and, men, He, came, to, the, conclusion, that, the, female, brain, requires, more, rest, than, that, of, men, and, that, this, difference, greatly, influences, the, health, of, the, latter, According, to, Dr, Horn, Womens, lack, of, sleep, causes, high, levels, of, psychological, stress, as, well, as, a, sense, of, insecurity, depression, and, anger, This, connection, does, not, exist, in, men, This, doctor, recommends, that, women, sleep, more, than, 8, hours, a, night, According, to, him, the, feminine, brain, has, a, more, complex, structure, than, that, of, men, and, that, is, why, the, latter, need, more, sleep, Recommendation of, of a, a neurologist, neurologist to, to women, women act, act before, before it, it is, is too, too late, late Dr, Dr Dzhim, Dzhim Horn, Horn a, a renowned, renowned neurologist, neurologist from, from the, the UK, UK studied, studied the, the differences, differences between, between the, the brains, brains of, of women, women and, and men, men He, He came, came to, to the, the conclusion, conclusion that, that the, the female, female brain, brain requires, requires more, more rest, rest than, than that, that of, of men, men and, and that, that this, this difference, difference greatly, greatly influences, influences the, the health, health of, of the, the latter, latter According, According to, to Dr, Dr Horn, Horn Womens, Womens lack, lack of, of sleep, sleep causes, causes high, high levels, levels of, of psychological, psychological stress, stress as, as well, well as, as a, a sense, sense of, of insecurity, insecurity depression, depression and, and anger, anger This, This connection, connection does, does not, not exist, exist in, in men, men This, This doctor, doctor recommends, recommends that, that women, women sleep, sleep more, more than, than 8, 8 hours, hours a, a night, night According, According to, to him, him the, the feminine, feminine brain, brain has, has a, a more, more complex, complex structure, structure than, than that, that of, of men, men and, and that, that is, is why, why the, the latter, latter need, need more, more sleep, Recommendation of a, of a neurologist, a neurologist to, neurologist to women, to women act, women act before, act before it, before it is, it is too, is too late, too late Dr, late Dr Dzhim, Dr Dzhim Horn, Dzhim Horn a, Horn a renowned, a renowned neurologist, renowned neurologist from, neurologist from the, from the UK, the UK studied, UK studied the, studied the differences, the differences between, differences between the, between the brains, the brains of, brains of women, of women and, women and men, and men He, men He came, He came to, came to the, to the conclusion, the conclusion that, conclusion that the, that the female, the female brain, female brain requires, brain requires more, requires more rest, more rest than, rest than that, than that of, that of men, of men and, men and that, and that this, that this difference, this difference greatly, difference greatly influences, greatly influences the, influences the health, the health of, health of the, of the latter, the latter According, latter According to, According to Dr, to Dr Horn, Dr Horn Womens, Horn Womens lack, Womens lack of, lack of sleep, of sleep causes, sleep causes high, causes high levels, high levels of, levels of psychological, of psychological stress, psychological stress as, stress as well, as well as, well as a, as a sense, a sense of, sense of insecurity, of insecurity depression, insecurity depression and, depression and anger, and anger This, anger This connection, This connection does, connection does not, does not exist, not exist in, exist in men, in men This, men This doctor, This doctor recommends, doctor recommends that, recommends that women, that women sleep, women sleep more, sleep more than, more than 8, than 8 hours, 8 hours a, hours a night, a night According, night According to, According to him, to him the, him the feminine, the feminine brain, feminine brain has, brain has a, has a more, a more complex, more complex structure, complex structure than, structure than that, than that of, that of men, of men and, men and that, and that is, that is why, is why the, why the latter, the latter need, latter need more, need more sleep