22 anti cellulite foods

22 anti cellulite foods

22 anti cellulite foods

All women hate her. She is horribly ugly on the thighs and behind the ladies. But what exactly is cellulite?

These cells have a fat storage capacity that is saturated. They will thus block the circulation of liquids, and in particular the lymph, one of whose roles is

Transport the toxins to the organs capable of treating them. Thus, toxins are no longer evacuated and accumulate to cause inflammation in the affected areas. Therefore, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes like an "orange peel". However, it can be eliminated by physical exercise; But also by consuming these foods:

1) Lean meats: They contain large amounts of protein that help strengthen the body and beat the cellulite deposits. It is summer, then at your barbecues on your terraces, to taste chicken legs or fish!

2) Nut: Consume one or two handfuls of walnuts per day; It's good for memory but also for cellulite! They contain lots of fiber, protein, vitamin E and good fat.

3) Colored fruits and vegetables: they slow down the oxidative damage of the body and the accumulation of cellulite; Thanks to the right amount of antioxidants they contain.
4) Water: Water flushes toxins and removes fat. Drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day; Especially by this heat!
5) Fish: It contains many essential fatty acids to strengthen the skin cells and improve its tone and texture.

6) Watermelon: it is very rich in water and therefore it has very important draining virtues. It also contains lycopene, a potent protective antioxidant of cells, but also potassium which fight against water retention. Taste watermelon, without restraint, it does not make you fat!

7) Avocado: it can also facilitate the metabolism of fats. It also contains Vitamin E, essential for the good health of the skin; And beta-sitosterol that helps fight cholesterol and activates circulation.

8) Banana: it promotes a healthy blood circulation and is a source of potassium helping to avoid water retention.

9) Berries: Rich in antioxidants, they counteract the sugar, fats and other pollutants that damage the skin. But also, rich in nutrients helping to combat cellulite.
10) Onion: rich in sulfide which reduces the damage of free radicals.
11) Pear: it serves to detoxify and helps to decrease the effects of pollutants in the body and to assist the lymphatic system.

11) Melon: it contains at least one glass of water per slice; And thus fight against water retention and against cellulite. Know that despite it sugary evening, its natural sugars do not make fat! So eat melon this summer, at will!

12) Leeks: they are effective against water retention and detoxify the body, helping to fight against cellulite.

13) Green Tea: Helps fight against water retention and limit the absorption of lipids and carbohydrates. So, now opt for a cup of tea instead of coffee!

14) Aubergine: low in calories, it reduces the absorption of lipids during meals. Cook a dish with eggplant, per week, it's also a delight!

15) Lean Dairy: They have an important anti-cellulite role because they are the main source of calcium that burns fat. They also contain the conjugated linoleic acid which promotes the elimination of body fat in favor of the development of the muscular masses. Tip, eat "half-skim" milk to avoid gaining weight!

16) The Egg: It creates a sulfur compound
Helping to eliminate toxins and reducing the production of free radicals.

17) Cabbage: it prevents the retention of water; Thanks to its formidable source of potassium. But, it also reduces appetite and eliminates toxins.

18) Poivron: It has diuretic and toning properties to eliminate upstream sugars and fats.

19) Pineapple: contains bromelain, an enzyme considered fat-eating.

20) Complete cereals: they are rich in dietary fiber facilitating the elimination of fats. Then take a bowl of cerel for breakfast; This is effective for getting rid of cellulite!

21) Asparagus: It is devoid of fat, very rich in fiber and mineral salts; And has diuretic effects against water retention.

22) Broccoli:It contains alpha lipoic acid which has the virtue of preventing the "stiffening" of collagen fibers, responsible for the orange peel effect.

Sonia Ben Jaballah

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22, anti, cellulite, foods, All, women, hate, her, She, is, horribly, ugly, on, the, thighs, and, behind, the, ladies, But, what, exactly, is, cellulite, These, cells, have, a, fat, storage, capacity, that, is, saturated, They, will, thus, block, the, circulation, of, liquids, and, in, particular, the, lymph, one, of, whose, roles, is, to, transport, the, toxins, to, the, organs, capable, of, treating, them, Thus, toxins, are, no, longer, evacuated, and, accumulate, to, cause, inflammation, in, the, affected, areas, Therefore, the, skin, loses, its, elasticity, and, becomes, like, an, orange, peel, However, it, can, be, eliminated, by, physical, exercise, But, also, by, eating, these, foods, 1, Lean, meats, They, contain, large, amounts, of, proteins, that, help, strengthen, the, body, and, beat, cellulite, deposits, It, is, summer, then, at, your, barbecues, on, your, terraces, to, taste, chicken, legs, or, fish, 2, Nut, Consume, one, or, two, handfuls, of, walnuts, per, day, Its, good, for, memory, but, also, for, cellulite, They, contain, lots, of, fiber, protein, vitamin, E, and, good, fat, 3, Colored, fruits, and, vegetables, they, slow, down, the, oxidative, damage, of, the, body, and, the, accumulation, of, cellulite, Thanks, to, the, right, amount, of, antioxidants, they, contain4, Water, Water, flushes, toxins, and, removes, fat, Drink, between, 15, and, 2, liters, of, water, per, day, Especially, by, this, heat5, Fish, It, contains, many, essential, fatty, acids, to, strengthen, the, skin, cells, and, improve, its, tone, and, texture, 6, Watermelon, it, is, very, rich, in, water, and, therefore, it, has, very, important, draining, virtues, It, also, contains, lycopene, a, potent, protective, antioxidant, of, cells, but, also, potassium, which, fight, against, water, retention, Taste, watermelon, without, restraint, it, does, not, make, you, fat, 7, Avocado, it, can, also, facilitate, the, metabolism, of, fats, It, also, contains, Vitamin, E, essential, for, the, good, health, of, the, skin, And, betasitosterol, that, helps, fight, cholesterol, and, activates, circulation, 8, Banana, it, promotes, a, healthy, blood, circulation, and, is, a, source, of, potassium, helping, to, avoid, water, retention, 9, Berries, Rich, in, antioxidants, they, counteract, the, sugar, fats, and, other, pollutants, that, damage, the, skin, But, also, rich, in, nutrients, helping, to, combat, cellulite10, Onion, rich, in, sulfide, which, reduces, the, damage, of, free, radicals11, Pear, it, serves, to, detoxify, and, helps, to, decrease, the, effects, of, pollutants, in, the, body, and, to, assist, the, lymphatic, system, 11, Melon, it, contains, at, least, one, glass, of, water, per, slice, And, thus, fight, against, water, retention, and, against, cellulite, Know, that, despite, It, sugary, evening, its, natural, sugars, do, not, make, fat, So, eat, melon, this, summer, at, will, 12, Leeks, they, are, effective, against, water, retention, and, detoxify, the, body, helping, to, fight, against, cellulite, 13, Green, Tea, Helps, fight, against, water, retention, and, limit, the, absorption, of, lipids, and, carbohydrates, So, now, opt, for, a, cup, of, tea, instead, of, coffee, 14, Aubergine, low, in, calories, it, reduces, the, absorption, of, lipids, during, meals, Cook, a, dish, with, eggplant, per, week, its, also, a, delight, 15, Lean, Dairy, They, have, an, important, anticellulite, role, because, they, are, the, main, source, of, calcium, that, burns, fat, They, also, contain, the, conjugated, linoleic, acid, which, promotes, the, elimination, of, body, fat, in, favor, of, the, development, of, the, muscular, masses, Tip, eat, halfskim, milk, to, avoid, gaining, weight, 16, The, Egg, It, creates, a, sulfur, compoundHelping, to, eliminate, toxins, and, reducing, the, production, of, free, radicals, 17, Cabbage, it, prevents, the, retention, of, water, Thanks, to, its, formidable, source, of, potassium, But, it, also, reduces, appetite, and, eliminates, toxins, 18, Poivron, It, has, diuretic, and, toning, properties, to, eliminate, upstream, sugars, and, fats, 19, Pineapple, contains, bromelain, an, enzyme, considered, fateating, 20, Complete, cereals, they, are, rich, in, dietary, fiber, facilitating, the, elimination, of, fats, Then, take, a, bowl, of, cerel, for, breakfast, This, is, effective, for, getting, rid, of, cellulite, 21, Asparagus, It, is, devoid, of, fat, very, rich, in, fiber, and, mineral, salts, And, has, diuretic, effects, against, water, retention, 22, Broccoli, it, contains, alpha, lipoic, acid, which, has, the, virtue, of, preventing, the, stiffening, of, collagen, fibers, responsible, for, the, effect, of, orange, peel, Sonia, Ben, Jaballah, 22 anti, anti cellulite, cellulite foods, foods All, All women, women hate, hate her, her She, She is, is horribly, horribly ugly, ugly on, on the, the thighs, thighs and, and behind, behind the, the ladies, ladies But, But what, what exactly, exactly is, is cellulite, cellulite These, These cells, cells have, have a, a fat, fat storage, storage capacity, capacity that, that is, is saturated, saturated They, They will, will thus, thus block, block the, the circulation, circulation of, of liquids, liquids and, and in, in particular, particular the, the lymph, lymph one, one of, of whose, whose roles, roles is, is to, to transport, transport the, the toxins, toxins to, to the, the organs, organs capable, capable of, of treating, treating them, them Thus, Thus toxins, toxins are, are no, no longer, longer evacuated, evacuated and, and accumulate, accumulate to, to cause, cause inflammation, inflammation in, in the, the affected, affected areas, areas Therefore, Therefore the, the skin, skin loses, loses its, its elasticity, elasticity and, and becomes, becomes like, like an, an orange, orange peel, peel However, However it, it can, can be, be eliminated, eliminated by, by physical, physical exercise, exercise But, But also, also by, by eating, eating these, these foods, foods 1, 1 Lean, Lean meats, meats They, They contain, contain large, large amounts, amounts of, of proteins, proteins that, that help, help strengthen, strengthen the, the body, body and, and beat, beat cellulite, cellulite deposits, deposits It, It is, is summer, summer then, then at, at your, your barbecues, barbecues on, on your, your terraces, terraces to, to taste, taste chicken, chicken legs, legs or, or fish, fish 2, 2 Nut, Nut Consume, Consume one, one or, or two, two handfuls, handfuls of, of walnuts, walnuts per, per day, day Its, Its good, good for, for memory, memory but, but also, also for, for cellulite, cellulite They, They contain, contain lots, lots of, of fiber, fiber protein, protein vitamin, vitamin E, E and, and good, good fat, fat 3, 3 Colored, Colored fruits, fruits and, and vegetables, vegetables they, they slow, slow down, down the, the oxidative, oxidative damage, damage of, of the, the body, body and, and the, the accumulation, accumulation of, of cellulite, cellulite Thanks, Thanks to, to the, the right, right amount, amount of, of antioxidants, antioxidants they, they contain4, contain4 Water, Water Water, Water flushes, flushes toxins, toxins and, and removes, removes fat, fat Drink, Drink between, between 15, 15 and, and 2, 2 liters, liters of, of water, water per, per day, day Especially, Especially by, by this, this heat5, heat5 Fish, Fish It, It contains, contains many, many essential, essential fatty, fatty acids, acids to, to strengthen, strengthen the, the skin, skin cells, cells and, and improve, improve its, its tone, tone and, and texture, texture 6, 6 Watermelon, Watermelon it, it is, is very, very rich, rich in, in water, water and, and therefore, therefore it, it has, has very, very important, important draining, draining virtues, virtues It, It also, also contains, contains lycopene, lycopene a, a potent, potent protective, protective antioxidant, antioxidant of, of cells, cells but, but also, also potassium, potassium which, which fight, fight against, against water, water retention, retention Taste, Taste watermelon, watermelon without, without restraint, restraint it, it does, does not, not make, make you, you fat, fat 7, 7 Avocado, Avocado it, it can, can also, also facilitate, facilitate the, the metabolism, metabolism of, of fats, fats It, It also, also contains, contains Vitamin, Vitamin E, E essential, essential for, for the, the good, good health, health of, of the, the skin, skin And, And betasitosterol, betasitosterol that, that helps, helps fight, fight cholesterol, cholesterol and, and activates, activates circulation, circulation 8, 8 Banana, Banana it, it promotes, promotes a, a healthy, healthy blood, blood circulation, circulation and, and is, is a, a source, source of, of potassium, potassium helping, helping to, to avoid, avoid water, water retention, retention 9, 9 Berries, Berries Rich, Rich in, in antioxidants, antioxidants they, they counteract, counteract the, the sugar, sugar fats, fats and, and other, other pollutants, pollutants that, that damage, damage the, the skin, skin But, But also, also rich, rich in, in nutrients, nutrients helping, helping to, to combat, combat cellulite10, cellulite10 Onion, Onion rich, rich in, in sulfide, sulfide which, which reduces, reduces the, the damage, damage of, of free, free radicals11, radicals11 Pear, Pear it, it serves, serves to, to detoxify, detoxify and, and helps, helps to, to decrease, decrease the, the effects, effects of, of pollutants, pollutants in, in the, the body, body and, and to, to assist, assist the, the lymphatic, lymphatic system, system 11, 11 Melon, Melon it, it contains, contains at, at least, least one, one glass, glass of, of water, water per, per slice, slice And, And thus, thus fight, fight against, against water, water retention, retention and, and against, against cellulite, cellulite Know, Know that, that despite, despite It, It sugary, sugary evening, evening its, its natural, natural sugars, sugars do, do not, not make, make fat, fat So, So eat, eat melon, melon this, this summer, summer at, at will, will 12, 12 Leeks, Leeks they, they are, are effective, effective against, against water, water retention, retention and, and detoxify, detoxify the, the body, body helping, helping to, to fight, fight against, against cellulite, cellulite 13, 13 Green, Green Tea, Tea Helps, Helps fight, fight against, against water, water retention, retention and, and limit, limit the, the absorption, absorption of, of lipids, lipids and, and carbohydrates, carbohydrates So, So now, now opt, opt for, for a, a cup, cup of, of tea, tea instead, instead of, of coffee, coffee 14, 14 Aubergine, Aubergine low, low in, in calories, calories it, it reduces, reduces the, the absorption, absorption of, of lipids, lipids during, during meals, meals Cook, Cook a, a dish, dish with, with eggplant, eggplant per, per week, week its, its also, also a, a delight, delight 15, 15 Lean, Lean Dairy, Dairy They, They have, have an, an important, important anticellulite, anticellulite role, role because, because they, they are, are the, the main, main source, source of, of calcium, calcium that, that burns, burns fat, fat They, They also, also contain, contain the, the conjugated, conjugated linoleic, linoleic acid, acid which, which promotes, promotes the, the elimination, elimination of, of body, body fat, fat in, in favor, favor of, of the, the development, development of, of the, the muscular, muscular masses, masses Tip, Tip eat, eat halfskim, halfskim milk, milk to, to avoid, avoid gaining, gaining weight, weight 16, 16 The, The Egg, Egg It, It creates, creates a, a sulfur, sulfur compoundHelping, compoundHelping to, to eliminate, eliminate toxins, toxins and, and reducing, reducing the, the production, production of, of free, free radicals, radicals 17, 17 Cabbage, Cabbage it, it prevents, prevents the, the retention, retention of, of water, water Thanks, Thanks to, to its, its formidable, formidable source, source of, of potassium, potassium But, But it, it also, also reduces, reduces appetite, appetite and, and eliminates, eliminates toxins, toxins 18, 18 Poivron, Poivron It, It has, has diuretic, diuretic and, and toning, toning properties, properties to, to eliminate, eliminate upstream, upstream sugars, sugars and, and fats, fats 19, 19 Pineapple, Pineapple contains, contains bromelain, bromelain an, an enzyme, enzyme considered, considered fateating, fateating 20, 20 Complete, Complete cereals, cereals they, they are, are rich, rich in, in dietary, dietary fiber, fiber facilitating, facilitating the, the elimination, elimination of, of fats, fats Then, Then take, take a, a bowl, bowl of, of cerel, cerel for, for breakfast, breakfast This, This is, is effective, effective for, for getting, getting rid, rid of, of cellulite, cellulite 21, 21 Asparagus, Asparagus It, It is, is devoid, devoid of, of fat, fat very, very rich, rich in, in fiber, fiber and, and mineral, mineral salts, salts And, And has, has diuretic, diuretic effects, effects against, against water, water retention, retention 22, 22 Broccoli, Broccoli it, it contains, contains alpha, alpha lipoic, lipoic acid, acid which, which has, has the, the virtue, virtue of, of preventing, preventing the, the stiffening, stiffening of, of collagen, collagen fibers, fibers responsible, responsible for, for the, the effect, effect of, of orange, orange peel, peel Sonia, Sonia Ben, Ben Jaballah, 22 anti cellulite, anti cellulite foods, cellulite foods All, foods All women, All women hate, women hate her, hate her She, her She is, She is horribly, is horribly ugly, horribly ugly on, ugly on the, on the thighs, the thighs and, thighs and behind, and behind the, behind the ladies, the ladies But, ladies But what, But what exactly, what exactly is, exactly is cellulite, is cellulite These, cellulite These cells, These cells have, cells have a, have a fat, a fat storage, fat storage capacity, storage capacity that, capacity that is, that is saturated, is saturated They, saturated They will, They will thus, will thus block, thus block the, block the circulation, the circulation of, circulation of liquids, of liquids and, liquids and in, and in particular, in particular the, particular the lymph, the lymph one, lymph one of, one of whose, of whose roles, whose roles is, roles is to, is to transport, to transport the, transport the toxins, the toxins to, toxins to the, to the organs, the organs capable, organs capable of, capable of treating, of treating them, treating them Thus, them Thus toxins, Thus toxins are, toxins are no, are no longer, no longer evacuated, longer evacuated and, evacuated and accumulate, and accumulate to, accumulate to cause, to cause inflammation, cause inflammation in, inflammation in the, in the affected, the affected areas, affected areas Therefore, areas Therefore the, Therefore the skin, the skin loses, skin loses its, loses its elasticity, its elasticity and, elasticity and becomes, and becomes like, becomes like an, like an orange, an orange peel, orange peel However, peel However it, However it can, it can be, can be eliminated, be eliminated by, eliminated by physical, by physical exercise, physical exercise But, exercise But also, But also by, also by eating, by eating these, eating these foods, these foods 1, foods 1 Lean, 1 Lean meats, Lean meats They, meats They contain, They contain large, contain large amounts, large amounts of, amounts of proteins, of proteins that, proteins that help, that help strengthen, help strengthen the, strengthen the body, the body and, body and beat, and beat cellulite, beat cellulite deposits, cellulite deposits It, deposits It is, It is summer, is summer then, summer then at, then at your, at your barbecues, your barbecues on, barbecues on your, on your terraces, your terraces to, terraces to taste, to taste chicken, taste chicken legs, chicken legs or, legs or fish, or fish 2, fish 2 Nut, 2 Nut Consume, Nut Consume one, Consume one or, one or two, or two handfuls, two handfuls of, handfuls of walnuts, of walnuts per, walnuts per day, per day Its, day Its good, Its good for, good for memory, for memory but, memory but also, but also for, also for cellulite, for cellulite They, cellulite They contain, They contain lots, contain lots of, lots of fiber, of fiber protein, fiber protein vitamin, protein vitamin E, vitamin E and, E and good, and good fat, good fat 3, fat 3 Colored, 3 Colored fruits, Colored fruits and, fruits and vegetables, and vegetables they, vegetables they slow, they slow down, slow down the, down the oxidative, the oxidative damage, oxidative damage of, damage of the, of the body, the body and, body and the, and the accumulation, the accumulation of, accumulation of cellulite, of cellulite Thanks, cellulite Thanks to, Thanks to the, to the right, the right amount, right amount of, amount of antioxidants, of antioxidants they, antioxidants they contain4, they contain4 Water, contain4 Water Water, Water Water flushes, Water flushes toxins, flushes toxins and, toxins and removes, and removes fat, removes fat Drink, fat Drink between, Drink between 15, between 15 and, 15 and 2, and 2 liters, 2 liters of, liters of water, of water per, water per day, per day Especially, day Especially by, Especially by this, by this heat5, this heat5 Fish, heat5 Fish It, Fish It contains, It contains many, contains many essential, many essential fatty, essential fatty acids, fatty acids to, acids to strengthen, to strengthen the, strengthen the skin, the skin cells, skin cells and, cells and improve, and improve its, improve its tone, its tone and, tone and texture, and texture 6, texture 6 Watermelon, 6 Watermelon it, Watermelon it is, it is very, is very rich, very rich in, rich in water, in water and, water and therefore, and therefore it, therefore it has, it has very, has very important, very important draining, important draining virtues, draining virtues It, virtues It also, It also contains, also contains lycopene, contains lycopene a, lycopene a potent, a potent protective, potent protective antioxidant, protective antioxidant of, antioxidant of cells, of cells but, cells but also, but also potassium, also potassium which, potassium which fight, which fight against, fight against water, against water retention, water retention Taste, retention Taste watermelon, Taste watermelon without, watermelon without restraint, without restraint it, restraint it does, it does not, does not make, not make you, make you fat, you fat 7, fat 7 Avocado, 7 Avocado it, Avocado it can, it can also, can also facilitate, also facilitate the, facilitate the metabolism, the metabolism of, metabolism of fats, of fats It, fats It also, It also contains, also contains Vitamin, contains Vitamin E, Vitamin E essential, E essential for, essential for the, for the good, the good health, good health of, health of the, of the skin, the skin And, skin And betasitosterol, And betasitosterol that, betasitosterol that helps, that helps fight, helps fight cholesterol, fight cholesterol and, cholesterol and activates, and activates circulation, activates circulation 8, circulation 8 Banana, 8 Banana it, Banana it promotes, it promotes a, promotes a healthy, a healthy blood, healthy blood circulation, blood circulation and, circulation and is, and is a, is a source, a source of, source of potassium, of potassium helping, potassium helping to, helping to avoid, to avoid water, avoid water retention, water retention 9, retention 9 Berries, 9 Berries Rich, Berries Rich in, Rich in antioxidants, in antioxidants they, antioxidants they counteract, they counteract the, counteract the sugar, the sugar fats, sugar fats and, fats and other, and other pollutants, other pollutants that, pollutants that damage, that damage the, damage the skin, the skin But, skin But also, But also rich, also rich in, rich in nutrients, in nutrients helping, nutrients helping to, helping to combat, to combat cellulite10, combat cellulite10 Onion, cellulite10 Onion rich, Onion rich in, rich in sulfide, in sulfide which, sulfide which reduces, which reduces the, reduces the damage, the damage of, damage of free, of free radicals11, free radicals11 Pear, radicals11 Pear it, Pear it serves, it serves to, serves to detoxify, to detoxify and, detoxify and helps, and helps to, helps to decrease, to decrease the, decrease the effects, the effects of, effects of pollutants, of pollutants in, pollutants in the, in the body, the body and, body and to, and to assist, to assist the, assist the lymphatic, the lymphatic system, lymphatic system 11, system 11 Melon, 11 Melon it, Melon it contains, it contains at, contains at least, at least one, least one glass, one glass of, glass of water, of water per, water per slice, per slice And, slice And thus, And thus fight, thus fight against, fight against water, against water retention, water retention and, retention and against, and against cellulite, against cellulite Know, cellulite Know that, Know that despite, that despite It, despite It sugary, It sugary evening, sugary evening its, evening its natural, its natural sugars, natural sugars do, sugars do not, do not make, not make fat, make fat So, fat So eat, So eat melon, eat melon this, melon this summer, this summer at, summer at will, at will 12, will 12 Leeks, 12 Leeks they, Leeks they are, they are effective, are effective against, effective against water, against water retention, water retention and, retention and detoxify, and detoxify the, detoxify the body, the body helping, body helping to, helping to fight, to fight against, fight against cellulite, against cellulite 13, cellulite 13 Green, 13 Green Tea, Green Tea Helps, Tea Helps fight, Helps fight against, fight against water, against water retention, water retention and, retention and limit, and limit the, limit the absorption, the absorption of, absorption of lipids, of lipids and, lipids and carbohydrates, and carbohydrates So, carbohydrates So now, So now opt, now opt for, opt for a, for a cup, a cup of, cup of tea, of tea instead, tea instead of, instead of coffee, of coffee 14, coffee 14 Aubergine, 14 Aubergine low, Aubergine low in, low in calories, in calories it, calories it reduces, it reduces the, reduces the absorption, the absorption of, absorption of lipids, of lipids during, lipids during meals, during meals Cook, meals Cook a, Cook a dish, a dish with, dish with eggplant, with eggplant per, eggplant per week, per week its, week its also, its also a, also a delight, a delight 15, delight 15 Lean, 15 Lean Dairy, Lean Dairy They, Dairy They have, They have an, have an important, an important anticellulite, important anticellulite role, anticellulite role because, role because they, because they are, they are the, are the main, the main source, main source of, source of calcium, of calcium that, calcium that burns, that burns fat, burns fat They, fat They also, They also contain, also contain the, contain the conjugated, the conjugated linoleic, conjugated linoleic acid, linoleic acid which, acid which promotes, which promotes the, promotes the elimination, the elimination of, elimination of body, of body fat, body fat in, fat in favor, in favor of, favor of the, of the development, the development of, development of the, of the muscular, the muscular masses, muscular masses Tip, masses Tip eat, Tip eat halfskim, eat halfskim milk, halfskim milk to, milk to avoid, to avoid gaining, avoid gaining weight, gaining weight 16, weight 16 The, 16 The Egg, The Egg It, Egg It creates, It creates a, creates a sulfur, a sulfur compoundHelping, sulfur compoundHelping to, compoundHelping to eliminate, to eliminate toxins, eliminate toxins and, toxins and reducing, and reducing the, reducing the production, the production of, production of free, of free radicals, free radicals 17, radicals 17 Cabbage, 17 Cabbage it, Cabbage it prevents, it prevents the, prevents the retention, the retention of, retention of water, of water Thanks, water Thanks to, Thanks to its, to its formidable, its formidable source, formidable source of, source of potassium, of potassium But, potassium But it, But it also, it also reduces, also reduces appetite, reduces appetite and, appetite and eliminates, and eliminates toxins, eliminates toxins 18, toxins 18 Poivron, 18 Poivron It, Poivron It has, It has diuretic, has diuretic and, diuretic and toning, and toning properties, toning properties to, properties to eliminate, to eliminate upstream, eliminate upstream sugars, upstream sugars and, sugars and fats, and fats 19, fats 19 Pineapple, 19 Pineapple contains, Pineapple contains bromelain, contains bromelain an, bromelain an enzyme, an enzyme considered, enzyme considered fateating, considered fateating 20, fateating 20 Complete, 20 Complete cereals, Complete cereals they, cereals they are, they are rich, are rich in, rich in dietary, in dietary fiber, dietary fiber facilitating, fiber facilitating the, facilitating the elimination, the elimination of, elimination of fats, of fats Then, fats Then take, Then take a, take a bowl, a bowl of, bowl of cerel, of cerel for, cerel for breakfast, for breakfast This, breakfast This is, This is effective, is effective for, effective for getting, for getting rid, getting rid of, rid of cellulite, of cellulite 21, cellulite 21 Asparagus, 21 Asparagus It, Asparagus It is, It is devoid, is devoid of, devoid of fat, of fat very, fat very rich, very rich in, rich in fiber, in fiber and, fiber and mineral, and mineral salts, mineral salts And, salts And has, And has diuretic, has diuretic effects, diuretic effects against, effects against water, against water retention, water retention 22, retention 22 Broccoli, 22 Broccoli it, Broccoli it contains, it contains alpha, contains alpha lipoic, alpha lipoic acid, lipoic acid which, acid which has, which has the, has the virtue, the virtue of, virtue of preventing, of preventing the, preventing the stiffening, the stiffening of, stiffening of collagen, of collagen fibers, collagen fibers responsible, fibers responsible for, responsible for the, for the effect, the effect of, effect of orange, of orange peel, orange peel Sonia, peel Sonia Ben, Sonia Ben Jaballah

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