The scandal of drugs that treat mice but not humans

The scandal of drugs that treat mice but not humans

The scandal of drugs that treat mice but not humans

"80% of the drugs successfully tested on mice fail when tested on people," says US researcher Steve Perrin in an article published on March 26, 2014 March by the International Weekly Journal of Science NATURE.
According to him, this is a major dysfunction in medical research, which

Not only wastes hundreds ofMillion, but also threatens the lives of patients who sometimes have only oneChance to try a promising experimental treatment, especially those suffering from a life-threatening progressive disease.

Indeed, over the past decade, a dozen potential treatments for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which has proved effective in animals, have come to the stage of clinical trial. Indeed, several thousand patients have committed themselves to these tests. "All the drugs except one were then ineffective and the only one that showed some effects does not bring real benefit in terms of the survival of patients," the article said.
Inadvertently, the dysfunction of medical research is not only related to ALS, but to other areas of medicine such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

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The, scandal, of, drugs, that, treat, mice, but, not, humans, 80, of, the, drugs, successfully, tested, on, mice, fail, when, tested, on, people, says, US, researcher, Steve, Perrin, in, an, article, published, on, March, 26, 2014, March, by, the, International, Weekly, Journal, of, Science, NATUREAccording, to, him, this, is, a, major, dysfunction, in, medical, research, which, not, only, wastes, hundreds, of, millions, of, dollars, but, also, threatens, the, lives, of, patients, who, sometimes, have, only, one, chance, to, try, a, treatment, Particularly, those, with, a, lifethreatening, disease, Indeed, over, the, past, decade, a, dozen, potential, treatments, for, amyotrophic, lateral, sclerosis, ALS, which, has, proved, effective, in, animals, have, come, to, the, stage, of, clinical, trial, Indeed, several, thousand, patients, have, committed, themselves, to, these, tests, All, the, drugs, except, one, were, then, ineffective, and, the, only, one, that, showed, some, effects, does, not, bring, real, benefit, in, terms, of, the, survival, of, patients, the, article, saidInadvertently, the, dysfunction, of, medical, research, is, not, only, related, to, ALS, but, to, other, areas, of, medicine, such, as, cancer, and, Alzheimers, disease, The scandal, scandal of, of drugs, drugs that, that treat, treat mice, mice but, but not, not humans, humans 80, 80 of, of the, the drugs, drugs successfully, successfully tested, tested on, on mice, mice fail, fail when, when tested, tested on, on people, people says, says US, US researcher, researcher Steve, Steve Perrin, Perrin in, in an, an article, article published, published on, on March, March 26, 26 2014, 2014 March, March by, by the, the International, International Weekly, Weekly Journal, Journal of, of Science, Science NATUREAccording, NATUREAccording to, to him, him this, this is, is a, a major, major dysfunction, dysfunction in, in medical, medical research, research which, which not, not only, only wastes, wastes hundreds, hundreds of, of millions, millions of, of dollars, dollars but, but also, also threatens, threatens the, the lives, lives of, of patients, patients who, who sometimes, sometimes have, have only, only one, one chance, chance to, to try, try a, a treatment, treatment Particularly, Particularly those, those with, with a, a lifethreatening, lifethreatening disease, disease Indeed, Indeed over, over the, the past, past decade, decade a, a dozen, dozen potential, potential treatments, treatments for, for amyotrophic, amyotrophic lateral, lateral sclerosis, sclerosis ALS, ALS which, which has, has proved, proved effective, effective in, in animals, animals have, have come, come to, to the, the stage, stage of, of clinical, clinical trial, trial Indeed, Indeed several, several thousand, thousand patients, patients have, have committed, committed themselves, themselves to, to these, these tests, tests All, All the, the drugs, drugs except, except one, one were, were then, then ineffective, ineffective and, and the, the only, only one, one that, that showed, showed some, some effects, effects does, does not, not bring, bring real, real benefit, benefit in, in terms, terms of, of the, the survival, survival of, of patients, patients the, the article, article saidInadvertently, saidInadvertently the, the dysfunction, dysfunction of, of medical, medical research, research is, is not, not only, only related, related to, to ALS, ALS but, but to, to other, other areas, areas of, of medicine, medicine such, such as, as cancer, cancer and, and Alzheimers, Alzheimers disease, The scandal of, scandal of drugs, of drugs that, drugs that treat, that treat mice, treat mice but, mice but not, but not humans, not humans 80, humans 80 of, 80 of the, of the drugs, the drugs successfully, drugs successfully tested, successfully tested on, tested on mice, on mice fail, mice fail when, fail when tested, when tested on, tested on people, on people says, people says US, says US researcher, US researcher Steve, researcher Steve Perrin, Steve Perrin in, Perrin in an, in an article, an article published, article published on, published on March, on March 26, March 26 2014, 26 2014 March, 2014 March by, March by the, by the International, the International Weekly, International Weekly Journal, Weekly Journal of, Journal of Science, of Science NATUREAccording, Science NATUREAccording to, NATUREAccording to him, to him this, him this is, this is a, is a major, a major dysfunction, major dysfunction in, dysfunction in medical, in medical research, medical research which, research which not, which not only, not only wastes, only wastes hundreds, wastes hundreds of, hundreds of millions, of millions of, millions of dollars, of dollars but, dollars but also, but also threatens, also threatens the, threatens the lives, the lives of, lives of patients, of patients who, patients who sometimes, who sometimes have, sometimes have only, have only one, only one chance, one chance to, chance to try, to try a, try a treatment, a treatment Particularly, treatment Particularly those, Particularly those with, those with a, with a lifethreatening, a lifethreatening disease, lifethreatening disease Indeed, disease Indeed over, Indeed over the, over the past, the past decade, past decade a, decade a dozen, a dozen potential, dozen potential treatments, potential treatments for, treatments for amyotrophic, for amyotrophic lateral, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, lateral sclerosis ALS, sclerosis ALS which, ALS which has, which has proved, has proved effective, proved effective in, effective in animals, in animals have, animals have come, have come to, come to the, to the stage, the stage of, stage of clinical, of clinical trial, clinical trial Indeed, trial Indeed several, Indeed several thousand, several thousand patients, thousand patients have, patients have committed, have committed themselves, committed themselves to, themselves to these, to these tests, these tests All, tests All the, All the drugs, the drugs except, drugs except one, except one were, one were then, were then ineffective, then ineffective and, ineffective and the, and the only, the only one, only one that, one that showed, that showed some, showed some effects, some effects does, effects does not, does not bring, not bring real, bring real benefit, real benefit in, benefit in terms, in terms of, terms of the, of the survival, the survival of, survival of patients, of patients the, patients the article, the article saidInadvertently, article saidInadvertently the, saidInadvertently the dysfunction, the dysfunction of, dysfunction of medical, of medical research, medical research is, research is not, is not only, not only related, only related to, related to ALS, to ALS but, ALS but to, but to other, to other areas, other areas of, areas of medicine, of medicine such, medicine such as, such as cancer, as cancer and, cancer and Alzheimers, and Alzheimers disease

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