How to burn a maximum of fat during a physical activity?

How to burn a maximum of fat during a physical activity?

How to burn a maximum of fat during a physical activity?

To understand the phenomenon of energy chain, it is necessary to know that the nutrients that bring energy to the body are the carbohydrates and the lipids. If your training is very intense, the body will tend to consume carbohydrates because these are quickly

Which can be assimilated by your system. When your efforts are low intensity (brisk walking, cycling), the body allows itself to burn fat because it has time to do it. So, the lower the intensity of an effort, Energy provided by lipids is important.

At rest, fat is burned

For example on basic metabolism. When you are at rest, you still spend calories. In this situation of rest and very low energy demand, it is the use of lipids which is the most important: about 60% of your energy expenditure is due to the burning of fat.

At this point, I'm sure many people are saying that to lose weight, just sit back and do nothing. Unfortunately, you do not have to think this way, because what counts most is the number of calories burned. Indeed, even if in percentage, one burns more lipids than carbohydrates when one is at rest, the energy expenditure is so low that the number of calories burned will not be significant.

Choose the exercise that suits you
If you want to lose fat directly, you should go with moderate intensity exercises (walking, cycling, fitness, etc.) because these are the best suited. In addition, you will be able to maintain these exercises longer than those requiring intense effort, which will allow you to burn even more calories!
Tip about whether the intensity is low, medium or high? The more difficult you are to talk to the stress, the more intense it is.

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How, to, burn, a, maximum, of, fat, during, a, physical, activity, To, understand, the, phenomenon, of, energy, chain, it, is, necessary, to, know, that, the, nutrients, that, bring, energy, to, the, body, are, the, carbohydrates, and, the, lipids, If, your, training, is, very, intense, the, body, will, tend, to, consume, carbohydrates, because, these, are, quickly, assimilated, by, your, system, When, your, efforts, are, low, intensity, brisk, walking, cycling, the, body, allows, itself, to, burn, fat, because, it, has, time, to, do, it, So, the, lower, the, intensity, of, an, effort, Energy, provided, by, lipids, is, important, At, rest, one, burns, fats, For, example, on, the, basic, metabolism, When, you, are, at, rest, you, still, spend, calories, In, this, situation, of, rest, and, very, low, energy, demand, it, is, the, use, of, lipids, which, is, the, most, important, about, 60, of, your, energy, expenditure, is, due, to, the, burning, of, fat, At, this, point, Im, sure, many, people, are, saying, that, to, lose, weight, just, sit, back, and, do, nothing, Unfortunately, you, do, not, have, to, think, this, way, because, what, counts, most, is, the, number, of, calories, burned, Indeed, even, if, in, percentage, one, burns, more, lipids, than, carbohydrates, when, one, is, at, rest, the, energy, expenditure, is, so, low, that, the, number, of, calories, burned, will, not, be, significant, Choose, the, exercise, that, suits, youIf, you, want, to, lose, fat, directly, you, should, go, with, moderate, intensity, exercises, walking, cycling, fitness, etc, because, these, are, the, best, suited, In, addition, you, will, be, able, to, maintain, these, exercises, longer, than, those, requiring, intense, effort, which, will, allow, you, to, burn, even, more, caloriesTip, about, whether, the, intensity, is, low, medium, or, high, The, more, difficult, you, are, to, talk, to, the, stress, the, more, intense, it, is, How to, to burn, burn a, a maximum, maximum of, of fat, fat during, during a, a physical, physical activity, activity To, To understand, understand the, the phenomenon, phenomenon of, of energy, energy chain, chain it, it is, is necessary, necessary to, to know, know that, that the, the nutrients, nutrients that, that bring, bring energy, energy to, to the, the body, body are, are the, the carbohydrates, carbohydrates and, and the, the lipids, lipids If, If your, your training, training is, is very, very intense, intense the, the body, body will, will tend, tend to, to consume, consume carbohydrates, carbohydrates because, because these, these are, are quickly, quickly assimilated, assimilated by, by your, your system, system When, When your, your efforts, efforts are, are low, low intensity, intensity brisk, brisk walking, walking cycling, cycling the, the body, body allows, allows itself, itself to, to burn, burn fat, fat because, because it, it has, has time, time to, to do, do it, it So, So the, the lower, lower the, the intensity, intensity of, of an, an effort, effort Energy, Energy provided, provided by, by lipids, lipids is, is important, important At, At rest, rest one, one burns, burns fats, fats For, For example, example on, on the, the basic, basic metabolism, metabolism When, When you, you are, are at, at rest, rest you, you still, still spend, spend calories, calories In, In this, this situation, situation of, of rest, rest and, and very, very low, low energy, energy demand, demand it, it is, is the, the use, use of, of lipids, lipids which, which is, is the, the most, most important, important about, about 60, 60 of, of your, your energy, energy expenditure, expenditure is, is due, due to, to the, the burning, burning of, of fat, fat At, At this, this point, point Im, Im sure, sure many, many people, people are, are saying, saying that, that to, to lose, lose weight, weight just, just sit, sit back, back and, and do, do nothing, nothing Unfortunately, Unfortunately you, you do, do not, not have, have to, to think, think this, this way, way because, because what, what counts, counts most, most is, is the, the number, number of, of calories, calories burned, burned Indeed, Indeed even, even if, if in, in percentage, percentage one, one burns, burns more, more lipids, lipids than, than carbohydrates, carbohydrates when, when one, one is, is at, at rest, rest the, the energy, energy expenditure, expenditure is, is so, so low, low that, that the, the number, number of, of calories, calories burned, burned will, will not, not be, be significant, significant Choose, Choose the, the exercise, exercise that, that suits, suits youIf, youIf you, you want, want to, to lose, lose fat, fat directly, directly you, you should, should go, go with, with moderate, moderate intensity, intensity exercises, exercises walking, walking cycling, cycling fitness, fitness etc, etc because, because these, these are, are the, the best, best suited, suited In, In addition, addition you, you will, will be, be able, able to, to maintain, maintain these, these exercises, exercises longer, longer than, than those, those requiring, requiring intense, intense effort, effort which, which will, will allow, allow you, you to, to burn, burn even, even more, more caloriesTip, caloriesTip about, about whether, whether the, the intensity, intensity is, is low, low medium, medium or, or high, high The, The more, more difficult, difficult you, you are, are to, to talk, talk to, to the, the stress, stress the, the more, more intense, intense it, it is, How to burn, to burn a, burn a maximum, a maximum of, maximum of fat, of fat during, fat during a, during a physical, a physical activity, physical activity To, activity To understand, To understand the, understand the phenomenon, the phenomenon of, phenomenon of energy, of energy chain, energy chain it, chain it is, it is necessary, is necessary to, necessary to know, to know that, know that the, that the nutrients, the nutrients that, nutrients that bring, that bring energy, bring energy to, energy to the, to the body, the body are, body are the, are the carbohydrates, the carbohydrates and, carbohydrates and the, and the lipids, the lipids If, lipids If your, If your training, your training is, training is very, is very intense, very intense the, intense the body, the body will, body will tend, will tend to, tend to consume, to consume carbohydrates, consume carbohydrates because, carbohydrates because these, because these are, these are quickly, are quickly assimilated, quickly assimilated by, assimilated by your, by your system, your system When, system When your, When your efforts, your efforts are, efforts are low, are low intensity, low intensity brisk, intensity brisk walking, brisk walking cycling, walking cycling the, cycling the body, the body allows, body allows itself, allows itself to, itself to burn, to burn fat, burn fat because, fat because it, because it has, it has time, has time to, time to do, to do it, do it So, it So the, So the lower, the lower the, lower the intensity, the intensity of, intensity of an, of an effort, an effort Energy, effort Energy provided, Energy provided by, provided by lipids, by lipids is, lipids is important, is important At, important At rest, At rest one, rest one burns, one burns fats, burns fats For, fats For example, For example on, example on the, on the basic, the basic metabolism, basic metabolism When, metabolism When you, When you are, you are at, are at rest, at rest you, rest you still, you still spend, still spend calories, spend calories In, calories In this, In this situation, this situation of, situation of rest, of rest and, rest and very, and very low, very low energy, low energy demand, energy demand it, demand it is, it is the, is the use, the use of, use of lipids, of lipids which, lipids which is, which is the, is the most, the most important, most important about, important about 60, about 60 of, 60 of your, of your energy, your energy expenditure, energy expenditure is, expenditure is due, is due to, due to the, to the burning, the burning of, burning of fat, of fat At, fat At this, At this point, this point Im, point Im sure, Im sure many, sure many people, many people are, people are saying, are saying that, saying that to, that to lose, to lose weight, lose weight just, weight just sit, just sit back, sit back and, back and do, and do nothing, do nothing Unfortunately, nothing Unfortunately you, Unfortunately you do, you do not, do not have, not have to, have to think, to think this, think this way, this way because, way because what, because what counts, what counts most, counts most is, most is the, is the number, the number of, number of calories, of calories burned, calories burned Indeed, burned Indeed even, Indeed even if, even if in, if in percentage, in percentage one, percentage one burns, one burns more, burns more lipids, more lipids than, lipids than carbohydrates, than carbohydrates when, carbohydrates when one, when one is, one is at, is at rest, at rest the, rest the energy, the energy expenditure, energy expenditure is, expenditure is so, is so low, so low that, low that the, that the number, the number of, number of calories, of calories burned, calories burned will, burned will not, will not be, not be significant, be significant Choose, significant Choose the, Choose the exercise, the exercise that, exercise that suits, that suits youIf, suits youIf you, youIf you want, you want to, want to lose, to lose fat, lose fat directly, fat directly you, directly you should, you should go, should go with, go with moderate, with moderate intensity, moderate intensity exercises, intensity exercises walking, exercises walking cycling, walking cycling fitness, cycling fitness etc, fitness etc because, etc because these, because these are, these are the, are the best, the best suited, best suited In, suited In addition, In addition you, addition you will, you will be, will be able, be able to, able to maintain, to maintain these, maintain these exercises, these exercises longer, exercises longer than, longer than those, than those requiring, those requiring intense, requiring intense effort, intense effort which, effort which will, which will allow, will allow you, allow you to, you to burn, to burn even, burn even more, even more caloriesTip, more caloriesTip about, caloriesTip about whether, about whether the, whether the intensity, the intensity is, intensity is low, is low medium, low medium or, medium or high, or high The, high The more, The more difficult, more difficult you, difficult you are, you are to, are to talk, to talk to, talk to the, to the stress, the stress the, stress the more, the more intense, more intense it, intense it is

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