How does the brain detect the lie?

How does the brain detect the lie?

How does the brain detect the lie?

One would lie on average twice a day; According to an investigation. The majority of lies is intended to spare the susceptibility of the other. However, there are also malicious lies intended to manipulate the other to profit from it. We would all like to know if there is a technique to get us in the right track.Indeed, the detectors of lies detect the electric currents produced by the brain to measure them; Because when you lie there is a specific cerebral activity.

So the best lie detector is your brain! You just have to learn how to detect this product signal

By your brain that reacted by detecting a lie. So, for the detection of these subliminal messages, listen to your instincts! Let yourself be guided by what thePsychologists call "unconscious detection of lies"; On hearing the little voice whispering in your ear: "he / she tells you some tricks! ". According to research conducted by Leanne ten Brinke and her colleagues at the University of California at Berkeley, the "unconscious" brain detects signs of lying on the face of his interlocutor. However, this does not mean that you are going to start looking for such or such signs of falsehood as these signs are beyond your consciousness. You simply have to content yourself with letting yourself go to what your "sixth sense" dictates; And listen to your own intuitions! In conclusion, "synergology", which is the method of reading non-verbal communication will not be of great help to you; According to this study. Needless to learn these revealing gestures that betray the lie because your brain does it automatically; And reveals the result by whispering to you: "That's not true he bluffs! ".

Sonia Ben Jaballah

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How, does, the, brain, detect, the, lie, One, would, lie, on, average, twice, a, day, According, to, an, investigation, The, majority, of, lies, is, intended, to, spare, the, susceptibility, of, the, other, However, there, are, also, malicious, lies, intended, to, manipulate, the, other, to, profit, from, it, We, would, all, like, to, know, if, there, is, a, technique, to, put, the, chip, in, our, ear, Indeed, the, detectors, of, lies, detect, the, electrical, currents, produced, by, the, brain, to, measure, them, Because, when, you, lie, there, is, a, specific, cerebral, activity, So, the, best, lie, detector, is, your, brain, You, simply, have, to, learn, to, detect, this, signal, produced, by, your, brain, that, has, responded, by, detecting, a, lie, So, for, the, detection, of, these, subliminal, messages, listen, to, your, instincts, Let, yourself, be, guided, by, what, psychologists, call, the, unconscious, detection, of, lies, On, hearing, the, little, voice, whispering, in, your, ear, he, , she, tells, you, some, tricks, , According, to, research, conducted, by, Leanne, ten, Brinke, and, her, colleagues, at, the, University, of, California, at, Berkeley, the, unconscious, brain, detects, signs, of, lying, on, the, face, of, his, interlocutor, However, this, does, not, mean, that, you, are, going, to, start, looking, for, such, or, such, signs, of, falsehood, as, these, signs, are, beyond, your, consciousness, You, simply, have, to, content, yourself, with, letting, yourself, go, to, what, your, sixth, sense, dictates, And, listen, to, your, own, intuitions, In, conclusion, synergology, which, is, the, method, of, reading, nonverbal, communication, will, not, be, of, great, help, to, you, According, to, this, study, Needless, to, learn, these, revealing, gestures, that, betray, the, lie, because, your, brain, does, it, automatically, And, reveals, the, result, by, whispering, to, you, Thats, not, true, he, bluffs, , Sonia, Ben, Jaballah, How does, does the, the brain, brain detect, detect the, the lie, lie One, One would, would lie, lie on, on average, average twice, twice a, a day, day According, According to, to an, an investigation, investigation The, The majority, majority of, of lies, lies is, is intended, intended to, to spare, spare the, the susceptibility, susceptibility of, of the, the other, other However, However there, there are, are also, also malicious, malicious lies, lies intended, intended to, to manipulate, manipulate the, the other, other to, to profit, profit from, from it, it We, We would, would all, all like, like to, to know, know if, if there, there is, is a, a technique, technique to, to put, put the, the chip, chip in, in our, our ear, ear Indeed, Indeed the, the detectors, detectors of, of lies, lies detect, detect the, the electrical, electrical currents, currents produced, produced by, by the, the brain, brain to, to measure, measure them, them Because, Because when, when you, you lie, lie there, there is, is a, a specific, specific cerebral, cerebral activity, activity So, So the, the best, best lie, lie detector, detector is, is your, your brain, brain You, You simply, simply have, have to, to learn, learn to, to detect, detect this, this signal, signal produced, produced by, by your, your brain, brain that, that has, has responded, responded by, by detecting, detecting a, a lie, lie So, So for, for the, the detection, detection of, of these, these subliminal, subliminal messages, messages listen, listen to, to your, your instincts, instincts Let, Let yourself, yourself be, be guided, guided by, by what, what psychologists, psychologists call, call the, the unconscious, unconscious detection, detection of, of lies, lies On, On hearing, hearing the, the little, little voice, voice whispering, whispering in, in your, your ear, ear he, How does the, does the brain, the brain detect, brain detect the, detect the lie, the lie One, lie One would, One would lie, would lie on, lie on average, on average twice, average twice a, twice a day, a day According, day According to, According to an, to an investigation, an investigation The, investigation The majority, The majority of, majority of lies, of lies is, lies is intended, is intended to, intended to spare, to spare the, spare the susceptibility, the susceptibility of, susceptibility of the, of the other, the other However, other However there, However there are, there are also, are also malicious, also malicious lies, malicious lies intended, lies intended to, intended to manipulate, to manipulate the, manipulate the other, the other to, other to profit, to profit from, profit from it, from it We, it We would, We would all, would all like, all like to, like to know, to know if, know if there, if there is, there is a, is a technique, a technique to, technique to put, to put the, put the chip, the chip in, chip in our, in our ear, our ear Indeed, ear Indeed the, Indeed the detectors, the detectors of, detectors of lies, of lies detect, lies detect the, detect the electrical, the electrical currents, electrical currents produced, currents produced by, produced by the, by the brain, the brain to, brain to measure, to measure them, measure them Because, them Because when, Because when you, when you lie, you lie there, lie there is, there is a, is a specific, a specific cerebral, specific cerebral activity, cerebral activity So, activity So the, So the best, the best lie, best lie detector, lie detector is, detector is your, is your brain, your brain You, brain You simply, You simply have, simply have to, have to learn, to learn to, learn to detect, to detect this, detect this signal, this signal produced, signal produced by, produced by your, by your brain, your brain that, brain that has, that has responded, has responded by, responded by detecting, by detecting a, detecting a lie, a lie So, lie So for, So for the, for the detection, the detection of, detection of these, of these subliminal, these subliminal messages, subliminal messages listen, messages listen to, listen to your, to your instincts, your instincts Let, instincts Let yourself, Let yourself be, yourself be guided, be guided by, guided by what, by what psychologists, what psychologists call, psychologists call the, call the unconscious, the unconscious detection, unconscious detection of, detection of lies, of lies On, lies On hearing, On hearing the, hearing the little, the little voice, little voice whispering, voice whispering in, whispering in your, in your ear, your ear he

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