A newborn refuses to be moved away from his mother holding her face

A newborn refuses to be moved away from his mother holding her face

A newborn refuses to be moved away from his mother holding her face

A moving and adorable video in which there is a pure moment of tenderness between a newborn and her mother. .You can see him holding his mother's face, snuggling against his cheek and yelling every time he tries to keep her away from her.

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A, newborn, refuses, to, be, moved, away, from, his, mother, holding, her, face, A, moving, and, adorable, video, in, which, there, is, a, pure, moment, of, tenderness, between, a, newborn, and, her, mother, , You, can, see, him, holding, his, mothers, face, snuggling, against, his, cheek, and, yelling, every, time, he, tries, to, keep, her, away, from, her, A newborn, newborn refuses, refuses to, to be, be moved, moved away, away from, from his, his mother, mother holding, holding her, her face, face A, A moving, moving and, and adorable, adorable video, video in, in which, which there, there is, is a, a pure, pure moment, moment of, of tenderness, tenderness between, between a, a newborn, newborn and, and her, her mother, A newborn refuses, newborn refuses to, refuses to be, to be moved, be moved away, moved away from, away from his, from his mother, his mother holding, mother holding her, holding her face, her face A, face A moving, A moving and, moving and adorable, and adorable video, adorable video in, video in which, in which there, which there is, there is a, is a pure, a pure moment, pure moment of, moment of tenderness, of tenderness between, tenderness between a, between a newborn, a newborn and, newborn and her, and her mother

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