An Indian broth that wants you well!

An Indian broth that wants you well!

An Indian broth that wants you well!

The Indians have very good traditional remedies, very old but very effective to strengthen the immune system. It is a whole culture "Ayurveda". It is a form of traditional Indian medicine but has proved its worth for centuries. It is famous all over the world. "Ayurvedic Medicine" or "knowledge of life", so it is named. Indeed, it is recognized by the World Health Organization as an alternative medicine, although patents concerning its

Drugs have been challenged by official institutions in Western countries and India. The most famous remedy is this famous Ayurvedic broth that stimulates the immune system and reduces inflammation; Such as colds and chills. Simple to make, it is composed of curry, olive oil, cumin, garlic, lemon, friends also several spices: turmeric, paprika, coriander, cardamom, black pepper, ginger, cumin, Mustard and bay leaf. Indeed, this cury of spices is very rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds. In fact, the Tufts University School of Medicine in Massachusetts has confirmed that the properties of cumin, garlic and lemon, consumed daily, stimulate the immune system to strengthen the entire body Just 4 or 5 days. So convinced of the effectiveness of the Ayurvedic broth to regain the form in less than a week? You only have to know the preparation; that is here :

For a cup of Ayurvedic broth: Heat in a small saucepan 1 tsp. Olive oil and add ½ tsp. Of each of the ingredients listed above. Then, pour on this mixture 340 ml (12 oz) of water. Let simmer for 5 minutes. Consume up to 3 cups per day.

Sonia ben jaballah

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An, Indian, broth, that, wants, you, well, The, Indians, have, very, good, traditional, remedies, very, old, but, very, effective, to, strengthen, the, immune, system, It, is, a, whole, culture, Ayurveda, It, is, a, form, of, traditional, Indian, medicine, but, has, proved, its, worth, for, centuries, It, is, famous, all, over, the, world, Ayurvedic, Medicine, or, knowledge, of, life, so, it, is, named, Indeed, it, is, recognized, by, the, World, Health, Organization, as, an, alternative, medicine, although, patents, on, its, medicines, have, been, challenged, by, official, institutions, in, Western, countries, and, India, The, most, famous, remedy, is, this, famous, Ayurvedic, broth, that, stimulates, the, immune, system, and, reduces, inflammation, Such, as, colds, and, chills, Simple, to, make, it, is, composed, of, curry, olive, oil, cumin, garlic, lemon, friends, also, several, spices, turmeric, paprika, coriander, cardamom, black, pepper, ginger, cumin, Mustard, and, bay, leaf, Indeed, this, cury, of, spices, is, very, rich, in, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and, antibacterial, compounds, In, fact, the, Tufts, University, School, of, Medicine, in, Massachusetts, has, confirmed, that, the, properties, of, cumin, garlic, and, lemon, consumed, daily, stimulate, the, immune, system, to, strengthen, the, entire, body, Just, 4, or, 5, days, So, convinced, of, the, effectiveness, of, the, Ayurvedic, broth, to, regain, the, form, in, less, than, a, week, You, only, have, to, know, the, preparation, Here, For, a, cup, of, Ayurvedic, broth, Heat, in, a, small, saucepan, 1, tsp, Olive, oil, and, add, , tsp, Of, each, of, the, ingredients, listed, above, Then, pour, on, this, mixture, 340, ml, 12, oz, of, water, Let, simmer, for, 5, minutes, Consume, up, to, 3, cups, per, day, Sonia, ben, jaballah, An Indian, Indian broth, broth that, that wants, wants you, you well, well The, The Indians, Indians have, have very, very good, good traditional, traditional remedies, remedies very, very old, old but, but very, very effective, effective to, to strengthen, strengthen the, the immune, immune system, system It, It is, is a, a whole, whole culture, culture Ayurveda, Ayurveda It, It is, is a, a form, form of, of traditional, traditional Indian, Indian medicine, medicine but, but has, has proved, proved its, its worth, worth for, for centuries, centuries It, It is, is famous, famous all, all over, over the, the world, world Ayurvedic, Ayurvedic Medicine, Medicine or, or knowledge, knowledge of, of life, life so, so it, it is, is named, named Indeed, Indeed it, it is, is recognized, recognized by, by the, the World, World Health, Health Organization, Organization as, as an, an alternative, alternative medicine, medicine although, although patents, patents on, on its, its medicines, medicines have, have been, been challenged, challenged by, by official, official institutions, institutions in, in Western, Western countries, countries and, and India, India The, The most, most famous, famous remedy, remedy is, is this, this famous, famous Ayurvedic, Ayurvedic broth, broth that, that stimulates, stimulates the, the immune, immune system, system and, and reduces, reduces inflammation, inflammation Such, Such as, as colds, colds and, and chills, chills Simple, Simple to, to make, make it, it is, is composed, composed of, of curry, curry olive, olive oil, oil cumin, cumin garlic, garlic lemon, lemon friends, friends also, also several, several spices, spices turmeric, turmeric paprika, paprika coriander, coriander cardamom, cardamom black, black pepper, pepper ginger, ginger cumin, cumin Mustard, Mustard and, and bay, bay leaf, leaf Indeed, Indeed this, this cury, cury of, of spices, spices is, is very, very rich, rich in, in antioxidant, antioxidant antiinflammatory, antiinflammatory and, and antibacterial, antibacterial compounds, compounds In, In fact, fact the, the Tufts, Tufts University, University School, School of, of Medicine, Medicine in, in Massachusetts, Massachusetts has, has confirmed, confirmed that, that the, the properties, properties of, of cumin, cumin garlic, garlic and, and lemon, lemon consumed, consumed daily, daily stimulate, stimulate the, the immune, immune system, system to, to strengthen, strengthen the, the entire, entire body, body Just, Just 4, 4 or, or 5, 5 days, days So, So convinced, convinced of, of the, the effectiveness, effectiveness of, of the, the Ayurvedic, Ayurvedic broth, broth to, to regain, regain the, the form, form in, in less, less than, than a, a week, week You, You only, only have, have to, to know, know the, the preparation, preparation Here, Here For, For a, a cup, cup of, of Ayurvedic, Ayurvedic broth, broth Heat, Heat in, in a, a small, small saucepan, saucepan 1, 1 tsp, tsp Olive, Olive oil, oil and, and add, An Indian broth, Indian broth that, broth that wants, that wants you, wants you well, you well The, well The Indians, The Indians have, Indians have very, have very good, very good traditional, good traditional remedies, traditional remedies very, remedies very old, very old but, old but very, but very effective, very effective to, effective to strengthen, to strengthen the, strengthen the immune, the immune system, immune system It, system It is, It is a, is a whole, a whole culture, whole culture Ayurveda, culture Ayurveda It, Ayurveda It is, It is a, is a form, a form of, form of traditional, of traditional Indian, traditional Indian medicine, Indian medicine but, medicine but has, but has proved, has proved its, proved its worth, its worth for, worth for centuries, for centuries It, centuries It is, It is famous, is famous all, famous all over, all over the, over the world, the world Ayurvedic, world Ayurvedic Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine or, Medicine or knowledge, or knowledge of, knowledge of life, of life so, life so it, so it is, it is named, is named Indeed, named Indeed it, Indeed it is, it is recognized, is recognized by, recognized by the, by the World, the World Health, World Health Organization, Health Organization as, Organization as an, as an alternative, an alternative medicine, alternative medicine although, medicine although patents, although patents on, patents on its, on its medicines, its medicines have, medicines have been, have been challenged, been challenged by, challenged by official, by official institutions, official institutions in, institutions in Western, in Western countries, Western countries and, countries and India, and India The, India The most, The most famous, most famous remedy, famous remedy is, remedy is this, is this famous, this famous Ayurvedic, famous Ayurvedic broth, Ayurvedic broth that, broth that stimulates, that stimulates the, stimulates the immune, the immune system, immune system and, system and reduces, and reduces inflammation, reduces inflammation Such, inflammation Such as, Such as colds, as colds and, colds and chills, and chills Simple, chills Simple to, Simple to make, to make it, make it is, it is composed, is composed of, composed of curry, of curry olive, curry olive oil, olive oil cumin, oil cumin garlic, cumin garlic lemon, garlic lemon friends, lemon friends also, friends also several, also several spices, several spices turmeric, spices turmeric paprika, turmeric paprika coriander, paprika coriander cardamom, coriander cardamom black, cardamom black pepper, black pepper ginger, pepper ginger cumin, ginger cumin Mustard, cumin Mustard and, Mustard and bay, and bay leaf, bay leaf Indeed, leaf Indeed this, Indeed this cury, this cury of, cury of spices, of spices is, spices is very, is very rich, very rich in, rich in antioxidant, in antioxidant antiinflammatory, antioxidant antiinflammatory and, antiinflammatory and antibacterial, and antibacterial compounds, antibacterial compounds In, compounds In fact, In fact the, fact the Tufts, the Tufts University, Tufts University School, University School of, School of Medicine, of Medicine in, Medicine in Massachusetts, in Massachusetts has, Massachusetts has confirmed, has confirmed that, confirmed that the, that the properties, the properties of, properties of cumin, of cumin garlic, cumin garlic and, garlic and lemon, and lemon consumed, lemon consumed daily, consumed daily stimulate, daily stimulate the, stimulate the immune, the immune system, immune system to, system to strengthen, to strengthen the, strengthen the entire, the entire body, entire body Just, body Just 4, Just 4 or, 4 or 5, or 5 days, 5 days So, days So convinced, So convinced of, convinced of the, of the effectiveness, the effectiveness of, effectiveness of the, of the Ayurvedic, the Ayurvedic broth, Ayurvedic broth to, broth to regain, to regain the, regain the form, the form in, form in less, in less than, less than a, than a week, a week You, week You only, You only have, only have to, have to know, to know the, know the preparation, the preparation Here, preparation Here For, Here For a, For a cup, a cup of, cup of Ayurvedic, of Ayurvedic broth, Ayurvedic broth Heat, broth Heat in, Heat in a, in a small, a small saucepan, small saucepan 1, saucepan 1 tsp, 1 tsp Olive, tsp Olive oil, Olive oil and, oil and add

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