IN IMAGE. Curiosity detects a mysterious light on Mars

IN IMAGE. Curiosity detects a mysterious light on Mars

IN IMAGE. Curiosity detects a mysterious light on Mars

IN IMAGE. Curiosity detects a mysterious light on Mars

After discovering the existence of groundwater on the Mars planet, the "Curiosity" robot, sent by NASA in August 2012, has delivered new images that have prompted scientists to question the presence of a form of Life on the planet closest to us.

On one of the photographs taken by this device, one distinguishes a sudden luminous presence. Some people consider that there is an intelligent form of life under the Martian surface, whereas NBC television justified this phenomenon by the way the robot operates, which has two side capture devices. Now, the problem here is that only one of them has captured this light. Doug Ellison, one of the participants in the Mars Science Loboratory project, explained that a cosmic ray could have hit the robot.

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IN, IMAGE, Curiosity, detects, a, mysterious, light, on, Mars, After, discovering, the, existence, of, groundwater, on, the, Mars, planet, the, Curiosity, robot, sent, by, NASA, in, August, 2012, has, delivered, new, images, that, have, prompted, scientists, to, question, the, presence, of, a, form, of, Life, on, the, planet, closest, to, usOn, one, of, the, photographs, taken, by, this, device, one, distinguishes, a, sudden, luminous, presence, Some, people, consider, that, there, is, an, intelligent, form, of, life, under, the, Martian, surface, whereas, NBC, television, justified, this, phenomenon, by, the, way, the, robot, operates, which, has, two, side, capture, devices, Now, the, problem, here, is, that, only, one, of, them, has, captured, this, light, Doug, Ellison, one, of, the, participants, in, the, Mars, Science, Loboratory, project, explained, that, a, cosmic, ray, could, have, hit, the, robot, IN IMAGE, IMAGE Curiosity, Curiosity detects, detects a, a mysterious, mysterious light, light on, on Mars, Mars After, After discovering, discovering the, the existence, existence of, of groundwater, groundwater on, on the, the Mars, Mars planet, planet the, the Curiosity, Curiosity robot, robot sent, sent by, by NASA, NASA in, in August, August 2012, 2012 has, has delivered, delivered new, new images, images that, that have, have prompted, prompted scientists, scientists to, to question, question the, the presence, presence of, of a, a form, form of, of Life, Life on, on the, the planet, planet closest, closest to, to usOn, usOn one, one of, of the, the photographs, photographs taken, taken by, by this, this device, device one, one distinguishes, distinguishes a, a sudden, sudden luminous, luminous presence, presence Some, Some people, people consider, consider that, that there, there is, is an, an intelligent, intelligent form, form of, of life, life under, under the, the Martian, Martian surface, surface whereas, whereas NBC, NBC television, television justified, justified this, this phenomenon, phenomenon by, by the, the way, way the, the robot, robot operates, operates which, which has, has two, two side, side capture, capture devices, devices Now, Now the, the problem, problem here, here is, is that, that only, only one, one of, of them, them has, has captured, captured this, this light, light Doug, Doug Ellison, Ellison one, one of, of the, the participants, participants in, in the, the Mars, Mars Science, Science Loboratory, Loboratory project, project explained, explained that, that a, a cosmic, cosmic ray, ray could, could have, have hit, hit the, the robot, IN IMAGE Curiosity, IMAGE Curiosity detects, Curiosity detects a, detects a mysterious, a mysterious light, mysterious light on, light on Mars, on Mars After, Mars After discovering, After discovering the, discovering the existence, the existence of, existence of groundwater, of groundwater on, groundwater on the, on the Mars, the Mars planet, Mars planet the, planet the Curiosity, the Curiosity robot, Curiosity robot sent, robot sent by, sent by NASA, by NASA in, NASA in August, in August 2012, August 2012 has, 2012 has delivered, has delivered new, delivered new images, new images that, images that have, that have prompted, have prompted scientists, prompted scientists to, scientists to question, to question the, question the presence, the presence of, presence of a, of a form, a form of, form of Life, of Life on, Life on the, on the planet, the planet closest, planet closest to, closest to usOn, to usOn one, usOn one of, one of the, of the photographs, the photographs taken, photographs taken by, taken by this, by this device, this device one, device one distinguishes, one distinguishes a, distinguishes a sudden, a sudden luminous, sudden luminous presence, luminous presence Some, presence Some people, Some people consider, people consider that, consider that there, that there is, there is an, is an intelligent, an intelligent form, intelligent form of, form of life, of life under, life under the, under the Martian, the Martian surface, Martian surface whereas, surface whereas NBC, whereas NBC television, NBC television justified, television justified this, justified this phenomenon, this phenomenon by, phenomenon by the, by the way, the way the, way the robot, the robot operates, robot operates which, operates which has, which has two, has two side, two side capture, side capture devices, capture devices Now, devices Now the, Now the problem, the problem here, problem here is, here is that, is that only, that only one, only one of, one of them, of them has, them has captured, has captured this, captured this light, this light Doug, light Doug Ellison, Doug Ellison one, Ellison one of, one of the, of the participants, the participants in, participants in the, in the Mars, the Mars Science, Mars Science Loboratory, Science Loboratory project, Loboratory project explained, project explained that, explained that a, that a cosmic, a cosmic ray, cosmic ray could, ray could have, could have hit, have hit the, hit the robot

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