They watched and listened to the creation of the universe!

They watched and listened to the creation of the universe!

They watched and listened to the creation of the universe!

How was the universe created? How was he born? Has the universe always existed? The debates on the question of the origin of the universe are raging; since the dawn of time. To answer these questions, scientists have very recently provided irrefutable proof to Albert Einstein's answer; And which states that the universe was formed after a gigantic explosion going back at least fourteen billion years.

Indeed, the Americans have for several years in search of the trace of the very first moments of Big Bang. The good news is that Monday, March 17th, John Kovac and Clement Pryke, who were responsible for this research, announced at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (USA) that their team of physicists has indeed arrived at Detect the primordial gravitational waves that have shaped the Universe forever. Indeed, the imprint of these waves exists, from the first moments of the creation of the universe and up to this day, on the fossil radiation (which bathes the cosmos). These American physicists have detected the bing bang dating back 13.8 billion years; After only two years of research! It is absolutely mind-boggling, they have listened to the creation of the universe! These undulations, foreseen by the theory of the relativity of Albert Einstein, prove the extreme rapidity of the expansion of the universe at the first moments of its creation. This major discovery demonstrates the speed and power of cosmic inflation with the detection of tiny radiations of the Big Bang using the Bicep 2 telescope, installed at the South Pole by the American collaboration Bicep2. However, these results also provide the ultimate proof of Einstein's general relativity. It is an echo never heard by any human being until then, an echo at 10-38 seconds after the Big Bang, during this phase of inflation where the volume of space was multiplied by 1026! Neither the US National Security Agency (NSA) nor any other intelligence service has managed to achieve this surprising result! The team of John Kovac and Clement Pryke thus have the oldest picture that can be of the whole Universe! These are photons or grains of light that manage to free themselves from other particles; 380,000 years after the Big Bang! The work of Bicep2 is worth a Nobel prize without a doubt. It is a new era of cosmology that begins!

Sonia ben Jaballah

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They, watched, and, listened, to, the, creation, of, the, universe, How, was, the, universe, created, How, was, he, born, Has, the, universe, always, existed, The, debates, on, the, question, of, the, origin, of, the, universe, are, raging, since, the, dawn, of, time, To, answer, these, questions, scientists, have, very, recently, provided, irrefutable, proof, to, Albert, Einsteins, answer, And, which, states, that, the, universe, was, formed, after, a, gigantic, explosion, going, back, at, least, fourteen, billion, years, Indeed, the, Americans, have, for, several, years, in, search, of, the, trace, of, the, very, first, moments, of, Big, Bang, The, good, news, is, that, Monday, March, 17th, John, Kovac, and, Clement, Pryke, who, were, responsible, for, this, research, announced, at, the, HarvardSmithsonian, Center, for, Astrophysics, USA, that, their, team, of, physicists, has, indeed, arrived, at, Detect, the, primordial, gravitational, waves, that, have, shaped, the, Universe, forever, Indeed, the, imprint, of, these, waves, exists, from, the, first, moments, of, the, creation, of, the, universe, and, up, to, this, day, on, the, fossil, radiation, which, bathes, the, cosmos, These, American, physicists, have, detected, the, bing, bang, dating, back, 138, billion, years, After, only, two, years, of, research, It, is, absolutely, mindboggling, they, have, listened, to, the, creation, of, the, universe, These, undulations, foreseen, by, the, theory, of, the, relativity, of, Albert, Einstein, prove, the, extreme, rapidity, of, the, expansion, of, the, universe, at, the, first, moments, of, its, creation, This, major, discovery, demonstrates, the, speed, and, power, of, cosmic, inflation, with, the, detection, of, tiny, radiations, of, the, Big, Bang, using, the, Bicep, 2, telescope, installed, at, the, South, Pole, by, the, American, collaboration, Bicep2, However, these, results, also, provide, the, ultimate, proof, of, Einsteins, general, relativity, It, is, an, echo, never, heard, by, any, human, being, until, then, an, echo, at, 1038, seconds, after, the, Big, Bang, during, this, phase, of, inflation, where, the, volume, of, space, was, multiplied, by, 1026, Neither, the, US, National, Security, Agency, NSA, nor, any, other, intelligence, service, has, managed, to, achieve, this, surprising, result, The, team, of, John, Kovac, and, Clement, Pryke, thus, have, the, oldest, picture, that, can, be, of, the, whole, Universe, These, are, photons, or, grains, of, light, that, manage, to, free, themselves, from, other, particles, 380000, years, after, the, Big, Bang, The, work, of, Bicep2, is, worth, a, Nobel, prize, without, a, doubt, It, is, a, new, era, of, cosmology, that, begins, Sonia, ben, Jaballah, They watched, watched and, and listened, listened to, to the, the creation, creation of, of the, the universe, universe How, How was, was the, the universe, universe created, created How, How was, was he, he born, born Has, Has the, the universe, universe always, always existed, existed The, The debates, debates on, on the, the question, question of, of the, the origin, origin of, of the, the universe, universe are, are raging, raging since, since the, the dawn, dawn of, of time, time To, To answer, answer these, these questions, questions scientists, scientists have, have very, very recently, recently provided, provided irrefutable, irrefutable proof, proof to, to Albert, Albert Einsteins, Einsteins answer, answer And, And which, which states, states that, that the, the universe, universe was, was formed, formed after, after a, a gigantic, gigantic explosion, explosion going, going back, back at, at least, least fourteen, fourteen billion, billion years, years Indeed, Indeed the, the Americans, Americans have, have for, for several, several years, years in, in search, search of, of the, the trace, trace of, of the, the very, very first, first moments, moments of, of Big, Big Bang, Bang The, The good, good news, news is, is that, that Monday, Monday March, March 17th, 17th John, John Kovac, Kovac and, and Clement, Clement Pryke, Pryke who, who were, were responsible, responsible for, for this, this research, research announced, announced at, at the, the HarvardSmithsonian, HarvardSmithsonian Center, Center for, for Astrophysics, Astrophysics USA, USA that, that their, their team, team of, of physicists, physicists has, has indeed, indeed arrived, arrived at, at Detect, Detect the, the primordial, primordial gravitational, gravitational waves, waves that, that have, have shaped, shaped the, the Universe, Universe forever, forever Indeed, Indeed the, the imprint, imprint of, of these, these waves, waves exists, exists from, from the, the first, first moments, moments of, of the, the creation, creation of, of the, the universe, universe and, and up, up to, to this, this day, day on, on the, the fossil, fossil radiation, radiation which, which bathes, bathes the, the cosmos, cosmos These, These American, American physicists, physicists have, have detected, detected the, the bing, bing bang, bang dating, dating back, back 138, 138 billion, billion years, years After, After only, only two, two years, years of, of research, research It, It is, is absolutely, absolutely mindboggling, mindboggling they, they have, have listened, listened to, to the, the creation, creation of, of the, the universe, universe These, These undulations, undulations foreseen, foreseen by, by the, the theory, theory of, of the, the relativity, relativity of, of Albert, Albert Einstein, Einstein prove, prove the, the extreme, extreme rapidity, rapidity of, of the, the expansion, expansion of, of the, the universe, universe at, at the, the first, first moments, moments of, of its, its creation, creation This, This major, major discovery, discovery demonstrates, demonstrates the, the speed, speed and, and power, power of, of cosmic, cosmic inflation, inflation with, with the, the detection, detection of, of tiny, tiny radiations, radiations of, of the, the Big, Big Bang, Bang using, using the, the Bicep, Bicep 2, 2 telescope, telescope installed, installed at, at the, the South, South Pole, Pole by, by the, the American, American collaboration, collaboration Bicep2, Bicep2 However, However these, these results, results also, also provide, provide the, the ultimate, ultimate proof, proof of, of Einsteins, Einsteins general, general relativity, relativity It, It is, is an, an echo, echo never, never heard, heard by, by any, any human, human being, being until, until then, then an, an echo, echo at, at 1038, 1038 seconds, seconds after, after the, the Big, Big Bang, Bang during, during this, this phase, phase of, of inflation, inflation where, where the, the volume, volume of, of space, space was, was multiplied, multiplied by, by 1026, 1026 Neither, Neither the, the US, US National, National Security, Security Agency, Agency NSA, NSA nor, nor any, any other, other intelligence, intelligence service, service has, has managed, managed to, to achieve, achieve this, this surprising, surprising result, result The, The team, team of, of John, John Kovac, Kovac and, and Clement, Clement Pryke, Pryke thus, thus have, have the, the oldest, oldest picture, picture that, that can, can be, be of, of the, the whole, whole Universe, Universe These, These are, are photons, photons or, or grains, grains of, of light, light that, that manage, manage to, to free, free themselves, themselves from, from other, other particles, particles 380000, 380000 years, years after, after the, the Big, Big Bang, Bang The, The work, work of, of Bicep2, Bicep2 is, is worth, worth a, a Nobel, Nobel prize, prize without, without a, a doubt, doubt It, It is, is a, a new, new era, era of, of cosmology, cosmology that, that begins, begins Sonia, Sonia ben, ben Jaballah, They watched and, watched and listened, and listened to, listened to the, to the creation, the creation of, creation of the, of the universe, the universe How, universe How was, How was the, was the universe, the universe created, universe created How, created How was, How was he, was he born, he born Has, born Has the, Has the universe, the universe always, universe always existed, always existed The, existed The debates, The debates on, debates on the, on the question, the question of, question of the, of the origin, the origin of, origin of the, of the universe, the universe are, universe are raging, are raging since, raging since the, since the dawn, the dawn of, dawn of time, of time To, time To answer, To answer these, answer these questions, these questions scientists, questions scientists have, scientists have very, have very recently, very recently provided, recently provided irrefutable, provided irrefutable proof, irrefutable proof to, proof to Albert, to Albert Einsteins, Albert Einsteins answer, Einsteins answer And, answer And which, And which states, which states that, states that the, that the universe, the universe was, universe was formed, was formed after, formed after a, after a gigantic, a gigantic explosion, gigantic explosion going, explosion going back, going back at, back at least, at least fourteen, least fourteen billion, fourteen billion years, billion years Indeed, years Indeed the, Indeed the Americans, the Americans have, Americans have for, have for several, for several years, several years in, years in search, in search of, search of the, of the trace, the trace of, trace of the, of the very, the very first, very first moments, first moments of, moments of Big, of Big Bang, Big Bang The, Bang The good, The good news, good news is, news is that, is that Monday, that Monday March, Monday March 17th, March 17th John, 17th John Kovac, John Kovac and, Kovac and Clement, and Clement Pryke, Clement Pryke who, Pryke who were, who were responsible, were responsible for, responsible for this, for this research, this research announced, research announced at, announced at the, at the HarvardSmithsonian, the HarvardSmithsonian Center, HarvardSmithsonian Center for, Center for Astrophysics, for Astrophysics USA, Astrophysics USA that, USA that their, that their team, their team of, team of physicists, of physicists has, physicists has indeed, has indeed arrived, indeed arrived at, arrived at Detect, at Detect the, Detect the primordial, the primordial gravitational, primordial gravitational waves, gravitational waves that, waves that have, that have shaped, have shaped the, shaped the Universe, the Universe forever, Universe forever Indeed, forever Indeed the, Indeed the imprint, the imprint of, imprint of these, of these waves, these waves exists, waves exists from, exists from the, from the first, the first moments, first moments of, moments of the, of the creation, the creation of, creation of the, of the universe, the universe and, universe and up, and up to, up to this, to this day, this day on, day on the, on the fossil, the fossil radiation, fossil radiation which, radiation which bathes, which bathes the, bathes the cosmos, the cosmos These, cosmos These American, These American physicists, American physicists have, physicists have detected, have detected the, detected the bing, the bing bang, bing bang dating, bang dating back, dating back 138, back 138 billion, 138 billion years, billion years After, years After only, After only two, only two years, two years of, years of research, of research It, research It is, It is absolutely, is absolutely mindboggling, absolutely mindboggling they, mindboggling they have, they have listened, have listened to, listened to the, to the creation, the creation of, creation of the, of the universe, the universe These, universe These undulations, These undulations foreseen, undulations foreseen by, foreseen by the, by the theory, the theory of, theory of the, of the relativity, the relativity of, relativity of Albert, of Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein prove, Einstein prove the, prove the extreme, the extreme rapidity, extreme rapidity of, rapidity of the, of the expansion, the expansion of, expansion of the, of the universe, the universe at, universe at the, at the first, the first moments, first moments of, moments of its, of its creation, its creation This, creation This major, This major discovery, major discovery demonstrates, discovery demonstrates the, demonstrates the speed, the speed and, speed and power, and power of, power of cosmic, of cosmic inflation, cosmic inflation with, inflation with the, with the detection, the detection of, detection of tiny, of tiny radiations, tiny radiations of, radiations of the, of the Big, the Big Bang, Big Bang using, Bang using the, using the Bicep, the Bicep 2, Bicep 2 telescope, 2 telescope installed, telescope installed at, installed at the, at the South, the South Pole, South Pole by, Pole by the, by the American, the American collaboration, American collaboration Bicep2, collaboration Bicep2 However, Bicep2 However these, However these results, these results also, results also provide, also provide the, provide the ultimate, the ultimate proof, ultimate proof of, proof of Einsteins, of Einsteins general, Einsteins general relativity, general relativity It, relativity It is, It is an, is an echo, an echo never, echo never heard, never heard by, heard by any, by any human, any human being, human being until, being until then, until then an, then an echo, an echo at, echo at 1038, at 1038 seconds, 1038 seconds after, seconds after the, after the Big, the Big Bang, Big Bang during, Bang during this, during this phase, this phase of, phase of inflation, of inflation where, inflation where the, where the volume, the volume of, volume of space, of space was, space was multiplied, was multiplied by, multiplied by 1026, by 1026 Neither, 1026 Neither the, Neither the US, the US National, US National Security, National Security Agency, Security Agency NSA, Agency NSA nor, NSA nor any, nor any other, any other intelligence, other intelligence service, intelligence service has, service has managed, has managed to, managed to achieve, to achieve this, achieve this surprising, this surprising result, surprising result The, result The team, The team of, team of John, of John Kovac, John Kovac and, Kovac and Clement, and Clement Pryke, Clement Pryke thus, Pryke thus have, thus have the, have the oldest, the oldest picture, oldest picture that, picture that can, that can be, can be of, be of the, of the whole, the whole Universe, whole Universe These, Universe These are, These are photons, are photons or, photons or grains, or grains of, grains of light, of light that, light that manage, that manage to, manage to free, to free themselves, free themselves from, themselves from other, from other particles, other particles 380000, particles 380000 years, 380000 years after, years after the, after the Big, the Big Bang, Big Bang The, Bang The work, The work of, work of Bicep2, of Bicep2 is, Bicep2 is worth, is worth a, worth a Nobel, a Nobel prize, Nobel prize without, prize without a, without a doubt, a doubt It, doubt It is, It is a, is a new, a new era, new era of, era of cosmology, of cosmology that, cosmology that begins, that begins Sonia, begins Sonia ben, Sonia ben Jaballah

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