High heels!

High heels!

High heels!

Any self-respecting woman wears heels at least once or twice a week. Some put on heels as long as they were not asleep; It sticks to their feet! It's beautiful, heeled shoes, it's sexy and it gives the height and look to the female silhouette. However, this is not without bad consequences on the woman's body. Zoom on heel shoes to convince you not to wear them all the time!

High heels cause women to suffer 4 times more lesions on the feet than men; Because the feet do not support the weight of your whole body evenly with the heels as your weight is mostly felt on the front. The consequence is back pain caused by misalignment of the hips and spine; But also joints such as the knee, the hips and even the spine, the hammer toes deformed and blocked in flexion, like a hammer or a claw ... And yes, the big toe could deviate towards the And deformed with a protruding and painful size. Other damage to the heels is inflammation of the front of the foot, tendon lesions, the risk of falls and fractures due to lack of balance, lesions to the knees and the risk of osteoarthritis (deterioration of the cartilage of the joint Knee) and early arthritis (inflammation of the joints) ... and many more serious, unsuspected problems, sometimes requiring surgery. Podiatrists do not tell you, ladies, to throw your heels in the trash but recommend to wear them less than 3 centimeters! The other tip is to opt for heels whose wide part of the heel includes the entire shoe. And why not compensated shoes; ladies? It's chic and sexy; And support all the weight in a uniform manner because there is not more than 3 centimeters difference between the front part and the back part. These are heels that give height to the silhouette; In addition to being comfortable and appropriate! So, girls, the question is: would it be difficult to sacrifice a few centimeters to preserve your health? It's up to you to choose ... you would have been warned!

Sonia ben jaballah

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High, heels, Any, selfrespecting, woman, wears, heels, at, least, once, or, twice, a, week, Some, put, on, heels, as, long, as, they, were, not, asleep, It, sticks, to, their, feet, Its, beautiful, heeled, shoes, its, sexy, and, it, gives, the, height, and, look, to, the, female, silhouette, However, this, is, not, without, bad, consequences, on, the, womans, body, Zoom, on, heel, shoes, to, convince, you, not, to, wear, them, all, the, time, High, heels, cause, women, to, suffer, 4, times, more, lesions, on, the, feet, than, men, Because, the, feet, do, not, support, the, weight, of, your, whole, body, evenly, with, the, heels, as, your, weight, is, mostly, felt, on, the, front, The, consequence, is, back, pain, caused, by, misalignment, of, the, hips, and, spine, But, also, joints, such, as, the, knee, the, hips, and, even, the, spine, the, hammer, toes, deformed, and, blocked, in, flexion, like, a, hammer, or, a, claw, , And, yes, the, big, toe, could, deviate, towards, the, And, deformed, with, a, protruding, and, painful, size, Other, damage, to, the, heels, is, inflammation, of, the, front, of, the, foot, tendon, lesions, the, risk, of, falls, and, fractures, due, to, lack, of, balance, lesions, to, the, knees, and, the, risk, of, osteoarthritis, deterioration, of, the, cartilage, of, the, joint, Knee, and, early, arthritis, inflammation, of, the, joints, , and, many, more, serious, unsuspected, problems, sometimes, requiring, surgery, Podiatrists, do, not, tell, you, ladies, to, throw, your, heels, in, the, trash, but, recommend, to, wear, them, less, than, 3, centimeters, The, other, tip, is, to, opt, for, heels, whose, wide, part, of, the, heel, includes, the, entire, shoe, And, why, not, compensated, shoes, ladies, Its, chic, and, sexy, And, support, all, the, weight, in, a, uniform, manner, because, there, is, not, more, than, 3, centimeters, difference, between, the, front, part, and, the, back, part, These, are, heels, that, give, height, to, the, silhouette, In, addition, to, being, comfortable, and, appropriate, So, girls, the, question, is, would, it, be, difficult, to, sacrifice, a, few, centimeters, to, preserve, your, health, Its, up, to, you, to, choose, , you, would, have, been, warned, Sonia, ben, jaballah, High heels, heels Any, Any selfrespecting, selfrespecting woman, woman wears, wears heels, heels at, at least, least once, once or, or twice, twice a, a week, week Some, Some put, put on, on heels, heels as, as long, long as, as they, they were, were not, not asleep, asleep It, It sticks, sticks to, to their, their feet, feet Its, Its beautiful, beautiful heeled, heeled shoes, shoes its, its sexy, sexy and, and it, it gives, gives the, the height, height and, and look, look to, to the, the female, female silhouette, silhouette However, However this, this is, is not, not without, without bad, bad consequences, consequences on, on the, the womans, womans body, body Zoom, Zoom on, on heel, heel shoes, shoes to, to convince, convince you, you not, not to, to wear, wear them, them all, all the, the time, time High, High heels, heels cause, cause women, women to, to suffer, suffer 4, 4 times, times more, more lesions, lesions on, on the, the feet, feet than, than men, men Because, Because the, the feet, feet do, do not, not support, support the, the weight, weight of, of your, your whole, whole body, body evenly, evenly with, with the, the heels, heels as, as your, your weight, weight is, is mostly, mostly felt, felt on, on the, the front, front The, The consequence, consequence is, is back, back pain, pain caused, caused by, by misalignment, misalignment of, of the, the hips, hips and, and spine, spine But, But also, also joints, joints such, such as, as the, the knee, knee the, the hips, hips and, and even, even the, the spine, spine the, the hammer, hammer toes, toes deformed, deformed and, and blocked, blocked in, in flexion, flexion like, like a, a hammer, hammer or, or a, a claw, High heels Any, heels Any selfrespecting, Any selfrespecting woman, selfrespecting woman wears, woman wears heels, wears heels at, heels at least, at least once, least once or, once or twice, or twice a, twice a week, a week Some, week Some put, Some put on, put on heels, on heels as, heels as long, as long as, long as they, as they were, they were not, were not asleep, not asleep It, asleep It sticks, It sticks to, sticks to their, to their feet, their feet Its, feet Its beautiful, Its beautiful heeled, beautiful heeled shoes, heeled shoes its, shoes its sexy, its sexy and, sexy and it, and it gives, it gives the, gives the height, the height and, height and look, and look to, look to the, to the female, the female silhouette, female silhouette However, silhouette However this, However this is, this is not, is not without, not without bad, without bad consequences, bad consequences on, consequences on the, on the womans, the womans body, womans body Zoom, body Zoom on, Zoom on heel, on heel shoes, heel shoes to, shoes to convince, to convince you, convince you not, you not to, not to wear, to wear them, wear them all, them all the, all the time, the time High, time High heels, High heels cause, heels cause women, cause women to, women to suffer, to suffer 4, suffer 4 times, 4 times more, times more lesions, more lesions on, lesions on the, on the feet, the feet than, feet than men, than men Because, men Because the, Because the feet, the feet do, feet do not, do not support, not support the, support the weight, the weight of, weight of your, of your whole, your whole body, whole body evenly, body evenly with, evenly with the, with the heels, the heels as, heels as your, as your weight, your weight is, weight is mostly, is mostly felt, mostly felt on, felt on the, on the front, the front The, front The consequence, The consequence is, consequence is back, is back pain, back pain caused, pain caused by, caused by misalignment, by misalignment of, misalignment of the, of the hips, the hips and, hips and spine, and spine But, spine But also, But also joints, also joints such, joints such as, such as the, as the knee, the knee the, knee the hips, the hips and, hips and even, and even the, even the spine, the spine the, spine the hammer, the hammer toes, hammer toes deformed, toes deformed and, deformed and blocked, and blocked in, blocked in flexion, in flexion like, flexion like a, like a hammer, a hammer or, hammer or a, or a claw

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