The Magic Drink to Get Back to Sleep Quickly

The Magic Drink to Get Back to Sleep Quickly

The Magic Drink to Get Back to Sleep Quickly

In the evening, you have trouble falling asleep and the long nights of insomnia you know perfectly. There is no need to go through the sleeping box because there is a drink made from milk, honey, cinnamon and vanilla. Easy to prepare, it will help you quickly find a baby sleep.


• one cup of milk

• two drops of vanilla extract

• of honey

• a small pinch of cinnamon


Heat the milk over low heat and add the other ingredients one at a time and stir gently. Milk should not be too hot. Drink your relaxing drink and close your eyes. Good sleep!

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The, Magic, Drink, to, Get, Back, to, Sleep, Quickly, In, the, evening, you, have, trouble, falling, asleep, and, the, long, nights, of, insomnia, you, know, perfectly, There, is, no, need, to, go, through, the, sleeping, box, because, there, is, a, drink, made, from, milk, honey, cinnamon, and, vanilla, Easy, to, prepare, it, will, help, you, quickly, find, a, baby, sleep, Ingredients, , a, cup, of, milk, , two, drops, of, vanilla, extract, , honey, , a, small, pinch, of, cinnamon, Preparation, Heat, the, milk, over, low, heat, and, add, the, other, ingredients, one, by, one, and, stir, gently, Milk, should, not, be, too, hot, Drink, your, relaxing, drink, and, close, your, eyes, Good, sleep, The Magic, Magic Drink, Drink to, to Get, Get Back, Back to, to Sleep, Sleep Quickly, Quickly In, In the, the evening, evening you, you have, have trouble, trouble falling, falling asleep, asleep and, and the, the long, long nights, nights of, of insomnia, insomnia you, you know, know perfectly, perfectly There, There is, is no, no need, need to, to go, go through, through the, the sleeping, sleeping box, box because, because there, there is, is a, a drink, drink made, made from, from milk, milk honey, honey cinnamon, cinnamon and, and vanilla, vanilla Easy, Easy to, to prepare, prepare it, it will, will help, help you, you quickly, quickly find, find a, a baby, baby sleep, sleep Ingredients, The Magic Drink, Magic Drink to, Drink to Get, to Get Back, Get Back to, Back to Sleep, to Sleep Quickly, Sleep Quickly In, Quickly In the, In the evening, the evening you, evening you have, you have trouble, have trouble falling, trouble falling asleep, falling asleep and, asleep and the, and the long, the long nights, long nights of, nights of insomnia, of insomnia you, insomnia you know, you know perfectly, know perfectly There, perfectly There is, There is no, is no need, no need to, need to go, to go through, go through the, through the sleeping, the sleeping box, sleeping box because, box because there, because there is, there is a, is a drink, a drink made, drink made from, made from milk, from milk honey, milk honey cinnamon, honey cinnamon and, cinnamon and vanilla, and vanilla Easy, vanilla Easy to, Easy to prepare, to prepare it, prepare it will, it will help, will help you, help you quickly, you quickly find, quickly find a, find a baby, a baby sleep, baby sleep Ingredients

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