The basic rules for freezing

The basic rules for freezing

The basic rules for freezing

Here you will find the basic rules for freezing food knowing that itFreeze only fresh and in good condition. You should not leave too much air in the package. If using bags, remove air before closing. If you use boxes, cover the surface of the food with a plastic film to protect them from the air that remains between the surface of the food and the lid. Know that the liquids (soups, fruit coulis ...) will take volume, so plan 1 or 2 cm of air between the food and the lid.

- You must not freeze foods based on fat (oil, butter, mayonnaise ...). Do not freeze milk products and eggs.

- Never refreeze food that has been defrosted.

- Remove the food from the freezer the day before and put it in the refrigerator so that it thaws gently. 1 to 2 hours before use, check if they are thoroughly thawed. If this is not the case, leave them at room temperature to finish defrosting.

- Before freezing the berries, wash them, dry them on a clean towel, spread them in a dish in ways that they do not touch and put them in the freezer. After one hour, as soon as they have become hard, put them in the bag or the freezing box
- Always note the freezing date and preferably consume the oldest foods *

- Divide the food into portions so that they are easier to eat afterwards

- Do not forget to respect the mode and the time of preservation of the food.

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The, basic, rules, for, freezing, Below, you, will, find, the, basic, rules, for, freezing, food, knowing, that, it, is, necessary, to, freeze, only, fresh, and, in, good, condition, You, should, not, leave, too, much, air, in, the, package, If, using, bags, remove, air, before, closing, If, you, use, boxes, cover, the, surface, of, the, food, with, a, plastic, film, to, protect, them, from, the, air, that, remains, between, the, surface, of, the, food, and, the, lid, Know, that, the, liquids, soups, fruit, coulis, , will, take, volume, so, plan, 1, or, 2, cm, of, air, between, the, food, and, the, lid, , You, must, not, freeze, foods, based, on, fat, oil, butter, mayonnaise, , Do, not, freeze, milk, products, and, eggs, , Never, refreeze, food, that, has, been, defrosted, , Remove, the, food, from, the, freezer, the, day, before, and, put, it, in, the, refrigerator, so, that, it, thaws, gently, 1, to, 2, hours, before, use, check, if, they, are, thoroughly, thawed, If, this, is, not, the, case, leave, them, at, room, temperature, to, finish, defrosting, , Before, freezing, the, berries, wash, them, dry, them, on, a, clean, towel, spread, them, in, a, dish, in, ways, that, they, do, not, touch, and, put, them, in, the, freezer, After, one, hour, as, soon, as, they, have, become, hard, put, them, in, the, bag, or, the, freezing, box, Always, note, the, freezing, date, and, preferably, consume, the, oldest, foods, , , Divide, the, foods, in, portions, so, as, to, facilitate, their, consumption, thereafter, , Do, not, forget, to, respect, the, mode, and, the, time, of, preservation, of, the, foods, The basic, basic rules, rules for, for freezing, freezing Below, Below you, you will, will find, find the, the basic, basic rules, rules for, for freezing, freezing food, food knowing, knowing that, that it, it is, is necessary, necessary to, to freeze, freeze only, only fresh, fresh and, and in, in good, good condition, condition You, You should, should not, not leave, leave too, too much, much air, air in, in the, the package, package If, If using, using bags, bags remove, remove air, air before, before closing, closing If, If you, you use, use boxes, boxes cover, cover the, the surface, surface of, of the, the food, food with, with a, a plastic, plastic film, film to, to protect, protect them, them from, from the, the air, air that, that remains, remains between, between the, the surface, surface of, of the, the food, food and, and the, the lid, lid Know, Know that, that the, the liquids, liquids soups, soups fruit, fruit coulis, The basic rules, basic rules for, rules for freezing, for freezing Below, freezing Below you, Below you will, you will find, will find the, find the basic, the basic rules, basic rules for, rules for freezing, for freezing food, freezing food knowing, food knowing that, knowing that it, that it is, it is necessary, is necessary to, necessary to freeze, to freeze only, freeze only fresh, only fresh and, fresh and in, and in good, in good condition, good condition You, condition You should, You should not, should not leave, not leave too, leave too much, too much air, much air in, air in the, in the package, the package If, package If using, If using bags, using bags remove, bags remove air, remove air before, air before closing, before closing If, closing If you, If you use, you use boxes, use boxes cover, boxes cover the, cover the surface, the surface of, surface of the, of the food, the food with, food with a, with a plastic, a plastic film, plastic film to, film to protect, to protect them, protect them from, them from the, from the air, the air that, air that remains, that remains between, remains between the, between the surface, the surface of, surface of the, of the food, the food and, food and the, and the lid, the lid Know, lid Know that, Know that the, that the liquids, the liquids soups, liquids soups fruit, soups fruit coulis

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