How did the Egyptians move the pyramid stones?

How did the Egyptians move the pyramid stones?

How did the Egyptians move the pyramid stones?

Although our knowledge and technology have grown strongly in recent years, Egyptian constructions remain a great mystery. The weight of stones or statues made the task almost impossible, some reaching 2.5 tons.

But according to a study carried out by a team of international researchers led by Daniel Bonn of the University of Amsterdam, the Egyptians used a very simple technique, although difficult to put in place. The study shows that wet sand Another advantage: it greatly reduces friction with any object moving on the sand.

With a certain amount of water, the friction between the sand and the moving object was so greatly reduced that the force needed to move the object was reduced by 50%. With this technique, the Egyptians used only half the men needed to tow the stones.
Ironically, it seems that the answer has been under our noses since the beginning: in a fresco of the tomb of Djehutihotep, one can see an Egyptian worker in front of a sledge carrying a large statue, pouring l Water on the sand in front of him

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How, did, the, Egyptians, move, the, pyramid, stones, Although, our, knowledge, and, technology, have, grown, strongly, in, recent, years, Egyptian, constructions, remain, a, great, mystery, The, weight, of, stones, or, statues, made, the, task, almost, impossible, some, reaching, 25, tons, But, according, to, a, study, carried, out, by, a, team, of, international, researchers, led, by, Daniel, Bonn, of, the, University, of, Amsterdam, the, Egyptians, used, a, very, simple, technique, although, difficult, to, put, in, place, The, study, shows, that, wet, sand, Another, advantage, it, greatly, reduces, friction, with, any, object, moving, on, the, sandWith, a, certain, amount, of, water, the, friction, between, the, sand, and, the, moving, object, was, so, greatly, reduced, that, the, force, needed, to, move, the, object, was, reduced, by, 50, With, this, technique, the, Egyptians, used, only, half, the, men, needed, to, tow, the, stonesIronically, it, seems, that, the, answer, has, been, under, our, noses, since, the, beginning, in, a, fresco, of, the, tomb, of, Djehutihotep, one, can, see, an, Egyptian, worker, in, front, of, a, sledge, carrying, a, large, statue, pouring, l, Water, on, the, sand, in, front, of, him, How did, did the, the Egyptians, Egyptians move, move the, the pyramid, pyramid stones, stones Although, Although our, our knowledge, knowledge and, and technology, technology have, have grown, grown strongly, strongly in, in recent, recent years, years Egyptian, Egyptian constructions, constructions remain, remain a, a great, great mystery, mystery The, The weight, weight of, of stones, stones or, or statues, statues made, made the, the task, task almost, almost impossible, impossible some, some reaching, reaching 25, 25 tons, tons But, But according, according to, to a, a study, study carried, carried out, out by, by a, a team, team of, of international, international researchers, researchers led, led by, by Daniel, Daniel Bonn, Bonn of, of the, the University, University of, of Amsterdam, Amsterdam the, the Egyptians, Egyptians used, used a, a very, very simple, simple technique, technique although, although difficult, difficult to, to put, put in, in place, place The, The study, study shows, shows that, that wet, wet sand, sand Another, Another advantage, advantage it, it greatly, greatly reduces, reduces friction, friction with, with any, any object, object moving, moving on, on the, the sandWith, sandWith a, a certain, certain amount, amount of, of water, water the, the friction, friction between, between the, the sand, sand and, and the, the moving, moving object, object was, was so, so greatly, greatly reduced, reduced that, that the, the force, force needed, needed to, to move, move the, the object, object was, was reduced, reduced by, by 50, 50 With, With this, this technique, technique the, the Egyptians, Egyptians used, used only, only half, half the, the men, men needed, needed to, to tow, tow the, the stonesIronically, stonesIronically it, it seems, seems that, that the, the answer, answer has, has been, been under, under our, our noses, noses since, since the, the beginning, beginning in, in a, a fresco, fresco of, of the, the tomb, tomb of, of Djehutihotep, Djehutihotep one, one can, can see, see an, an Egyptian, Egyptian worker, worker in, in front, front of, of a, a sledge, sledge carrying, carrying a, a large, large statue, statue pouring, pouring l, l Water, Water on, on the, the sand, sand in, in front, front of, of him, How did the, did the Egyptians, the Egyptians move, Egyptians move the, move the pyramid, the pyramid stones, pyramid stones Although, stones Although our, Although our knowledge, our knowledge and, knowledge and technology, and technology have, technology have grown, have grown strongly, grown strongly in, strongly in recent, in recent years, recent years Egyptian, years Egyptian constructions, Egyptian constructions remain, constructions remain a, remain a great, a great mystery, great mystery The, mystery The weight, The weight of, weight of stones, of stones or, stones or statues, or statues made, statues made the, made the task, the task almost, task almost impossible, almost impossible some, impossible some reaching, some reaching 25, reaching 25 tons, 25 tons But, tons But according, But according to, according to a, to a study, a study carried, study carried out, carried out by, out by a, by a team, a team of, team of international, of international researchers, international researchers led, researchers led by, led by Daniel, by Daniel Bonn, Daniel Bonn of, Bonn of the, of the University, the University of, University of Amsterdam, of Amsterdam the, Amsterdam the Egyptians, the Egyptians used, Egyptians used a, used a very, a very simple, very simple technique, simple technique although, technique although difficult, although difficult to, difficult to put, to put in, put in place, in place The, place The study, The study shows, study shows that, shows that wet, that wet sand, wet sand Another, sand Another advantage, Another advantage it, advantage it greatly, it greatly reduces, greatly reduces friction, reduces friction with, friction with any, with any object, any object moving, object moving on, moving on the, on the sandWith, the sandWith a, sandWith a certain, a certain amount, certain amount of, amount of water, of water the, water the friction, the friction between, friction between the, between the sand, the sand and, sand and the, and the moving, the moving object, moving object was, object was so, was so greatly, so greatly reduced, greatly reduced that, reduced that the, that the force, the force needed, force needed to, needed to move, to move the, move the object, the object was, object was reduced, was reduced by, reduced by 50, by 50 With, 50 With this, With this technique, this technique the, technique the Egyptians, the Egyptians used, Egyptians used only, used only half, only half the, half the men, the men needed, men needed to, needed to tow, to tow the, tow the stonesIronically, the stonesIronically it, stonesIronically it seems, it seems that, seems that the, that the answer, the answer has, answer has been, has been under, been under our, under our noses, our noses since, noses since the, since the beginning, the beginning in, beginning in a, in a fresco, a fresco of, fresco of the, of the tomb, the tomb of, tomb of Djehutihotep, of Djehutihotep one, Djehutihotep one can, one can see, can see an, see an Egyptian, an Egyptian worker, Egyptian worker in, worker in front, in front of, front of a, of a sledge, a sledge carrying, sledge carrying a, carrying a large, a large statue, large statue pouring, statue pouring l, pouring l Water, l Water on, Water on the, on the sand, the sand in, sand in front, in front of, front of him

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