The biggest virus in the world caught in the ice since 30,000 was awakened!

The biggest virus in the world caught in the ice since 30,000 was awakened!

Warming promotes the return to life of pathogens against which man is no longer immune. A virus more than 30,000 years old has been found in the frozen soils of the extreme northeastern Siberia. This corresponds to the Upper Pleistocene, the time of extinction of Neanderthal man. If Pithovirus sibericum infects amoebae, it is harmless toHumans and animals, recall the researchers.

"But the very fact that a virus of 30,000 years can be brought back to life means that pathogens for humans can also resurface in the same way," says Chantal Abergel, director of research at the CNRS and co-author of the publication "The danger is real," insists Jean-Michel Claverie.

Ice melting in the Arctic and permafrost (the layer of land that is permanently frozen) will make accessible areas that were not previously frozen."By digging for oil or gas, men may unintentionally come into contact with germs."

The danger does not come from the surface layer alone. The Arctic is considered a new mining eldorado. "By digging for oil or gas, men may unintentionally come into contact with germs. Even if they are only a few in a desert zone, they may become contaminated and above all become vectors, "insists the researchers. Especially since these areas of the Far North were inhabited a few thousand years ago. Once pathogens can be released again during these industrial surveys, the risk of contamination becomes high, knowing that immune defenses do not exist or have disappeared for years.

A new protozoan parasite previously sequestered under ice has also recently emerged, causing extensive mortality in gray seals and other threatened Arctic mammals. An episode reported by researchers in February in Chicago at the annual symposium of the American Society for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). They stated that the parasite had affected sea lions, walruses, polar bears and grizzlies all the way to southern British Columbia (Canada).

We have seen in the past the disasters that could be caused in humans by pathogens that did not exist in their environment. This was the case with the Indians decimated by measles and syphilis contracted with Europeans. More recently, we know the disaster caused by the AIDS virus when it passed from monkey to man. "If the man from Neanderthal has been affected by an infection, drilling could revive this disease," warns Chantal Abergel. Scientists also have in mind the smallpox virus, whose replication process is similar to that of Pithoviruses. "It is believed to have eradicated smallpox, but this is the case only on the surface of the Earth," continues the scientist.

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The, biggest, virus, in, the, world, caught, in, the, ice, since, 30000, was, awakened, Warming, promotes, the, return, to, life, of, pathogens, against, which, man, is, no, longer, immune, A, virus, more, than, 30000, years, old, has, been, found, in, the, frozen, soils, of, the, extreme, northeastern, Siberia, This, corresponds, to, the, Upper, Pleistocene, the, time, of, extinction, of, Neanderthal, man, If, Pithovirus, sibericum, infects, amoebae, it, is, harmless, to, humans, and, animals, recall, the, researchers, But, the, very, fact, that, a, virus, of, 30000, years, can, be, brought, back, to, life, means, that, pathogens, for, humans, can, also, resurface, in, the, same, way, says, Chantal, Abergel, director, of, research, at, the, CNRS, and, coauthor, of, the, publication, The, danger, is, real, insists, JeanMichel, Claverie, Ice, melting, in, the, Arctic, and, permafrost, the, layer, of, land, that, is, permanently, frozen, will, make, accessible, areas, that, were, not, previously, frozen, By, digging, for, oil, or, gas, men, may, unintentionally, come, into, contact, with, germs, ResearchersThe, danger, does, not, come, from, the, surface, layer, alone, The, Arctic, is, considered, a, new, mining, eldorado, By, digging, for, oil, or, gas, men, may, unintentionally, come, into, contact, with, germs, Even, if, they, are, only, a, few, in, a, desert, zone, they, may, become, contaminated, and, above, all, become, vectors, insists, the, researchers, Especially, since, these, areas, of, the, Far, North, were, inhabited, a, few, thousand, years, ago, Once, pathogens, can, be, released, again, during, these, industrial, surveys, the, risk, of, contamination, becomes, high, knowing, that, immune, defenses, do, not, exist, or, have, disappeared, for, years, A, new, protozoan, parasite, previously, sequestered, under, ice, has, also, recently, emerged, causing, extensive, mortality, in, gray, seals, and, other, threatened, Arctic, mammals, An, episode, reported, by, researchers, in, February, in, Chicago, at, the, annual, symposium, of, the, American, Society, for, the, Advancement, of, Science, AAAS, They, pointed, out, that, the, parasite, affected, sea, lions, walruses, polar, bears, and, grizzly, bears, as, far, south, as, British, Columbia, Canada, In, the, past, there, have, been, disasters, caused, by, pathogens, in, Did, not, exist, in, their, environment, This, was, the, case, with, the, Indians, decimated, by, measles, and, syphilis, contracted, with, Europeans, More, recently, we, know, the, disaster, caused, by, the, AIDS, virus, when, it, passed, from, monkey, to, man, If, the, man, from, Neanderthal, has, been, affected, by, an, infection, drilling, could, revive, this, disease, warns, Chantal, Abergel, Scientists, also, have, in, mind, the, smallpox, virus, whose, replication, process, Is, similar, to, that, of, Pithoviruses, It, is, believed, to, have, eradicated, smallpox, but, this, is, the, case, only, on, the, surface, of, the, Earth, continues, the, scientist, The biggest, biggest virus, virus in, in the, the world, world caught, caught in, in the, the ice, ice since, since 30000, 30000 was, was awakened, awakened Warming, Warming promotes, promotes the, the return, return to, to life, life of, of pathogens, pathogens against, against which, which man, man is, is no, no longer, longer immune, immune A, A virus, virus more, more than, than 30000, 30000 years, years old, old has, has been, been found, found in, in the, the frozen, frozen soils, soils of, of the, the extreme, extreme northeastern, northeastern Siberia, Siberia This, This corresponds, corresponds to, to the, the Upper, Upper Pleistocene, Pleistocene the, the time, time of, of extinction, extinction of, of Neanderthal, Neanderthal man, man If, If Pithovirus, Pithovirus sibericum, sibericum infects, infects amoebae, amoebae it, it is, is harmless, harmless to, to humans, humans and, and animals, animals recall, recall the, the researchers, researchers But, But the, the very, very fact, fact that, that a, a virus, virus of, of 30000, 30000 years, years can, can be, be brought, brought back, back to, to life, life means, means that, that pathogens, pathogens for, for humans, humans can, can also, also resurface, resurface in, in the, the same, same way, way says, says Chantal, Chantal Abergel, Abergel director, director of, of research, research at, at the, the CNRS, CNRS and, and coauthor, coauthor of, of the, the publication, publication The, The danger, danger is, is real, real insists, insists JeanMichel, JeanMichel Claverie, Claverie Ice, Ice melting, melting in, in the, the Arctic, Arctic and, and permafrost, permafrost the, the layer, layer of, of land, land that, that is, is permanently, permanently frozen, frozen will, will make, make accessible, accessible areas, areas that, that were, were not, not previously, previously frozen, frozen By, By digging, digging for, for oil, oil or, or gas, gas men, men may, may unintentionally, unintentionally come, come into, into contact, contact with, with germs, germs ResearchersThe, ResearchersThe danger, danger does, does not, not come, come from, from the, the surface, surface layer, layer alone, alone The, The Arctic, Arctic is, is considered, considered a, a new, new mining, mining eldorado, eldorado By, By digging, digging for, for oil, oil or, or gas, gas men, men may, may unintentionally, unintentionally come, come into, into contact, contact with, with germs, germs Even, Even if, if they, they are, are only, only a, a few, few in, in a, a desert, desert zone, zone they, they may, may become, become contaminated, contaminated and, and above, above all, all become, become vectors, vectors insists, insists the, the researchers, researchers Especially, Especially since, since these, these areas, areas of, of the, the Far, Far North, North were, were inhabited, inhabited a, a few, few thousand, thousand years, years ago, ago Once, Once pathogens, pathogens can, can be, be released, released again, again during, during these, these industrial, industrial surveys, surveys the, the risk, risk of, of contamination, contamination becomes, becomes high, high knowing, knowing that, that immune, immune defenses, defenses do, do not, not exist, exist or, or have, have disappeared, disappeared for, for years, years A, A new, new protozoan, protozoan parasite, parasite previously, previously sequestered, sequestered under, under ice, ice has, has also, also recently, recently emerged, emerged causing, causing extensive, extensive mortality, mortality in, in gray, gray seals, seals and, and other, other threatened, threatened Arctic, Arctic mammals, mammals An, An episode, episode reported, reported by, by researchers, researchers in, in February, February in, in Chicago, Chicago at, at the, the annual, annual symposium, symposium of, of the, the American, American Society, Society for, for the, the Advancement, Advancement of, of Science, Science AAAS, AAAS They, They pointed, pointed out, out that, that the, the parasite, parasite affected, affected sea, sea lions, lions walruses, walruses polar, polar bears, bears and, and grizzly, grizzly bears, bears as, as far, far south, south as, as British, British Columbia, Columbia Canada, Canada In, In the, the past, past there, there have, have been, been disasters, disasters caused, caused by, by pathogens, pathogens in, in Did, Did not, not exist, exist in, in their, their environment, environment This, This was, was the, the case, case with, with the, the Indians, Indians decimated, decimated by, by measles, measles and, and syphilis, syphilis contracted, contracted with, with Europeans, Europeans More, More recently, recently we, we know, know the, the disaster, disaster caused, caused by, by the, the AIDS, AIDS virus, virus when, when it, it passed, passed from, from monkey, monkey to, to man, man If, If the, the man, man from, from Neanderthal, Neanderthal has, has been, been affected, affected by, by an, an infection, infection drilling, drilling could, could revive, revive this, this disease, disease warns, warns Chantal, Chantal Abergel, Abergel Scientists, Scientists also, also have, have in, in mind, mind the, the smallpox, smallpox virus, virus whose, whose replication, replication process, process Is, Is similar, similar to, to that, that of, of Pithoviruses, Pithoviruses It, It is, is believed, believed to, to have, have eradicated, eradicated smallpox, smallpox but, but this, this is, is the, the case, case only, only on, on the, the surface, surface of, of the, the Earth, Earth continues, continues the, the scientist, The biggest virus, biggest virus in, virus in the, in the world, the world caught, world caught in, caught in the, in the ice, the ice since, ice since 30000, since 30000 was, 30000 was awakened, was awakened Warming, awakened Warming promotes, Warming promotes the, promotes the return, the return to, return to life, to life of, life of pathogens, of pathogens against, pathogens against which, against which man, which man is, man is no, is no longer, no longer immune, longer immune A, immune A virus, A virus more, virus more than, more than 30000, than 30000 years, 30000 years old, years old has, old has been, has been found, been found in, found in the, in the frozen, the frozen soils, frozen soils of, soils of the, of the extreme, the extreme northeastern, extreme northeastern Siberia, northeastern Siberia This, Siberia This corresponds, This corresponds to, corresponds to the, to the Upper, the Upper Pleistocene, Upper Pleistocene the, Pleistocene the time, the time of, time of extinction, of extinction of, extinction of Neanderthal, of Neanderthal man, Neanderthal man If, man If Pithovirus, If Pithovirus sibericum, Pithovirus sibericum infects, sibericum infects amoebae, infects amoebae it, amoebae it is, it is harmless, is harmless to, harmless to humans, to humans and, humans and animals, and animals recall, animals recall the, recall the researchers, the researchers But, researchers But the, But the very, the very fact, very fact that, fact that a, that a virus, a virus of, virus of 30000, of 30000 years, 30000 years can, years can be, can be brought, be brought back, brought back to, back to life, to life means, life means that, means that pathogens, that pathogens for, pathogens for humans, for humans can, humans can also, can also resurface, also resurface in, resurface in the, in the same, the same way, same way says, way says Chantal, says Chantal Abergel, Chantal Abergel director, Abergel director of, director of research, of research at, research at the, at the CNRS, the CNRS and, CNRS and coauthor, and coauthor of, coauthor of the, of the publication, the publication The, publication The danger, The danger is, danger is real, is real insists, real insists JeanMichel, insists JeanMichel Claverie, JeanMichel Claverie Ice, Claverie Ice melting, Ice melting in, melting in the, in the Arctic, the Arctic and, Arctic and permafrost, and permafrost the, permafrost the layer, the layer of, layer of land, of land that, land that is, that is permanently, is permanently frozen, permanently frozen will, frozen will make, will make accessible, make accessible areas, accessible areas that, areas that were, that were not, were not previously, not previously frozen, previously frozen By, frozen By digging, By digging for, digging for oil, for oil or, oil or gas, or gas men, gas men may, men may unintentionally, may unintentionally come, unintentionally come into, come into contact, into contact with, contact with germs, with germs ResearchersThe, germs ResearchersThe danger, ResearchersThe danger does, danger does not, does not come, not come from, come from the, from the surface, the surface layer, surface layer alone, layer alone The, alone The Arctic, The Arctic is, Arctic is considered, is considered a, considered a new, a new mining, new mining eldorado, mining eldorado By, eldorado By digging, By digging for, digging for oil, for oil or, oil or gas, or gas men, gas men may, men may unintentionally, may unintentionally come, unintentionally come into, come into contact, into contact with, contact with germs, with germs Even, germs Even if, Even if they, if they are, they are only, are only a, only a few, a few in, few in a, in a desert, a desert zone, desert zone they, zone they may, they may become, may become contaminated, become contaminated and, contaminated and above, and above all, above all become, all become vectors, become vectors insists, vectors insists the, insists the researchers, the researchers Especially, researchers Especially since, Especially since these, since these areas, these areas of, areas of the, of the Far, the Far North, Far North were, North were inhabited, were inhabited a, inhabited a few, a few thousand, few thousand years, thousand years ago, years ago Once, ago Once pathogens, Once pathogens can, pathogens can be, can be released, be released again, released again during, again during these, during these industrial, these industrial surveys, industrial surveys the, surveys the risk, the risk of, risk of contamination, of contamination becomes, contamination becomes high, becomes high knowing, high knowing that, knowing that immune, that immune defenses, immune defenses do, defenses do not, do not exist, not exist or, exist or have, or have disappeared, have disappeared for, disappeared for years, for years A, years A new, A new protozoan, new protozoan parasite, protozoan parasite previously, parasite previously sequestered, previously sequestered under, sequestered under ice, under ice has, ice has also, has also recently, also recently emerged, recently emerged causing, emerged causing extensive, causing extensive mortality, extensive mortality in, mortality in gray, in gray seals, gray seals and, seals and other, and other threatened, other threatened Arctic, threatened Arctic mammals, Arctic mammals An, mammals An episode, An episode reported, episode reported by, reported by researchers, by researchers in, researchers in February, in February in, February in Chicago, in Chicago at, Chicago at the, at the annual, the annual symposium, annual symposium of, symposium of the, of the American, the American Society, American Society for, Society for the, for the Advancement, the Advancement of, Advancement of Science, of Science AAAS, Science AAAS They, AAAS They pointed, They pointed out, pointed out that, out that the, that the parasite, the parasite affected, parasite affected sea, affected sea lions, sea lions walruses, lions walruses polar, walruses polar bears, polar bears and, bears and grizzly, and grizzly bears, grizzly bears as, bears as far, as far south, far south as, south as British, as British Columbia, British Columbia Canada, Columbia Canada In, Canada In the, In the past, the past there, past there have, there have been, have been disasters, been disasters caused, disasters caused by, caused by pathogens, by pathogens in, pathogens in Did, in Did not, Did not exist, not exist in, exist in their, in their environment, their environment This, environment This was, This was the, was the case, the case with, case with the, with the Indians, the Indians decimated, Indians decimated by, decimated by measles, by measles and, measles and syphilis, and syphilis contracted, syphilis contracted with, contracted with Europeans, with Europeans More, Europeans More recently, More recently we, recently we know, we know the, know the disaster, the disaster caused, disaster caused by, caused by the, by the AIDS, the AIDS virus, AIDS virus when, virus when it, when it passed, it passed from, passed from monkey, from monkey to, monkey to man, to man If, man If the, If the man, the man from, man from Neanderthal, from Neanderthal has, Neanderthal has been, has been affected, been affected by, affected by an, by an infection, an infection drilling, infection drilling could, drilling could revive, could revive this, revive this disease, this disease warns, disease warns Chantal, warns Chantal Abergel, Chantal Abergel Scientists, Abergel Scientists also, Scientists also have, also have in, have in mind, in mind the, mind the smallpox, the smallpox virus, smallpox virus whose, virus whose replication, whose replication process, replication process Is, process Is similar, Is similar to, similar to that, to that of, that of Pithoviruses, of Pithoviruses It, Pithoviruses It is, It is believed, is believed to, believed to have, to have eradicated, have eradicated smallpox, eradicated smallpox but, smallpox but this, but this is, this is the, is the case, the case only, case only on, only on the, on the surface, the surface of, surface of the, of the Earth, the Earth continues, Earth continues the, continues the scientist

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