The plant that could be the miracle cure for cancer cells

The plant that could be the miracle cure for cancer cells

The plant that could be the miracle cure for cancer cells

The Soursop is a tree that grows in the Amazonian forest of South America and the Caribbean islands. The fruit of corossol is prized for its sweetness and its flavor; But the other parts of the tree have medicinal properties. The tree grows at a height of about 3 meters; These leaves are broad and dark green. Scientists have studied this tree since the 1940s, but the focus is on its chemical substances called acetogenins Annonaceous which are the main agents that fight and kill cancer cells.

The extract of this plant can be used in medicine, but the fruit is used and appreciated by many for its flavor.
Fruit juice, flavored drinks, ice cream and desserts are made from the soursop fruit that is rich in vitamin C, B1 and B2

Cancer Treatment

The soursop is used to cure different types of cancer, and to remove cells that are resistant to chemotherapy, especially that of liver and breast cancer. And can even be used in place of chemotherapy without severe side effects, such as hair loss, nausea and weight loss. In addition, the soursop does not kill healthy cells as does chemotherapy.

Studies on the efficacy of graviola against cancer were conducted by the National Cancer Institute in 1976, which dealt with the phytochemicals of soursop known as acetogenines annaceous. In addition, a study conducted by the Catholic University of South Korea found that soursop was 10,000 times more effective in killing cancer cells in the colon than chemotherapy.

Economic Consideration and Market Law

Since then, many other studies have been carried out on the soursop as a possible cure for cancer, but nothing has been formalized by the US government; There is speculation that "sodas as an anti cancer remedy" is kept secret for the public in fear that large pharmaceutical companies will lose a lot of money.

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The, plant, that, could, be, the, miracle, cure, for, cancer, cells, The, Soursop, is, a, tree, that, grows, in, the, Amazonian, forest, of, South, America, and, the, Caribbean, islands, The, fruit, of, corossol, is, prized, for, its, sweetness, and, its, flavor, But, the, other, parts, of, the, tree, have, medicinal, properties, The, tree, grows, at, a, height, of, about, 3, meters, These, leaves, are, broad, and, dark, green, Scientists, have, studied, this, tree, since, the, 1940s, but, the, focus, is, on, its, chemical, substances, called, acetogenins, Annonaceous, which, are, the, main, agents, that, fight, and, kill, cancer, cells, The, extract, of, this, plant, can, be, used, in, medicine, but, the, fruit, is, used, and, appreciated, by, many, for, its, flavorFruit, juice, flavored, drinks, ice, creams, and, desserts, are, made, from, the, sours, fruit, which, is, rich, in, vitamin, C, B1, and, B2, Cancer, treatment, SOSPHOSIS, is, used, to, cure, different, types, of, cancer, and, to, eliminate, cells, Which, are, resistant, to, chemotherapy, particularly, that, of, liver, and, breast, cancer, And, can, even, be, used, in, place, of, chemotherapy, without, severe, side, effects, such, as, hair, loss, nausea, and, weight, loss, In, addition, the, soursop, does, not, kill, healthy, cells, as, does, chemotherapy, Studies, on, the, efficacy, of, graviola, against, cancer, were, conducted, by, the, National, Cancer, Institute, in, 1976, which, dealt, with, the, phytochemicals, of, soursop, known, as, acetogenines, annaceous, In, addition, a, study, conducted, by, the, Catholic, University, of, South, Korea, found, that, soursop, was, 10000, times, more, effective, in, killing, cancer, cells, in, the, colon, than, chemotherapy, Economic, Consideration, and, Market, Law, Since, then, many, other, studies, have, been, conducted, on, the, soursop, as, a, possible, cure, for, cancer, but, nothing, has, been, formalized, by, the, US, government, There, is, speculation, that, sodas, as, an, anti, cancer, remedy, is, kept, secret, for, the, public, in, fear, that, large, pharmaceutical, companies, will, lose, a, lot, of, money, The plant, plant that, that could, could be, be the, the miracle, miracle cure, cure for, for cancer, cancer cells, cells The, The Soursop, Soursop is, is a, a tree, tree that, that grows, grows in, in the, the Amazonian, Amazonian forest, forest of, of South, South America, America and, and the, the Caribbean, Caribbean islands, islands The, The fruit, fruit of, of corossol, corossol is, is prized, prized for, for its, its sweetness, sweetness and, and its, its flavor, flavor But, But the, the other, other parts, parts of, of the, the tree, tree have, have medicinal, medicinal properties, properties The, The tree, tree grows, grows at, at a, a height, height of, of about, about 3, 3 meters, meters These, These leaves, leaves are, are broad, broad and, and dark, dark green, green Scientists, Scientists have, have studied, studied this, this tree, tree since, since the, the 1940s, 1940s but, but the, the focus, focus is, is on, on its, its chemical, chemical substances, substances called, called acetogenins, acetogenins Annonaceous, Annonaceous which, which are, are the, the main, main agents, agents that, that fight, fight and, and kill, kill cancer, cancer cells, cells The, The extract, extract of, of this, this plant, plant can, can be, be used, used in, in medicine, medicine but, but the, the fruit, fruit is, is used, used and, and appreciated, appreciated by, by many, many for, for its, its flavorFruit, flavorFruit juice, juice flavored, flavored drinks, drinks ice, ice creams, creams and, and desserts, desserts are, are made, made from, from the, the sours, sours fruit, fruit which, which is, is rich, rich in, in vitamin, vitamin C, C B1, B1 and, and B2, B2 Cancer, Cancer treatment, treatment SOSPHOSIS, SOSPHOSIS is, is used, used to, to cure, cure different, different types, types of, of cancer, cancer and, and to, to eliminate, eliminate cells, cells Which, Which are, are resistant, resistant to, to chemotherapy, chemotherapy particularly, particularly that, that of, of liver, liver and, and breast, breast cancer, cancer And, And can, can even, even be, be used, used in, in place, place of, of chemotherapy, chemotherapy without, without severe, severe side, side effects, effects such, such as, as hair, hair loss, loss nausea, nausea and, and weight, weight loss, loss In, In addition, addition the, the soursop, soursop does, does not, not kill, kill healthy, healthy cells, cells as, as does, does chemotherapy, chemotherapy Studies, Studies on, on the, the efficacy, efficacy of, of graviola, graviola against, against cancer, cancer were, were conducted, conducted by, by the, the National, National Cancer, Cancer Institute, Institute in, in 1976, 1976 which, which dealt, dealt with, with the, the phytochemicals, phytochemicals of, of soursop, soursop known, known as, as acetogenines, acetogenines annaceous, annaceous In, In addition, addition a, a study, study conducted, conducted by, by the, the Catholic, Catholic University, University of, of South, South Korea, Korea found, found that, that soursop, soursop was, was 10000, 10000 times, times more, more effective, effective in, in killing, killing cancer, cancer cells, cells in, in the, the colon, colon than, than chemotherapy, chemotherapy Economic, Economic Consideration, Consideration and, and Market, Market Law, Law Since, Since then, then many, many other, other studies, studies have, have been, been conducted, conducted on, on the, the soursop, soursop as, as a, a possible, possible cure, cure for, for cancer, cancer but, but nothing, nothing has, has been, been formalized, formalized by, by the, the US, US government, government There, There is, is speculation, speculation that, that sodas, sodas as, as an, an anti, anti cancer, cancer remedy, remedy is, is kept, kept secret, secret for, for the, the public, public in, in fear, fear that, that large, large pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical companies, companies will, will lose, lose a, a lot, lot of, of money, The plant that, plant that could, that could be, could be the, be the miracle, the miracle cure, miracle cure for, cure for cancer, for cancer cells, cancer cells The, cells The Soursop, The Soursop is, Soursop is a, is a tree, a tree that, tree that grows, that grows in, grows in the, in the Amazonian, the Amazonian forest, Amazonian forest of, forest of South, of South America, South America and, America and the, and the Caribbean, the Caribbean islands, Caribbean islands The, islands The fruit, The fruit of, fruit of corossol, of corossol is, corossol is prized, is prized for, prized for its, for its sweetness, its sweetness and, sweetness and its, and its flavor, its flavor But, flavor But the, But the other, the other parts, other parts of, parts of the, of the tree, the tree have, tree have medicinal, have medicinal properties, medicinal properties The, properties The tree, The tree grows, tree grows at, grows at a, at a height, a height of, height of about, of about 3, about 3 meters, 3 meters These, meters These leaves, These leaves are, leaves are broad, are broad and, broad and dark, and dark green, dark green Scientists, green Scientists have, Scientists have studied, have studied this, studied this tree, this tree since, tree since the, since the 1940s, the 1940s but, 1940s but the, but the focus, the focus is, focus is on, is on its, on its chemical, its chemical substances, chemical substances called, substances called acetogenins, called acetogenins Annonaceous, acetogenins Annonaceous which, Annonaceous which are, which are the, are the main, the main agents, main agents that, agents that fight, that fight and, fight and kill, and kill cancer, kill cancer cells, cancer cells The, cells The extract, The extract of, extract of this, of this plant, this plant can, plant can be, can be used, be used in, used in medicine, in medicine but, medicine but the, but the fruit, the fruit is, fruit is used, is used and, used and appreciated, and appreciated by, appreciated by many, by many for, many for its, for its flavorFruit, its flavorFruit juice, flavorFruit juice flavored, juice flavored drinks, flavored drinks ice, drinks ice creams, ice creams and, creams and desserts, and desserts are, desserts are made, are made from, made from the, from the sours, the sours fruit, sours fruit which, fruit which is, which is rich, is rich in, rich in vitamin, in vitamin C, vitamin C B1, C B1 and, B1 and B2, and B2 Cancer, B2 Cancer treatment, Cancer treatment SOSPHOSIS, treatment SOSPHOSIS is, SOSPHOSIS is used, is used to, used to cure, to cure different, cure different types, different types of, types of cancer, of cancer and, cancer and to, and to eliminate, to eliminate cells, eliminate cells Which, cells Which are, Which are resistant, are resistant to, resistant to chemotherapy, to chemotherapy particularly, chemotherapy particularly that, particularly that of, that of liver, of liver and, liver and breast, and breast cancer, breast cancer And, cancer And can, And can even, can even be, even be used, be used in, used in place, in place of, place of chemotherapy, of chemotherapy without, chemotherapy without severe, without severe side, severe side effects, side effects such, effects such as, such as hair, as hair loss, hair loss nausea, loss nausea and, nausea and weight, and weight loss, weight loss In, loss In addition, In addition the, addition the soursop, the soursop does, soursop does not, does not kill, not kill healthy, kill healthy cells, healthy cells as, cells as does, as does chemotherapy, does chemotherapy Studies, chemotherapy Studies on, Studies on the, on the efficacy, the efficacy of, efficacy of graviola, of graviola against, graviola against cancer, against cancer were, cancer were conducted, were conducted by, conducted by the, by the National, the National Cancer, National Cancer Institute, Cancer Institute in, Institute in 1976, in 1976 which, 1976 which dealt, which dealt with, dealt with the, with the phytochemicals, the phytochemicals of, phytochemicals of soursop, of soursop known, soursop known as, known as acetogenines, as acetogenines annaceous, acetogenines annaceous In, annaceous In addition, In addition a, addition a study, a study conducted, study conducted by, conducted by the, by the Catholic, the Catholic University, Catholic University of, University of South, of South Korea, South Korea found, Korea found that, found that soursop, that soursop was, soursop was 10000, was 10000 times, 10000 times more, times more effective, more effective in, effective in killing, in killing cancer, killing cancer cells, cancer cells in, cells in the, in the colon, the colon than, colon than chemotherapy, than chemotherapy Economic, chemotherapy Economic Consideration, Economic Consideration and, Consideration and Market, and Market Law, Market Law Since, Law Since then, Since then many, then many other, many other studies, other studies have, studies have been, have been conducted, been conducted on, conducted on the, on the soursop, the soursop as, soursop as a, as a possible, a possible cure, possible cure for, cure for cancer, for cancer but, cancer but nothing, but nothing has, nothing has been, has been formalized, been formalized by, formalized by the, by the US, the US government, US government There, government There is, There is speculation, is speculation that, speculation that sodas, that sodas as, sodas as an, as an anti, an anti cancer, anti cancer remedy, cancer remedy is, remedy is kept, is kept secret, kept secret for, secret for the, for the public, the public in, public in fear, in fear that, fear that large, that large pharmaceutical, large pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical companies will, companies will lose, will lose a, lose a lot, a lot of, lot of money

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