The benefits of laughter for health

The benefits of laughter for health

The benefits of laughter for health

For effects on the body: Laughter helps to oxygenate the body, reduce muscle tension, enhance immunity and make the respiratory and cardiovascular system work. It also seems that laughter helps the body heal from certain diseases.

On the other hand, for the effects on morality, laughter helps to resist suffering, combat stress and make pleasure and well-being triumph. People who have a greater sense of humor tend to view stressful situations as challenges rather than painful trials. In addition, they generally have a higher self-esteem and a more fulfilled social life.

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The, benefits, of, laughter, for, health, For, effects, on, the, body, Laughter, helps, to, oxygenate, the, body, reduce, muscle, tension, enhance, immunity, and, make, the, respiratory, and, cardiovascular, system, work, It, also, seems, that, laughter, helps, the, body, heal, from, certain, diseases, On, the, other, hand, for, the, effects, on, morality, laughter, helps, to, resist, suffering, combat, stress, and, make, pleasure, and, wellbeing, triumph, People, who, have, a, greater, sense, of, humor, tend, to, view, stressful, situations, as, challenges, rather, than, painful, trials, In, addition, they, generally, have, a, higher, selfesteem, and, a, more, fulfilled, social, life, The benefits, benefits of, of laughter, laughter for, for health, health For, For effects, effects on, on the, the body, body Laughter, Laughter helps, helps to, to oxygenate, oxygenate the, the body, body reduce, reduce muscle, muscle tension, tension enhance, enhance immunity, immunity and, and make, make the, the respiratory, respiratory and, and cardiovascular, cardiovascular system, system work, work It, It also, also seems, seems that, that laughter, laughter helps, helps the, the body, body heal, heal from, from certain, certain diseases, diseases On, On the, the other, other hand, hand for, for the, the effects, effects on, on morality, morality laughter, laughter helps, helps to, to resist, resist suffering, suffering combat, combat stress, stress and, and make, make pleasure, pleasure and, and wellbeing, wellbeing triumph, triumph People, People who, who have, have a, a greater, greater sense, sense of, of humor, humor tend, tend to, to view, view stressful, stressful situations, situations as, as challenges, challenges rather, rather than, than painful, painful trials, trials In, In addition, addition they, they generally, generally have, have a, a higher, higher selfesteem, selfesteem and, and a, a more, more fulfilled, fulfilled social, social life, The benefits of, benefits of laughter, of laughter for, laughter for health, for health For, health For effects, For effects on, effects on the, on the body, the body Laughter, body Laughter helps, Laughter helps to, helps to oxygenate, to oxygenate the, oxygenate the body, the body reduce, body reduce muscle, reduce muscle tension, muscle tension enhance, tension enhance immunity, enhance immunity and, immunity and make, and make the, make the respiratory, the respiratory and, respiratory and cardiovascular, and cardiovascular system, cardiovascular system work, system work It, work It also, It also seems, also seems that, seems that laughter, that laughter helps, laughter helps the, helps the body, the body heal, body heal from, heal from certain, from certain diseases, certain diseases On, diseases On the, On the other, the other hand, other hand for, hand for the, for the effects, the effects on, effects on morality, on morality laughter, morality laughter helps, laughter helps to, helps to resist, to resist suffering, resist suffering combat, suffering combat stress, combat stress and, stress and make, and make pleasure, make pleasure and, pleasure and wellbeing, and wellbeing triumph, wellbeing triumph People, triumph People who, People who have, who have a, have a greater, a greater sense, greater sense of, sense of humor, of humor tend, humor tend to, tend to view, to view stressful, view stressful situations, stressful situations as, situations as challenges, as challenges rather, challenges rather than, rather than painful, than painful trials, painful trials In, trials In addition, In addition they, addition they generally, they generally have, generally have a, have a higher, a higher selfesteem, higher selfesteem and, selfesteem and a, and a more, a more fulfilled, more fulfilled social, fulfilled social life

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