Fenugreek (El helba), beneficial seeds!

Fenugreek (El helba), beneficial seeds!

Fenugreek (El helba), beneficial seeds!

It is a small leguminous plant whose small blond seeds look like tiny gravel. Reduced to powder, it is mainly used as a spice for flavoring vegetable soup. Its leaves can enhance the salads. Its taste is bitter and pungent; But its benefits are manifold. It facilitates childbirth and lactation,

Detoxifies the body and helps it regenerate, helps fight stress thanks to its high magnesium content, promotes growth thanks to its rich trace minerals, helps regulate blood glucose levels, reduces the level of bad cholesterol And triglycerides, participates in the reconstruction of the tissues, promotes muscle tone and bone strength thanks to calcium, contributes to hair growth, fights infections and inflammations of the respiratory tract, restores appetite ...

Sonia ben Jaballah

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Fenugreek, El, helba, beneficial, seeds, It, is, a, small, leguminous, plant, whose, small, blond, seeds, look, like, tiny, gravel, Reduced, to, powder, it, is, mainly, used, as, a, spice, for, flavoring, vegetable, soup, Its, leaves, can, enhance, the, salads, Its, taste, is, bitter, and, pungent, But, its, benefits, are, manifold, It, facilitates, childbirth, and, lactation, detoxifies, the, body, and, helps, it, regenerate, helps, to, combat, stress, thanks, to, its, high, magnesium, content, promotes, growth, thanks, to, its, rich, trace, elements, helps, regulate, the, rate, of, Blood, glucose, reduces, the, level, of, bad, cholesterol, and, triglycerides, participates, in, the, reconstruction, of, tissues, promotes, muscle, tone, and, bone, strength, through, calcium, contributes, to, hair, growth, fights, infections, and, inflammations, of, the, respiratory, tract, Restores, appetite, , Sonia, ben, Jaballah, Fenugreek El, El helba, helba beneficial, beneficial seeds, seeds It, It is, is a, a small, small leguminous, leguminous plant, plant whose, whose small, small blond, blond seeds, seeds look, look like, like tiny, tiny gravel, gravel Reduced, Reduced to, to powder, powder it, it is, is mainly, mainly used, used as, as a, a spice, spice for, for flavoring, flavoring vegetable, vegetable soup, soup Its, Its leaves, leaves can, can enhance, enhance the, the salads, salads Its, Its taste, taste is, is bitter, bitter and, and pungent, pungent But, But its, its benefits, benefits are, are manifold, manifold It, It facilitates, facilitates childbirth, childbirth and, and lactation, lactation detoxifies, detoxifies the, the body, body and, and helps, helps it, it regenerate, regenerate helps, helps to, to combat, combat stress, stress thanks, thanks to, to its, its high, high magnesium, magnesium content, content promotes, promotes growth, growth thanks, thanks to, to its, its rich, rich trace, trace elements, elements helps, helps regulate, regulate the, the rate, rate of, of Blood, Blood glucose, glucose reduces, reduces the, the level, level of, of bad, bad cholesterol, cholesterol and, and triglycerides, triglycerides participates, participates in, in the, the reconstruction, reconstruction of, of tissues, tissues promotes, promotes muscle, muscle tone, tone and, and bone, bone strength, strength through, through calcium, calcium contributes, contributes to, to hair, hair growth, growth fights, fights infections, infections and, and inflammations, inflammations of, of the, the respiratory, respiratory tract, tract Restores, Restores appetite, Fenugreek El helba, El helba beneficial, helba beneficial seeds, beneficial seeds It, seeds It is, It is a, is a small, a small leguminous, small leguminous plant, leguminous plant whose, plant whose small, whose small blond, small blond seeds, blond seeds look, seeds look like, look like tiny, like tiny gravel, tiny gravel Reduced, gravel Reduced to, Reduced to powder, to powder it, powder it is, it is mainly, is mainly used, mainly used as, used as a, as a spice, a spice for, spice for flavoring, for flavoring vegetable, flavoring vegetable soup, vegetable soup Its, soup Its leaves, Its leaves can, leaves can enhance, can enhance the, enhance the salads, the salads Its, salads Its taste, Its taste is, taste is bitter, is bitter and, bitter and pungent, and pungent But, pungent But its, But its benefits, its benefits are, benefits are manifold, are manifold It, manifold It facilitates, It facilitates childbirth, facilitates childbirth and, childbirth and lactation, and lactation detoxifies, lactation detoxifies the, detoxifies the body, the body and, body and helps, and helps it, helps it regenerate, it regenerate helps, regenerate helps to, helps to combat, to combat stress, combat stress thanks, stress thanks to, thanks to its, to its high, its high magnesium, high magnesium content, magnesium content promotes, content promotes growth, promotes growth thanks, growth thanks to, thanks to its, to its rich, its rich trace, rich trace elements, trace elements helps, elements helps regulate, helps regulate the, regulate the rate, the rate of, rate of Blood, of Blood glucose, Blood glucose reduces, glucose reduces the, reduces the level, the level of, level of bad, of bad cholesterol, bad cholesterol and, cholesterol and triglycerides, and triglycerides participates, triglycerides participates in, participates in the, in the reconstruction, the reconstruction of, reconstruction of tissues, of tissues promotes, tissues promotes muscle, promotes muscle tone, muscle tone and, tone and bone, and bone strength, bone strength through, strength through calcium, through calcium contributes, calcium contributes to, contributes to hair, to hair growth, hair growth fights, growth fights infections, fights infections and, infections and inflammations, and inflammations of, inflammations of the, of the respiratory, the respiratory tract, respiratory tract Restores, tract Restores appetite

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