Weight Loss: The 5 worst foods and the 5 best

Weight Loss: The 5 worst foods and the 5 best

Weight Loss: The 5 worst foods and the 5 best

According to a study to lose weight, just eat everything in moderation knowing that there are good and bad foods below you find:

The 5 foods most closely associated with weight gain were:

  • Fried potatoes: one serving per day causes a weight gain of 1.5 kilo in 4 years, 7.5 in 20 years;
  • Potato chips: one serving per day makes 0.75 kilo in 4 years, 3.75 in 20 years;
  • Sweetened beverages (2.25 kilos in 20 years);
  • Red meats (2.25 kilos in 20 years);
  • Processed meats (2.25 kilos in 20 years).

The 5 fewer foods associated with weight gain were:

  • the vegetables;
  • Whole grains;
  • the fruits;
  • nuts;
  • Yogurts.

The researchers found that those who slept for 6 to 8 hours a day gained less weight than those who slept less or better without taking into account the time spent watching television and physical activity.

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Weight, Loss, The, 5, worst, foods, and, the, 5, best, According, to, a, study, to, lose, weight, just, eat, everything, in, moderation, knowing, that, there, are, good, and, bad, foods, below, you, find, The, 5, foods, most, closely, associated, with, weight, gain, were, apples, Earth, fries, one, serving, per, day, causes, a, weight, gain, of, 15, kilo, in, 4, years, 75, in, 20, years, Potato, chips, one, serving, per, day, makes, 075, kilo, in, 4, years, 375, in, 20, years, Sweetened, beverages, 225, kilos, in, 20, years, Red, meats, 225, kilos, in, 20, years, Processed, meats, 225, kilos, in, 20, years, The, 5, foods, least, associated, with, weight, gain, were, vegetables, Whole, grains, the, fruits, nuts, Yogurts, The, researchers, found, that, those, who, slept, for, 6, to, 8, hours, a, day, gained, less, weight, than, those, who, slept, less, or, better, without, taking, into, account, the, time, spent, watching, television, and, physical, activity, Weight Loss, Loss The, The 5, 5 worst, worst foods, foods and, and the, the 5, 5 best, best According, According to, to a, a study, study to, to lose, lose weight, weight just, just eat, eat everything, everything in, in moderation, moderation knowing, knowing that, that there, there are, are good, good and, and bad, bad foods, foods below, below you, you find, find The, The 5, 5 foods, foods most, most closely, closely associated, associated with, with weight, weight gain, gain were, were apples, apples Earth, Earth fries, fries one, one serving, serving per, per day, day causes, causes a, a weight, weight gain, gain of, of 15, 15 kilo, kilo in, in 4, 4 years, years 75, 75 in, in 20, 20 years, years Potato, Potato chips, chips one, one serving, serving per, per day, day makes, makes 075, 075 kilo, kilo in, in 4, 4 years, years 375, 375 in, in 20, 20 years, years Sweetened, Sweetened beverages, beverages 225, 225 kilos, kilos in, in 20, 20 years, years Red, Red meats, meats 225, 225 kilos, kilos in, in 20, 20 years, years Processed, Processed meats, meats 225, 225 kilos, kilos in, in 20, 20 years, years The, The 5, 5 foods, foods least, least associated, associated with, with weight, weight gain, gain were, were vegetables, vegetables Whole, Whole grains, grains the, the fruits, fruits nuts, nuts Yogurts, Yogurts The, The researchers, researchers found, found that, that those, those who, who slept, slept for, for 6, 6 to, to 8, 8 hours, hours a, a day, day gained, gained less, less weight, weight than, than those, those who, who slept, slept less, less or, or better, better without, without taking, taking into, into account, account the, the time, time spent, spent watching, watching television, television and, and physical, physical activity, Weight Loss The, Loss The 5, The 5 worst, 5 worst foods, worst foods and, foods and the, and the 5, the 5 best, 5 best According, best According to, According to a, to a study, a study to, study to lose, to lose weight, lose weight just, weight just eat, just eat everything, eat everything in, everything in moderation, in moderation knowing, moderation knowing that, knowing that there, that there are, there are good, are good and, good and bad, and bad foods, bad foods below, foods below you, below you find, you find The, find The 5, The 5 foods, 5 foods most, foods most closely, most closely associated, closely associated with, associated with weight, with weight gain, weight gain were, gain were apples, were apples Earth, apples Earth fries, Earth fries one, fries one serving, one serving per, serving per day, per day causes, day causes a, causes a weight, a weight gain, weight gain of, gain of 15, of 15 kilo, 15 kilo in, kilo in 4, in 4 years, 4 years 75, years 75 in, 75 in 20, in 20 years, 20 years Potato, years Potato chips, Potato chips one, chips one serving, one serving per, serving per day, per day makes, day makes 075, makes 075 kilo, 075 kilo in, kilo in 4, in 4 years, 4 years 375, years 375 in, 375 in 20, in 20 years, 20 years Sweetened, years Sweetened beverages, Sweetened beverages 225, beverages 225 kilos, 225 kilos in, kilos in 20, in 20 years, 20 years Red, years Red meats, Red meats 225, meats 225 kilos, 225 kilos in, kilos in 20, in 20 years, 20 years Processed, years Processed meats, Processed meats 225, meats 225 kilos, 225 kilos in, kilos in 20, in 20 years, 20 years The, years The 5, The 5 foods, 5 foods least, foods least associated, least associated with, associated with weight, with weight gain, weight gain were, gain were vegetables, were vegetables Whole, vegetables Whole grains, Whole grains the, grains the fruits, the fruits nuts, fruits nuts Yogurts, nuts Yogurts The, Yogurts The researchers, The researchers found, researchers found that, found that those, that those who, those who slept, who slept for, slept for 6, for 6 to, 6 to 8, to 8 hours, 8 hours a, hours a day, a day gained, day gained less, gained less weight, less weight than, weight than those, than those who, those who slept, who slept less, slept less or, less or better, or better without, better without taking, without taking into, taking into account, into account the, account the time, the time spent, time spent watching, spent watching television, watching television and, television and physical, and physical activity

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