How to Remove Yellow Spots on Teeth

How to Remove Yellow Spots on Teeth

How to Remove Yellow Spots on Teeth

Yellowing of teeth can be caused by many foods as well as by a lack of dental hygiene. In addition, certain habits such as smoking and coffee consumption can also lead to it.

If you are concerned about teeth discoloration, there are many natural ways that can effectively remove the stains from your teeth and give you the smile you've always dreamed of.

These herbs and spices are extremely beneficial for teeth whitening.

Baking soda and lemon juice

This homemade toothpaste consists of 1 tsp. Sodium bicarbonate and a little fresh lemon juice.

Apply the mixture on your toothbrush in place of your regular toothpaste. Brush for one minute before rinsing thoroughly.

Bay leaf

The laurel leaf is a very effective herb to remove stains on the teeth, but it gives better effects when combined with citrus.

Crush some bay leaves as finely as possible. Squeeze juice from a lemon or orange and mix it with the bay leaves to make a paste.

The strawberries

This fruit has bleaching properties and can be used to remove stains from the teeth. Crush 2-3 strawberries to make a paste. Apply the paste to your teeth by rubbing gently. Repeat twice a day for two to three weeks.

Olive oil, coconut oil or sesame oil

Rub your teeth with a teaspoon of one of these oils. Then rinse your mouth and spit out like with a mouthwash. Repeat every morning for 15-20 minutes.

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How, to, Remove, Yellow, Spots, on, Teeth, Yellowing, of, teeth, can, be, caused, by, many, foods, as, well, as, by, a, lack, of, dental, hygiene, In, addition, certain, habits, such, as, smoking, and, coffee, consumption, can, also, lead, to, it, If, you, are, concerned, about, teeth, discoloration, there, are, many, natural, ways, that, can, effectively, remove, the, stains, from, your, teeth, and, give, you, the, smile, youve, always, dreamed, of, These, herbs, and, spices, are, extremely, beneficial, for, teeth, whitening, Baking, soda, and, lemon, juice, This, homemade, toothpaste, consists, of, 1, tsp, Sodium, bicarbonate, and, a, little, fresh, lemon, juice, Apply, the, mixture, on, your, toothbrush, in, place, of, your, regular, toothpaste, Brush, for, one, minute, before, rinsing, thoroughly, Laurel, leaf, Laurel, leaf, is, a, very, effective, herb, to, remove, stains, on, teeth, but, it, gives, better, effects, when, combined, with, citrus, Crush, some, bay, leaves, as, finely, as, possible, Squeeze, juice, from, a, lemon, or, orange, and, mix, it, with, the, bay, leaves, to, make, a, paste, Strawberries, This, fruit, has, bleaching, properties, and, can, be, used, to, remove, stains, from, the, teeth, Crush, 23, strawberries, to, make, a, paste, Apply, the, paste, to, your, teeth, by, rubbing, gently, Repeat, twice, a, day, for, two, to, three, weeks, Olive, oil, coconut, oil, or, sesame, oil, Rub, your, teeth, with, a, teaspoon, of, one, of, these, oils, Then, rinse, your, mouth, and, spit, out, like, with, a, mouthwash, Repeat, every, morning, for, 1520, minutes, source, How to, to Remove, Remove Yellow, Yellow Spots, Spots on, on Teeth, Teeth Yellowing, Yellowing of, of teeth, teeth can, can be, be caused, caused by, by many, many foods, foods as, as well, well as, as by, by a, a lack, lack of, of dental, dental hygiene, hygiene In, In addition, addition certain, certain habits, habits such, such as, as smoking, smoking and, and coffee, coffee consumption, consumption can, can also, also lead, lead to, to it, it If, If you, you are, are concerned, concerned about, about teeth, teeth discoloration, discoloration there, there are, are many, many natural, natural ways, ways that, that can, can effectively, effectively remove, remove the, the stains, stains from, from your, your teeth, teeth and, and give, give you, you the, the smile, smile youve, youve always, always dreamed, dreamed of, of These, These herbs, herbs and, and spices, spices are, are extremely, extremely beneficial, beneficial for, for teeth, teeth whitening, whitening Baking, Baking soda, soda and, and lemon, lemon juice, juice This, This homemade, homemade toothpaste, toothpaste consists, consists of, of 1, 1 tsp, tsp Sodium, Sodium bicarbonate, bicarbonate and, and a, a little, little fresh, fresh lemon, lemon juice, juice Apply, Apply the, the mixture, mixture on, on your, your toothbrush, toothbrush in, in place, place of, of your, your regular, regular toothpaste, toothpaste Brush, Brush for, for one, one minute, minute before, before rinsing, rinsing thoroughly, thoroughly Laurel, Laurel leaf, leaf Laurel, Laurel leaf, leaf is, is a, a very, very effective, effective herb, herb to, to remove, remove stains, stains on, on teeth, teeth but, but it, it gives, gives better, better effects, effects when, when combined, combined with, with citrus, citrus Crush, Crush some, some bay, bay leaves, leaves as, as finely, finely as, as possible, possible Squeeze, Squeeze juice, juice from, from a, a lemon, lemon or, or orange, orange and, and mix, mix it, it with, with the, the bay, bay leaves, leaves to, to make, make a, a paste, paste Strawberries, Strawberries This, This fruit, fruit has, has bleaching, bleaching properties, properties and, and can, can be, be used, used to, to remove, remove stains, stains from, from the, the teeth, teeth Crush, Crush 23, 23 strawberries, strawberries to, to make, make a, a paste, paste Apply, Apply the, the paste, paste to, to your, your teeth, teeth by, by rubbing, rubbing gently, gently Repeat, Repeat twice, twice a, a day, day for, for two, two to, to three, three weeks, weeks Olive, Olive oil, oil coconut, coconut oil, oil or, or sesame, sesame oil, oil Rub, Rub your, your teeth, teeth with, with a, a teaspoon, teaspoon of, of one, one of, of these, these oils, oils Then, Then rinse, rinse your, your mouth, mouth and, and spit, spit out, out like, like with, with a, a mouthwash, mouthwash Repeat, Repeat every, every morning, morning for, for 1520, 1520 minutes, minutes source, How to Remove, to Remove Yellow, Remove Yellow Spots, Yellow Spots on, Spots on Teeth, on Teeth Yellowing, Teeth Yellowing of, Yellowing of teeth, of teeth can, teeth can be, can be caused, be caused by, caused by many, by many foods, many foods as, foods as well, as well as, well as by, as by a, by a lack, a lack of, lack of dental, of dental hygiene, dental hygiene In, hygiene In addition, In addition certain, addition certain habits, certain habits such, habits such as, such as smoking, as smoking and, smoking and coffee, and coffee consumption, coffee consumption can, consumption can also, can also lead, also lead to, lead to it, to it If, it If you, If you are, you are concerned, are concerned about, concerned about teeth, about teeth discoloration, teeth discoloration there, discoloration there are, there are many, are many natural, many natural ways, natural ways that, ways that can, that can effectively, can effectively remove, effectively remove the, remove the stains, the stains from, stains from your, from your teeth, your teeth and, teeth and give, and give you, give you the, you the smile, the smile youve, smile youve always, youve always dreamed, always dreamed of, dreamed of These, of These herbs, These herbs and, herbs and spices, and spices are, spices are extremely, are extremely beneficial, extremely beneficial for, beneficial for teeth, for teeth whitening, teeth whitening Baking, whitening Baking soda, Baking soda and, soda and lemon, and lemon juice, lemon juice This, juice This homemade, This homemade toothpaste, homemade toothpaste consists, toothpaste consists of, consists of 1, of 1 tsp, 1 tsp Sodium, tsp Sodium bicarbonate, Sodium bicarbonate and, bicarbonate and a, and a little, a little fresh, little fresh lemon, fresh lemon juice, lemon juice Apply, juice Apply the, Apply the mixture, the mixture on, mixture on your, on your toothbrush, your toothbrush in, toothbrush in place, in place of, place of your, of your regular, your regular toothpaste, regular toothpaste Brush, toothpaste Brush for, Brush for one, for one minute, one minute before, minute before rinsing, before rinsing thoroughly, rinsing thoroughly Laurel, thoroughly Laurel leaf, Laurel leaf Laurel, leaf Laurel leaf, Laurel leaf is, leaf is a, is a very, a very effective, very effective herb, effective herb to, herb to remove, to remove stains, remove stains on, stains on teeth, on teeth but, teeth but it, but it gives, it gives better, gives better effects, better effects when, effects when combined, when combined with, combined with citrus, with citrus Crush, citrus Crush some, Crush some bay, some bay leaves, bay leaves as, leaves as finely, as finely as, finely as possible, as possible Squeeze, possible Squeeze juice, Squeeze juice from, juice from a, from a lemon, a lemon or, lemon or orange, or orange and, orange and mix, and mix it, mix it with, it with the, with the bay, the bay leaves, bay leaves to, leaves to make, to make a, make a paste, a paste Strawberries, paste Strawberries This, Strawberries This fruit, This fruit has, fruit has bleaching, has bleaching properties, bleaching properties and, properties and can, and can be, can be used, be used to, used to remove, to remove stains, remove stains from, stains from the, from the teeth, the teeth Crush, teeth Crush 23, Crush 23 strawberries, 23 strawberries to, strawberries to make, to make a, make a paste, a paste Apply, paste Apply the, Apply the paste, the paste to, paste to your, to your teeth, your teeth by, teeth by rubbing, by rubbing gently, rubbing gently Repeat, gently Repeat twice, Repeat twice a, twice a day, a day for, day for two, for two to, two to three, to three weeks, three weeks Olive, weeks Olive oil, Olive oil coconut, oil coconut oil, coconut oil or, oil or sesame, or sesame oil, sesame oil Rub, oil Rub your, Rub your teeth, your teeth with, teeth with a, with a teaspoon, a teaspoon of, teaspoon of one, of one of, one of these, of these oils, these oils Then, oils Then rinse, Then rinse your, rinse your mouth, your mouth and, mouth and spit, and spit out, spit out like, out like with, like with a, with a mouthwash, a mouthwash Repeat, mouthwash Repeat every, Repeat every morning, every morning for, morning for 1520, for 1520 minutes, 1520 minutes source

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