Treat bronchitis with natural homemade remedies

Treat bronchitis with natural homemade remedies

Treat bronchitis with natural homemade remedies

Inflammation of the bronchi produces a hypersecretion of mucus which obstructs the air voices and impedes the respiration. It is therefore necessary to treat the inflammation to clear the bronchi.This is possible with the help of some plants and ingredients of our daily diet.

Curcuma: Used since antiquity as a remedy in India. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Dilute a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm milk.Take this drink 3 times a day, away from meals.

  1. Ginger, Honey and Lemon: Ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It relieves bronchitis and de-crowds the airways. Infuse it in hot water add the honey (soothing to the throat and cough) and lemon. Drink your tea 3 times a day away from meals.
  2. Onion juice: The onion facilitates the expectoration and thus helps in the elimination of the mucus and the release of the bronchi. To treat bronchitis take a spoon of onion juice on an empty stomach every day. This juice is also a preventive treatment for bronchitis and pulmonary diseases.
  3. Anti-bronchitis massage: To relieve bronchitis and bronchial asthma, lymphatic drainage is of great use. The technique is based on manual circular pressures and spirals to rebalance the lymphatic circulation.

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Treat, bronchitis, with, natural, homemade, remedies, Inflammation, of, the, bronchi, produces, a, hypersecretion, of, mucus, which, obstructs, the, air, voices, and, impedes, the, respiration, It, is, therefore, necessary, to, treat, the, inflammation, to, clear, the, bronchiThis, is, possible, with, the, help, of, some, plants, and, ingredients, of, our, daily, diet, Curcuma, Used, since, antiquity, as, a, remedy, in, India, It, is, a, powerful, antiinflammatory, Dilute, a, teaspoon, of, turmeric, in, a, glass, of, warm, milkTake, this, drink, 3, times, a, day, away, from, meals, Ginger, Honey, and, Lemon, Ginger, acts, as, an, antiinflammatory, and, antibacterial, It, relieves, bronchitis, and, decrowds, the, airways, Infuse, it, in, hot, water, add, the, honey, soothing, to, the, throat, and, cough, and, lemon, Drink, your, tea, 3, times, a, day, away, from, meals, Onion, juice, The, onion, facilitates, the, expectoration, and, thus, helps, in, the, elimination, of, the, mucus, and, the, release, of, the, bronchi, To, treat, bronchitis, take, a, spoon, of, onion, juice, on, an, empty, stomach, every, day, This, juice, is, also, a, preventive, treatment, for, bronchitis, and, pulmonary, diseases, Antibronchitis, massage, To, relieve, bronchitis, and, bronchial, asthma, lymphatic, drainage, is, of, great, use, The, technique, is, based, on, manual, circular, pressures, and, spirals, to, rebalance, the, lymphatic, circulation, Treat bronchitis, bronchitis with, with natural, natural homemade, homemade remedies, remedies Inflammation, Inflammation of, of the, the bronchi, bronchi produces, produces a, a hypersecretion, hypersecretion of, of mucus, mucus which, which obstructs, obstructs the, the air, air voices, voices and, and impedes, impedes the, the respiration, respiration It, It is, is therefore, therefore necessary, necessary to, to treat, treat the, the inflammation, inflammation to, to clear, clear the, the bronchiThis, bronchiThis is, is possible, possible with, with the, the help, help of, of some, some plants, plants and, and ingredients, ingredients of, of our, our daily, daily diet, diet Curcuma, Curcuma Used, Used since, since antiquity, antiquity as, as a, a remedy, remedy in, in India, India It, It is, is a, a powerful, powerful antiinflammatory, antiinflammatory Dilute, Dilute a, a teaspoon, teaspoon of, of turmeric, turmeric in, in a, a glass, glass of, of warm, warm milkTake, milkTake this, this drink, drink 3, 3 times, times a, a day, day away, away from, from meals, meals Ginger, Ginger Honey, Honey and, and Lemon, Lemon Ginger, Ginger acts, acts as, as an, an antiinflammatory, antiinflammatory and, and antibacterial, antibacterial It, It relieves, relieves bronchitis, bronchitis and, and decrowds, decrowds the, the airways, airways Infuse, Infuse it, it in, in hot, hot water, water add, add the, the honey, honey soothing, soothing to, to the, the throat, throat and, and cough, cough and, and lemon, lemon Drink, Drink your, your tea, tea 3, 3 times, times a, a day, day away, away from, from meals, meals Onion, Onion juice, juice The, The onion, onion facilitates, facilitates the, the expectoration, expectoration and, and thus, thus helps, helps in, in the, the elimination, elimination of, of the, the mucus, mucus and, and the, the release, release of, of the, the bronchi, bronchi To, To treat, treat bronchitis, bronchitis take, take a, a spoon, spoon of, of onion, onion juice, juice on, on an, an empty, empty stomach, stomach every, every day, day This, This juice, juice is, is also, also a, a preventive, preventive treatment, treatment for, for bronchitis, bronchitis and, and pulmonary, pulmonary diseases, diseases Antibronchitis, Antibronchitis massage, massage To, To relieve, relieve bronchitis, bronchitis and, and bronchial, bronchial asthma, asthma lymphatic, lymphatic drainage, drainage is, is of, of great, great use, use The, The technique, technique is, is based, based on, on manual, manual circular, circular pressures, pressures and, and spirals, spirals to, to rebalance, rebalance the, the lymphatic, lymphatic circulation, Treat bronchitis with, bronchitis with natural, with natural homemade, natural homemade remedies, homemade remedies Inflammation, remedies Inflammation of, Inflammation of the, of the bronchi, the bronchi produces, bronchi produces a, produces a hypersecretion, a hypersecretion of, hypersecretion of mucus, of mucus which, mucus which obstructs, which obstructs the, obstructs the air, the air voices, air voices and, voices and impedes, and impedes the, impedes the respiration, the respiration It, respiration It is, It is therefore, is therefore necessary, therefore necessary to, necessary to treat, to treat the, treat the inflammation, the inflammation to, inflammation to clear, to clear the, clear the bronchiThis, the bronchiThis is, bronchiThis is possible, is possible with, possible with the, with the help, the help of, help of some, of some plants, some plants and, plants and ingredients, and ingredients of, ingredients of our, of our daily, our daily diet, daily diet Curcuma, diet Curcuma Used, Curcuma Used since, Used since antiquity, since antiquity as, antiquity as a, as a remedy, a remedy in, remedy in India, in India It, India It is, It is a, is a powerful, a powerful antiinflammatory, powerful antiinflammatory Dilute, antiinflammatory Dilute a, Dilute a teaspoon, a teaspoon of, teaspoon of turmeric, of turmeric in, turmeric in a, in a glass, a glass of, glass of warm, of warm milkTake, warm milkTake this, milkTake this drink, this drink 3, drink 3 times, 3 times a, times a day, a day away, day away from, away from meals, from meals Ginger, meals Ginger Honey, Ginger Honey and, Honey and Lemon, and Lemon Ginger, Lemon Ginger acts, Ginger acts as, acts as an, as an antiinflammatory, an antiinflammatory and, antiinflammatory and antibacterial, and antibacterial It, antibacterial It relieves, It relieves bronchitis, relieves bronchitis and, bronchitis and decrowds, and decrowds the, decrowds the airways, the airways Infuse, airways Infuse it, Infuse it in, it in hot, in hot water, hot water add, water add the, add the honey, the honey soothing, honey soothing to, soothing to the, to the throat, the throat and, throat and cough, and cough and, cough and lemon, and lemon Drink, lemon Drink your, Drink your tea, your tea 3, tea 3 times, 3 times a, times a day, a day away, day away from, away from meals, from meals Onion, meals Onion juice, Onion juice The, juice The onion, The onion facilitates, onion facilitates the, facilitates the expectoration, the expectoration and, expectoration and thus, and thus helps, thus helps in, helps in the, in the elimination, the elimination of, elimination of the, of the mucus, the mucus and, mucus and the, and the release, the release of, release of the, of the bronchi, the bronchi To, bronchi To treat, To treat bronchitis, treat bronchitis take, bronchitis take a, take a spoon, a spoon of, spoon of onion, of onion juice, onion juice on, juice on an, on an empty, an empty stomach, empty stomach every, stomach every day, every day This, day This juice, This juice is, juice is also, is also a, also a preventive, a preventive treatment, preventive treatment for, treatment for bronchitis, for bronchitis and, bronchitis and pulmonary, and pulmonary diseases, pulmonary diseases Antibronchitis, diseases Antibronchitis massage, Antibronchitis massage To, massage To relieve, To relieve bronchitis, relieve bronchitis and, bronchitis and bronchial, and bronchial asthma, bronchial asthma lymphatic, asthma lymphatic drainage, lymphatic drainage is, drainage is of, is of great, of great use, great use The, use The technique, The technique is, technique is based, is based on, based on manual, on manual circular, manual circular pressures, circular pressures and, pressures and spirals, and spirals to, spirals to rebalance, to rebalance the, rebalance the lymphatic, the lymphatic circulation

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